
Publications from the project
If you cannot access any of the journals, feel free to email me for a copy of the article/book chapter.
- Summary of project findings (4 page brochure)
- Prager, K. (2013): The contribution of multi-stakeholder partnerships to sustainable landscape management. LandscapePartners project report.
- de Lijster, E.; Prager, K. (2012): The Use of Indicators in Agri-Environmental Management in the Netherlands.
used by Dutch Agrarische Natuurverenigingen (ANVs) for Monitoring and Reporting their Activities.
- Heide, J.; Prager, K. (2012): The Use of Indicators in Annual Reporting by German Landschaftspflegeverbände (LPV). An analysis of annual reports and similar documents.
- Prager, K. (2012): Collective efforts to manage cultural landscapes for resilience. In: Plieninger, T., Bieling, C. (eds.) Resilience and the Cultural Landscape. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 205-223.
- Prager, K.; Reed, M.; Scott, A.J. (2012) : Encouraging collaboration for the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale - rethinking agri-environmental payments. Land Use Policy 29 (1): 244-249.
- Prager, K. (2011) : Adaptives Management in Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege - Die Rolle von Gruppen und Verbänden in Europa (Adaptive management in nature conservation and landscape management - the role of groups and associations in Europe). German journal Natur und Landschaft 86 (8): 343-349.
Publications prior to the project
- Prager, K. (2010): Local and regional partnerships in natural resource management: The challenge of bridging institutional levels. Environmental Management 46 (5), 711-724.
- Prager, K. (2009): Landschaftspflege durch Verbände in Australien und Deutschland. Ein Vergleich der Landcare-Gruppen und Landschaftspflegeverbände. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 41(3): 89-96.
- Compton, E.; Prager, K.; Beeton, R.J.S. (2009): Landcare Bowling Alone: Finding a Future in the “Fourth” Phase. In: Lane, M.B.; Robinson, C.; Taylor, B. (eds.) Contested Country: Local and Regional Environmental Management in Australia. Melbourne, CSIRO Publishing, pp 147-160.
- Prager, K.; Vanclay, F. (2010) : Landcare in Australia and Germany: Comparing structures and policies for community engagement in natural resource management. Ecological Management and Restoration 11 (3): 187-193.
Other publications/ reports
- Prager, K. (2011):
The Use of Greenspace in Peterhead. Report on the results of a social science survey carried out by the students of P6-A of Buchanhaven Primary School in March 2011.
- Prager, K.; Heide, J. (2012): The Availability and Use of Greenspace in Peterhead. Report on the results of two social science surveys carried out by the students of P6 classes of Buchanhaven Primary School in March and September 2011. February 2012.
Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: KP