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Past seminars 2010

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Winter 2010 Seminars

The theme of pre Christmas seminar series was "policy and science - a two way street". The interrelated nature of policy and science has been fundamental to much of the work of The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute and will be brought into sharper focus through both the new Scottish Government work programme for Scottish Research Institutes and the formation of a major new research institute in Scotland. There will be greater interaction with Scottish Government policy groups and CAMERAS partners. While we must look at these relationships within Scotland, it is also important to have a wider perspective. The seminars explored important aspects of policy-relevant science.

Seminar Programme

3 November

Professor Richard Aspinall, Chief Executive, The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute

"UK National ecosystem assessment - Scotland"

Richard Aspinall's CV


10 November

Mr Kit MacLeod, The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute

"Learning about the functioning of grasslands in catchment systems: integrating water and agricultural management"


Download presentation pdf:

17 November

Please note that this seminar has an earlier start time of 1pm

Dr Mike Christie, Lecturer in Environmental Economics, Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University

"Pricing nature: Recent advances in the valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services"


Mike Christie's CV

Download presenation pdf (2.1 MB)

24 November

Professor Philip Lowe, Director of Rural Economy and Land Use Programme, School of Agriculture, Food & Rural Development, University of Newcastle

"Rural Policy and Expertise"


Philip Lowe's CV

Download presentation (670 KB pdf)

1 December

Mr Peter Russell, Director for Rural and Environment, Scottish Government

"Policy and Science: The Challenge of Integration"

Peter Russell's CV


8 December

Professor Johan Bouma, Professor of Soil Science, Wageningen University & Research Centre

"Scientists and the policy arena: new forms of interaction with stakeholders leading to new benefits"


Johan Bouma's CV

15 December

* Please note, this seminar has been cancelled.

Ms Judith Stuart, Soils Team, DEFRA

"Peat policy development"


Spring 2010 Seminars

The theme for the Spring 2010 seminar series was:

Building a low carbon world

Innovative solutions and behavioural change are both required if we are to move to a low carbon economy. We need to plan now for sustainable solutions for food and energy supply which reflect both mitigation of and adaptation to the influence of a changing carbon environment.

Seminar Programme

* Click on titles for more information

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Professor Edward Maltby, Director of the Institute SWIMMER at the University of Liverpool

"Ecosystem Management in the 21st Century - applying a new paradigm or creating paradox?"

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Mr Robert Gray, Head of Planning Policy and Environment, Aberdeenshire Council

"Scottish Planning Policy on Carbon Neutrality"

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Dr Tom Nisbet, Programme Manager: Changing Physical Environment, Centre for Forestry and Climate Change, Surrey

"Woodland creation for a low carbon world: water benefits and trade-offs"

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Dr Graeme Purves, Assistant Chief Planner in the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Built Environment

A 1.2 MB copy of this presentation is now available.

"Planning for a low carbon Scotland: how the Scottish Government’s Directorate for Built Environment is working to reduce Scotland’s carbon footprint”

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Mr Graham Harvey, Writer for GrassRootsFood

’The absolute importance of grassland and grazing for sustainable agriculture’

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Ms Tara Garnett, Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey

"Life, the universe and livestock: can we make it work? The relationship between livestock and sustainability, and an exploration of some possible futures"

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Professor Peter Gregory, Chief Executive and Institute Director of SCRI, Dundee

"Environmental change: opportunities and challenges for crop production and food security"



Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: JG