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Visualisation Techniques for Landscape Evaluation

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References from the Literature Review

Landscape Evaluation

Abello, R.P., Bernaldez, F.G. and Galiano, E.F. (1986) Consensus and contrast components in landscape preference. Environment and Behaviour, 18, 155-176.

Amir, S. and Gidalizon, E. (1990) Expert based Method for the Evaluation of Visual Absorption Capacity of the Landscape. Journal of Environmental Management, 30, 251-163.

Anderson, L.M., Mulligan, B.E., Goodman, L.S. and Regen, H.Z. (1983) Effects of sounds on preferences for outdoor settings. Environment and Behaviour, 15, 539-566.

Appleton, J. (1975) Landscape evaluation: the theoretical vacuum. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, no 66, 120-123.

Arthur, L.M. (1977) Predicting scenic beauty of forest environments: some empirical tests. Forest Science, 23, 151-160.

Arthur, L.M., Daniel, T.C. and Boster, R.S. (1977) Scenic assessment: an overview. Landscape Planning, 4, 109-129.

Bergin, J. and Price, C. (1994) The travel cost method and landscape quality. Landscape Research, 19, 21-23.

Bishop, I.D and Hulse, D.W. (1994) Prediction of scenic beauty using mapped data and geographic information systems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 30, 59-70.

Briggs, D.J. and France, J. (1980) Landscape Evaluation: A comparative study. Journal of Environmental Management, 10, 263-275.

Brush, R.O. (1981) Landform and scenic preference: a research note. Landscape Planning, 8, 301-306.

Brush, R.O. and Shafer, E.L. (1975) Application of a Landscape-Preference Model to Land Management. In Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions and Resources (eds. Zube, E.H., Brush, R.O. and Fabos, J.G.), p168-181, Halstead Press, Pennsylvania.

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Landscape Perception and Preference

Abello, R.P., Bernaldez, F.G. and Galiano, E.F. (1986) Consensus and contrast components in landscape preference. Environment and Behaviour, 18, 155-176.

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Bishop, I.D. and Karadagli, C. (1996) Combining GIS based environmental modeling and Visualisation: another window in the modeling process. Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 1996.

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Oh, K. (1994) A perceptual evaluation of computer-based landscape simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 28, 201-216.

Orland, B., Weidemann, E., Larsen, L. and Radja, P. (1995) Exploring the Relationship between Visual Complexity and Perceived Beauty. Imaging Systems Laboratory, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

WWW page:

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Shafer, E.L. and Brush, R.O. (1977) How to measure preferences for photographs of natural landscapes. Landscape Planning, 4, 237-256.

Shafer, E.L., Hamilton, J.F. and Schmidt, E.A. (1969) Natural landscape preferences: a predictive model. Journal of Leisure Research, 1, 1-19.

Shuttleworth, S. (1980a) The Use of Photographs as an Environmental Presentation Medium in Landscape Studies. Journal of Environmental Management, 11, 61-76.

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Steinitz, C. (1990) Toward a sustainable landscape with high visual preference and high ecological integrity: the Loop Road in Acadia National Park, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning, 19, 213-250.

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Visualisation Techniques

Aono, M. and Kunii, T.L. (1984) Botanical Tree Image Generation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 4, 10-34.

Aylward, G. and Turnbull, M. (1977) Visual analysis: a computer-aided approach to determine visibility. Computer-Aided Design, 9, 103-108.

Bishop, I.D. and Hull, R.B. (1991) Integrating technologies for visual resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 32, 295-312.

Bishop, I.D. and Leahy, P.N.A. (1989) Assessing the Visual Impact of Development Proposals: The Validity of Computer Simulations. Landscape Journal, 8 92-100.

Buttenfield, B.P. and Ganter, J.H. (1990) Visualisation and GIS: What should we see? What night we miss? In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Vol 1, 307-316.

Daniel, T.C. (1992) Data Visualisation for decision support in environmental management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 261-263.

Ervin, S.M. (1993) Landscape Visualisation with Emaps. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13, 28-33.

Evans, J.A. (1993) Simulation of realistic landscapes. Mapping Awareness and GIS in Europe, 7, 36-40.

Faust, N.L. (1995) The virtual reality of GIS. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 22, 257-268.

Fisher, P., Dykes, J. and Wood, J. (1993) Map design and Visualisation. The Cartographic Journal, 30, 136-142.

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Gross, M. (1991) The analysis of visibility - environmental interactions between computer graphics, physics, and physiology. Computers and Graphics, 15, 407-415.

Imaging Systems Laboratory (1995) SmartForest: An Interactive Forest Data Modelling and Visualisation Tool. Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Kennie, T.J.M. and McLaren, R.A. (1988) Modelling for digital terrain and landscape Visualisation. Photogrammetric Record, 12, 711 - 745.

Loh, D.K., Holtfrerich, D.R., Choo, Y.K. and Power, J.M. (1992) Techniques for incorporating Visualisation in environmental assessment: an object-oriented perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 305-307.

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Moore, R. (1990) Landscapes on Pluto: improving computer-aided Visualisation. The Cartographic Journal, 27, 132-136.

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Nakamae, E., Harada, K., Ishizaki, T. and Nishita, T. (1986) A montage method: the overlaying of the computer generated images onto a background photograph. ACM Computer Graphics, 20, 207-214.

Oh, K. (1994) A perceptual evaluation of computer-based landscape simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 28, 201-216.

Orland, B. (1992a) Data Visualisation Techniques in Environmental Management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 237-244.

Orland, B. (1992b) Evaluating regional changes on the basis of local expectations: a Visualisation dilemma. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 257-259.

Orland, B. (1994) Visualisation techniques for incorporation in forest planning geographic information systems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 30, 83-97.

Orland, B. (19??) SmartForest: A 3-D Interactive Forest Visualisation and Analysis System. Unknown conference proceedings.

Orland, B. and Daniel, T.C. (1995) Impact of Proposed Water Withdrawls on the Perceived Scenic Beauty of Desert Springs and Wetlands: Image Generation. Imaging Systems Laboratory, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Perkins, N.H. (1992) Three questions on the use of photo-realistic simulations as real world surrogates. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 265-267.

Pukkala, T. and Kellomaki, S. (1988) Simulation as a tool in designing forest landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 16, 253-260.

Sasada, T.T. (1987) Drawing natural scenery by computer graphics. Computer-aided Design, 19, 212-218.

Shafer, E.L. and Brush, R.O. (1977) How to measure preferences for photographs of natural landscapes. Landscape Planning, 4, 237-256.

Smart, J., Mason, M. and Corrie, G. (1991) Assessing the Visual Impact of Development Plans. In GIS Applications in Natural Resources (eds Heit, M. and Shortreid, A.), GIS World Inc., 295-303.

Zewe, R. and Koglin, H.-J. (1995) A method for the visual assessment of overhead lines. Computers and Graphics, 19, 97-108.

Visual Impact Assessment

Amir, S. and Gidalizon, E. (1990) Expert based Method for the Evaluation of Visual Absorption Capacity of the Landscape. Journal of Environmental Management, 30, 251-163.

Aspinall, R.J. (1990) An Integrated Approach to Land Evaluation: Grampian Region. In Evaluation of Land Resources in Scotland (eds. Bibby, J.S. and Thomas, M.F.), p45 - 56, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute and the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

Aylward, G. and Turnbull, M. (1977) Visual analysis: a computer-aided approach to determine visibility. Computer-Aided Design, 9, 103-108.

Bishop, I.D. and Hull, R.B. (1991) Integrating technologies for visual resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 32, 295-312.

Ervin, S.M. (1992a) A hypermedia GIS: the Massachusetts Turnpike study. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 16, 375-383.

Ervin, S.M. (1993) Landscape Visualisation with Emaps. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13, 28-33.

Fels, J.E. (1992) Viewshed simulation and analysis: an interactive approach. GIS World, July, 54-59.

Gauld, J.H., Bell, J.S., Towers, W. and Miller, D.R. (1991) The measurement and analysis of land cover changes in the Cairngorms. Report to the Scottish Office Environment Department and the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

Hughes, R. (1995) Personal communication. Landscape and Restoration Branch, Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh.

Hull, R.B. and Bishop, I.D. (1988) Scenic Impacts of Electricity Transmission Towers: The Influence of Landscape Type and Observer Distance. Journal of Environmental Management, 27, 99 - 108.

Kennie, T.J.M. and McLaren, R.A. (1988) Modelling for digital terrain and landscape Visualisation. Photogrammetric Record, 12, 711 - 745.

Lange, E. (1994) Integration of computerized visual simulation and visual assessment in environmental planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 30, 99-112.

Miller, D.R. (1995) Categorization of terrain view. In Innovation in GIS2 (ed. Fisher, P.), chap 17, p215 - 221, Taylor and Francis.

Miller, D.R., Morrice, J.G., Horne, P.L. and Aspinall, R.J. (1994) The use of geographic information systems for analysis of scenery in the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland. In Mountain Environments and Geographic Information Systems (eds. Price, M.F. and Heywood, D.I.), Chap 7, p119 - 131, Taylor and Francis.

Oh, K. (1994) A perceptual evaluation of computer-based landscape simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 28, 201-216.

Orland, B. (1992a) Data Visualisation Techniques in Environmental Management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 237-244.

Orland, B. (1992b) Evaluating regional changes on the basis of local expectations: a Visualisation dilemma. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 257-259.

Orland, B. (1994) Visualisation techniques for incorporation in forest planning geographic information systems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 30, 83-97.

Orland, B. and Daniel, T.C. (1995) Impact of Proposed Water Withdrawls on the Perceived Scenic Beauty of Desert Springs and Wetlands: Image Generation. Imaging Systems Laboratory, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Price, C. (1994) M.Sc. Rural Resource Management Lecture Course: Landscape. University College of North Wales, Bangor.

Pukkala, T. and Kellomaki, S. (1988) Simulation as a tool in designing forest landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 16, 253-260.

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Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership (1988) Visual impact assessment in the commercial forest: design and management process.

Zewe, R. and Koglin, H.-J. (1995) A method for the visual assessment of overhead lines. Computers and Graphics, 19, 97-108.

Decision Support Systems, Enviromental Models, Visualisation Systems and GIS

Angehrn, A.A. and Luthi, H-J. (1990) Intelligent Decision Support Systems: A Visual Interactive Approach. Interfaces, 20, 17-28.

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Berger, P., Meysembourg, P., Sales, J. and Johnston, C. (1996) Towards a virtual reality interface for landscape Visualisation. Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 1996.

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Bishop, I.D. and Karadagli, C. (1996) Combining GIS based environmental modeling and Visualisation: another window in the modeling process. Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 1996.

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