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Please note, Professor Douglas Kell's seminar on 29th March has been cancelled.

2010/11 Seminar Series

In addition to our occasional seminars, the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute runs a series of seminars through the Autumn - Spring period and these usually take place at 2.00pm in our Macaulay Suite, unless otherwise stated.

For further details of these Macaulay Land Use Research Institute events contact Jenna Gray at The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute  01224 395000.

Also, you may be interested in visting these webpages for other seminar venues:

2011 Seminars

2011 Seminar Series poster - link to download pdfThe title of the 2011 seminar series is, "The James Hutton Institute: new institute, new science?"

In April 2011, the MLURI and SCRI will join to create The James Hutton Institute. This new institute will be one of the largest research organisations of its type in Europe and presents an exciting opportunity for its researchers to more effectively address major global issues relating to food, energy and environmental security. This opportunity applies equally to those working within the new institute and to those collaborating with them. This seminar series forms part of our preparations for the new institute and is intended to explore possible new research challenges and the context for them. The speakers, leading researchers drawn from both within MLURI and SCRI, and from elsewhere in the UK, will explore some general and some specific scientific challenges from their particular perspectives. The seminars will be hosted variously at the Aberdeen and Dundee sites and some will be broadcast to both.

Seminar Programme

12 January at 10am

Mark Reed, Deputy Director, Aberdeen Centre for Environmental Sustainability

Senior Lecturer, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen

"Making interdisciplinarity work: the case of the Sustainable Uplands project"

Seminar summary

Mark Reed's CV

2 February

Tony Allan, Head of the London Water Research Group, Kings College and SOAS

"Water resource security: the role of farmers and consumers in the water-food-trade nexus"

Tony Allan's CV


22 February

Professor Lesley Torrance, Plant Pathology Programme Leader, SCRI

"Impact of climate change on plant diseases: focus on viruses"

23 February

Professor Iain Gordon, CEO, The James Hutton Institute

"Linking Land and Ocean - Managing Agriculture to Protect Australia’s Great Barrier Reef"

Iain Gordon's CV


8 March at 11am

* Please note, this seminar has been cancelled

Professor Tim Jackson, Director RESOLVE, University of Surrey

"Prosperity without Growth"


Tim Jackson's CV

8 March at 2 pm *

* Please note change of date

Professor Bill Slee, Head of SERG, The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute

"Social science for The James Hutton Institute: challenges and opportunities"

Bill Slee's CV

Bill Slee's Abstract

16 March

Professor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser, Scottish Government

"The value of science for Scotland and its role in addressing global problems"

23 March

Dr Adam Smith, Director Scotland of the Scottish Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust

"A new conservation science: informing the balance between ‘public good’ and the ‘invisible hand’"

Adam Smith's CV


29 March at 11am

* Please note, this seminar has been cancelled

Professor Douglas Kell, Chief Executive, BBSRC
To be held at SCRI, Dundee

Douglas Kell's CV

30 March

Professor Colin Throne, School of Geography, The University of Nottingham

"Applied fluvial geomorphology for sustainable flood risk management"

Colin Throne's CV

Colin Thorne's Abstract


View past seminars from 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007



Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: JG