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April 2010

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BSSS and IPSS Unite

6 April 2010

BSSS logoIPSS logo

The British Society of Soil Science and the Institute of Professional Soil Scientists unite to form a single voice for Soil Science.

Kathryn Allton Executive Officer of the British Society of Soil Science said “The creation of a single soil science organisation will enable stronger, more effective representation and help support all aspects of soil science into the future”.

The creation of a single organisation to represent soil science has been supported by members of both the original unincorporated bodies who voted unanimously in favour of the merger at separate Annual General Meetings in 2009. The British Society of Soil Science will continue to be fully inclusive and engage with all. The Institute of Professional Soil Scientists will continue to support the needs of the professional membership, especially as the body licensed to award Chartered Scientist (CSci) status to members, and will retain its distinct identity as a trading name of the British Society of Soil Science.

The British Society of Soil Science is a charity created by the unification of the former unincorporated British Society of Soil Science and Institute of Professional Soil Scientists. It will build on the heritage and reputation of these two organisations to champion the study and development of Soil Science, and will provide expert guidance and opinion.

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Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: CN