
Past Activities
Conference and workshop presentations relating to the LandscapePartners project, as well as workshop material
Workshop "Facilitating the delivery of landscape scale ecosystem services - How to encourage collaboration between farmers and support them in implementing multi-objective policies" In Aberdeen, 10 July 2012.
The agenda is available here. Presentations and other material is available here.
- Prager, K. (2012):
The role of institutions and
community engagement in sustainable land management. Plenary presentation. Conference and workshop Soils, Society and Governance, Reykjavik, Iceland 4 - 8 June 2012.
- Prager, K. (2012): The role of local landscape associations in sustainable rural landscape management. Presentation at the University of Sevilla on 17 May 2012, as part of a study visit at the Centre for Landscape and Territorial Studies in Sevilla, Spain.
- Prager, K. (2012): Encouraging collaboration for the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale. SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference - Agriculture and the Environment IX - Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions in Edinburgh, 3 - 4 April 2012. View presentation.
- Prager, K. (2011): Nachhaltiges Landschaftsmanagement in Europa – der Beitrag der Verbände (Sustainable Landscape Management in Europe - The Contribution of Associations). Presentation at Deutscher Landschaftspflegetag in Germany (National Landcare Day), 21 - 23 September 2011, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany.
- Prager, K. (2011): Landcare groups in Germany – rural governance or implementation tool?"
Royal Geographic Society International Conference, 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, London. View presentation.
- Prager, K. (2011):
The resilience of the social system as a component of social-ecological systems. Presentation at Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS) in Stockholm, 14-16 June 2011. View abstract.
- Prager, K. (2011): Collective efforts to manage cultural landscapes - examples from Europe. Presentation at the Aberdeen Centre for Environmental Sustainability (ACES) seminar series on 21 January 2011, University of Aberdeen. View presentation .
- Prager, K. (2010): Encouraging collaboration for the provision of ecosystem services across multiple scales. Presentation at the International Workshop "Challenges for a Systemic Environmental Monitoring
and Adequate Indicators", 7-10 October 2010 at the Italo-German Centre for European Excellency “Villa Vigoni”, Italy.
- Prager, K. (2010): “Sicherung von Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege durch lokale Gruppen” (The role of local groups in securing nature conservation and landscape management)
Presentation at the meeting of the Working Group “Geography and Nature Conservation“ (Arbeitskreis Geografie und Naturschutz), Stralsund, Germany, 27 September 2010.
- Prager, K. (2010): Collective efforts to manage cultural landscapes. Presentation at the international workshop “Social-Ecological Resilience of Cultural Landscapes”, Berlin, 15-16 June 2010
- Prager, K. (2009): Upscaling Community-based Natural Resource Management: The Australian Experience with Local and Regional Partnerships. Paper presented at the 2nd German Environmental Sociology Summit, Leipzig, Germany, 5-7 November 2009.
- Prager, K. (2009): Multi-stakeholder partnerships in Landcare and regional natural resource management - conflicts and synergies. Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), 5-8 July 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2nd Best Paper award.
- Prager, K. (2007): Balancing bottom-up and top-down: Landcare and natural resource management in Germany and Australia. Paper presented at the 22th Congress European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 20-24 August 2007.
- 2006/2007: Empirical research on Landcare groups in Australia and Germany (see Publications)
Research activities that are not directly related to the topic of the LandscapePartners project but were partly funded through the fellowship
- Prager, K. (2011):Using and sharing social research in schools. Presentation at the Annual CRFR Conference 'Influencing Society – the role of social research', Edinburgh, 30 November 2011.
Experiences from cooperation with a Primary School in Peterhead - P6 students investigate the use of greenspace.
- Hagemann, N.; Prager, K. (2011): Politische Instrumente zum landwirtschaftlichen Bodenschutz – Defizite und Handlungsansätze. (Policies for soil conservation in agricultural - Deficits and opportunities) Berichte über Landwirtschaft 89 (2): 331-350.
- Prager, K. (2010): Soil conservation in transition countries. Presentation at the International Society for Ecological Economics Conference in Bremen/Oldenburg, 22-25 August 2010
- Prager, K. (2010): Adopting sustainable soil management - the role of socio-economic factors. Paper presented at the 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference (ISDR), Hong Kong, 30 May - 1 June, 2010
The paper is published in the book 'Human Dimensions of Soil and Water Conservation' edited by Ted Napier, link to publisher's website here. Pre-publication version pdf.
Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: KP