Landscape Evaluation
- Definitions in landscape evaluation
- Subjectivity versus objectivity
Landscape evaluation methods
- Descriptive inventories
- Formal aesthetic models
- Ecological models
- Examples in brief
- Public preference models
- Psychological models
- Phenomenological models
- Consensus
- Examples in brief
- Quantitative holistic methods
- Psychophysical models
- Surrogate component models
- Visual Management Systems
- Examples in brief
- Methodological problems and error in models
- Economics of landscape evaluation
- Methods of scenic resource financial valuation
- Contingent Valuation Technique and Willingness-to-Pay
Landscape components
- The theory and problems behind landscape
- Terrain and hydrological components
- Indices of attractiveness
- Landform elements
- Landscape themes
- Landscape qualities
- Landscape dimensions and preference predictors
Use of models to predict preference
- Theoretical models and some results from them
- Abello, Bernaldez and Galiano's model
- Calvin, Dearinger and Curtin's model
- Patsfall, Fiemer, Buhyoff and Wellman's model
- Visual Resource Management System (VRMS)
- Bishop and Hulse's model
- Steinitz's model and experiment
- Explanation of Visual Assessment (EVA)
- Policy capturing
- Hammitt, Patterson and Noe's model
- The Shafer model
- Summary of landscape components used in
predictive models
- Summary of explanatory results of the predictive
Landscape should be recognised as a resource and therefore a variable to be
considered in land use decisions (Dearden, 1985). When evaluating landscapes
one should use an interdisciplinary approach, should communicate with other
evaluators and, importantly, recognise the academic respectability of the
elementary (Appleton, 1975).
"Just as the Brisbane wicket after rain used to be said to reduce all
batsmen to an equal level of incompetence, so this absence of aesthetic theory
brings the professional down to the same plane as the man in the street. It is
true that the theory underlying the judging of a fine wine or a good piece of
sculpture is probably as obscure as that which underlies the evaluation of
landscape. In those arts, however, we still have some faith - possibly
misplaced - in the ability of the expert to recognise excellence, however
defined (Appleton, 1975). "
A structured method of landscape assessment, linking description,
classification, analysis and evaluation, will provide an integrated framework
within which land use management and advice decisions can be debated (Cooper
and Murray, 1992). One of the biggest problems in developing quantitative
assessment methods for scenic impacts is that of measuring the contributions of
specific landscape elements to overall preference (Buhyoff and Riesenmann,
Unwin (1975) describes three phases of landscape evaluation. First there
must be landscape measurement, an inventory of what actually exists in the
landscape. Secondly, the landscape value should be measured, this will be an
investigation and measurement of value judgements or preferences in the visual
landscape. Finally, there is the landscape evaluation, an assessment of the
quality of the objective visual landscape in terms of individual or societal
preferences for different landscape types (Unwin, 1975).
Before the subject of landscape evaluation can be reviewed, it is necessary
to define several key words. In my opinion the term "total landscape"
refers to the less tangible properties of the landscape as well as the more
obvious visual properties and should not be confused with "landscape"
which refers to the visual properties only. Unfortunately, this differentiation
is not apparent in the literature.
Hull and Revell (1989) define landscape and scenes as:
" The outdoor environment, natural or built, which can be directly
perceived by a person visiting and using that environment. A scene is the
subset of a landscape which is viewed from one location (vantage point) looking
in one direction ..."
The term landscape clearly focuses upon the visual properties or
characteristics of the environment, these include natural and man-made elements
and physical and biological resources which could be identified visually; thus
non-visual biological functions, cultural/historical values, wildlife and
endangered species, wilderness value, opportunities for recreation activities
and a large array of tastes, smells and feelings are not included (Daniel and
Vining, 1983; Amir and Gidalizon, 1990).
Landscape quality
Often landscape quality is defined as including a wide range of
environmental / ecological, sociocultural and psychological factors. According
to Jacques (1980) the distinction between `value' and `quality' is meaningless,
since both terms refer to the comparison of the landscape in front of your eyes
to an idealised landscape in one's mind.
Visual impact
Visual impact on landscape quality is concerned with physical changes
introduced to a site by a new development activity (Amir and Gidalizon, 1990).
Objective definitions
Visual quality - a phrase synonymous with beauty, but intended to convey an
impression of objectivity; landscape evaluation - ascertaining of a single,
often numerical, measure of visual quality, more appropriately would be "
landscape quality survey"; judgement - the presumed ability by the design
professions to evaluate `visual quality', as distinct from value (Jacques,
Subjective definitions
Landscape value - a personal and subjective assessment of aesthetic
satisfaction derived from a landscape type; landscape appraisal - the study of
the effect of landscape changes upon landscape value; preference - the liking
of one landscape type better than another (Jacques, 1980).
There is a fundamental theoretical divergence of opinion over the question
of whether landscapes have an intrinsic or objective beauty which may in some
way be measurable or comparable, or whether scenic beauty is a value that can
only be subjectively attributed to an area or specific landscape (Shuttleworth,
1980b). While physical geographers have devised ways of measuring landscape
parameters to reflect visual quality; human geographers have probed individual
and societal attitudes toward landscape (Dearden, 1985).
Orland et al (1995) have described qualitative approaches as those which
focus upon evaluating the complexity of landscape using the judgements of
panels of human subjects, and quantitative approaches as those which measure
physical characteristics of the visual field directly.
On the physical/objective side, Buhyoff and Riesenmann (1979) have presented
evidence that certain landscape dimensions can be used successfully to prepare
an evaluation, and that aesthetic impact can be measured from specific
landscape dimensions. There is an increasing interest in the use of mapped data
and geographic information systems (GISs) to assess visual landscape variables
using reproducible methods over wide area (Bishop and Hulse, 1994). Recent
research efforts have shown that the public's scenic preferences can be
assessed objectively and quantitatively (Dearden, 1980). This research has also
demonstrated that public perceptions can be related to and, in fact, predicted
from environmental attributes of a more tangible nature (Buhyoff et al, 1994).
The assessment and/or quantification of scenic quality is mandatory for
proper consideration of the aesthetic consequence of management actions
(Buhyoff et al, 1994). The Belgian experience with landscape evaluation,
especially in rural reallotment projects, indicates, and international
literature from a great number of disciplines or research field confirms, the
necessity to speak of scenic or visual resource management (Tips, 1984).
Landscape evaluation methods
Numerous techniques of landscape evaluation have been devised in recent
years (Crofts and Cooke, 1974). They form a spectrum in which the extremes are
represented on the one hand by techniques based unequivocally on the subjective
assessments of landscape quality by individuals or groups (e.g. Shafer et al,
1969) and on the other by techniques using physical attributes of landscape as
surrogates for personal perception (e.g. Linton, 1968; Land Use Consultants,
The various models can be subdivided several ways. Arthur et al (1977)
splits them into descriptive inventories and public preference models, both
categories being further split into nonquantitative and quantitative methods.
Briggs and France (1980) use direct and indirect methods to subdivide the
models, but state that the former has not been used to any great extent, while
indirect methods are further classed into classificatory and nonclassificatory
methods. Crofts (1975) describe two sorts of techniques - preference and
surrogate component techniques. Daniel and Vining (1983) split the methods into
ecological, formal aesthetic, psychophysical, psychological and
phenomenological models. For this review the methods will be split into
descriptive inventories, public preference methods (after Arthur et
al, 1977) and a third category of quantitative holistic techniques.
Descriptive inventories include ecological and formal aesthetic models,
methods which are mostly applied by experts in an objective manner. Public
preference models, such as psychological and phenomenological, are often
undertaken using questionnaires, and are unavoidably linked to the problems of
consensus among the public. Quantitative holistic techniques use a mixture of
subjective and objective methods and include psychophysical and surrogate
component models.
It is important to examine the reliability and validity of landscape
evaluation models and to identify any assumptions central to the models.
Internal and external validity are of concern in the development of any
landscape visual assessment system. External validity reflects, in part, how
well the system-generated assessments correspond to other, known measures of
visual quality. Internal validity reflects how well the system's internal logic
withstands testing and violation of assumptions (Buhyoff et al, 1995).
Descriptive inventories comprise the largest category of techniques for
assessing scenic resources; they include both quantitative and qualitative
methods of evaluating landscapes by analysing and describing their components
(Arthur et al, 1977). Descriptive inventories can be divided into two methods -
classificatory and non-classificatory methods.Classificatory methods are those
which first attempt to classify the survey units on the basis of their overall
similarity, and then to grade or evaluate the resulting clusters - formal
aesthetic models are an example of this method. Non-classificatory methods,
such as ecological models, attempt to identify the relationships between
selected landscape components and environmental quality, then use these
relationships to predict landscape quality (Briggs and France, 1980).
Scenic elements (such as landform and visual effects), vegetative patterns
and so forth, are first identified then described or rated (Arthur et al,
1977). The ratings are primarily based on traditional values within the
landscape architecture profession (Palmer, 1983). Although these surrogate
methods' of landscape evaluation can provide general assessments of landscape
quality and a landscape inventory based on subjectively-selected but
objectively-applied criteria, the objectivity of their application, and their
precise, often quantitative, results disguise their underlying subjectivity
(Crofts and Cooke, 1974).
The descriptive inventory approach contains several assumptions. One is that
the value of a landscape can be explained in terms of the values of its
components. Another is that scenic beauty is embedded in the landscape
components, that it is a physical attribute of the landscape; however, scenic
beauty depends on the observer as well as that which is being observed (Arthur
et al, 1977).
Formal aesthetic models
The basic theory of the formal aesthetic model is that aesthetic values are
inherent in the abstract features of the landscape i.e. aesthetic quality
resides in the formal properties of the landscape. These properties are defined
as basic forms, lines, colours and textures and their interrelationships
(Daniel and Vining, 1983). In this model landscapes are first analysed into
their formal abstract properties. The relationships between these elements are
then inspected to classify each area in terms of variety, unity, integrity or
other complex formal characteristics. Due to the formal training required for
this, the method is almost always applied by an expert, usually a landscape
architect (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Because the landscape-quality assessment results in ordered categories, and
not in cardinal or interval measures, it is difficult to relate these
assessments to economic or trade-off types of valuation processes. Thus,
valuing landscape quality relative to other social values is rather restricted
(Daniel and Vining, 1983). The models have been found to be seriously deficient
with regard to the fundamental criteria of sensitivity and reliability (Daniel
and Vining, 1983).
Ecological models
Within the ecological model, the environmental features that are relevant to
landscape quality are primarily biological or ecological. The landscape is
characterised in terms of species of plants and animals present, ecological
zones, successional stage or other indicators of ecological processes. Humans
are characterised as users of the landscape, their contribution is in the form
of negative aesthetic impacts (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Ecological models tend to be designed for specific areas and are therefore
difficult to apply to landscapes in general; they are also more sensitive in
distinguishing between natural and human-influenced environments than in making
distinctions within either of those classes. If the alternatives for land
management are to manipulate or not manipulate the environment, the ecological
models will almost invariably indicate against any manipulation (Daniel and
Vining, 1983).
A major underlying assumption of the ecological model is that landscape
quality is directly related to naturalness, or ecosystem integrity. The
validity of this model depends upon the assumption that "natural"
areas undisturbed by humans are highest in landscape quality. Reliability
depends on the consistency and accuracy of the individual applying the method
as the assessments are usually carried out by an "ecological expert"
(Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Examples in brief
An example of a formal aesthetic model is the Visual Management System (VMS)
developed by the USDA Forest Service. It has the purpose of evaluating scenic
resources within a land-management framework and assumes that scenic quality is
directly related to landscape diversity or variety (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
VMS uses character classification (such as gorges, mountains, foothills and
plateaus), variety classification (form, line, colour and texture) and
sensitivity level (referring to the relative importance of the landscape as a
visual or recreational resource). In some cases VMSs are more quantitative
holistic techniques that descriptive inventories.
Leopold's "uniqueness ratio" illustrates a landscape assessment
methodology based primarily on ecological measures of the landscape.The
uniqueness of a given landscape is defined by multiple physical, biological,
and human-use dimensions that reflect the implicit assumption that aesthetic
value is primarily a function of ecological criteria (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Cooper and Murray (1992) used local patterns of land class distribution and
land class clusters to divide a region into geographically distinct landscape
units. High-elevation and upland areas were differentiated from lowlands and
unit boundaries were then drawn in relation to selected physiographic and
landform features such as watershed boundaries and specified juxtapositions of
land classes (Cooper and Murray, 1992).
The recent upsurge in public interest in preserving the beauty of public
lands has resulted in development of scenic assessment based on public input
(Arthur et al, 1977), indeed, it can be argued logically that the best source
of data upon such a subjective issue as landscape quality is the general
public. Although planners may claim that it is their duty to guide public taste
in these matters, the visual attractiveness of the landscape is ultimately a
product of the aggregated opinions of all the individuals concerned with that
landscape (Briggs and France, 1980).
The visual quality (or value) of a landscape is rated on the basis of an
observer's individual preference of the whole landscape. Those techniques that
are based on subjective assessments of scenery and attempt to encompass the
diverse and changing perceptions of individuals are likely to be most
successful. The essence of the preference approach is the judgement of the
landscape in totality, as opposed to the measurement techniques, which rely on
the definition of factors to explain variation in landscape quality (Dunn,
Questionnaires or verbal surveys are the most commonly used nonquantitative
method for sampling scenic preference of various groups. They are a valuable
source of quick information but accuracy can be sacrificed for speed. They are
useful for determining preferences for extremely divergent categories of
landscape (Arthur et al, 1977). Alternative to questionnaires, one can provide
visual stimuli for evaluation, such as photographs (e.g.Shuttleworth, 1980a;
Wade, 1982) or one can use other stimuli, such as sound (Anderson et al, 1983).
Although perceptions still vary, the variation is less than with verbal
descriptions .
There are various difficulties when carrying out such evaluations. Past
studies show that the personality of the observer, and their location affect
what they observe, as does the duration of observation, the socio-economic
profile of the observers, the type of physical characteristics of the landscape
and the dynamics of its components and its complexity (Amir and Gidalizon,
1990). Two concerns are noted by Hull and Stewart (1992) - a concern about the
threat to the ecological validity of photo-based assessments caused by
differences between on-site and photo-based contexts and a concern that the
individual rater, rather than the group average, is the more appropriate unit
of analysis for tests of validity of photo-based assessments. The techniques
have other problems - their psychological basis is at best uncertain; the
validity of their quantitative or semi-quantitative results is invariably
questionable; and in order to be representative of society's views, they
require extensive, time-consuming surveys (Crofts and Cooke, 1974).
Psychological models
The psychological approach has been used in many studies where dimensional
analyses of people's preferences for different landscapes are performed. These
studies have demonstrated that various psychological constructs such as
complexity, mystery, legibility and coherence are important predictors of human
landscape preferences (Buhyoff et al, 1994). The psychological model refers to
the feelings and perceptions of people who inhabit, visit, or view the
landscape. A high-quality landscape evokes positive feelings, such as security,
relaxation, warmth, cheerfulness or happiness; a low-quality landscape is
associated with stress, fear, insecurity, constraint, gloom, or other negative
feelings (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Because psychological methods use multiple observers and yield one or more
quantitative scale values for each assessed landscape, their reliability and
sensitivity can be precisely determined. This is an important advantage, since
users of these assessments can know the degree of precision and to prove
confidence in the landscape values produced. The methods base landscape
assessments on the reactions and judgements of the people who experience and/or
use the landscapes. In this regard there is an important element of validity
inherent in the method (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Without clear relationships to objectively determine environmental features,
the psychological methods leave landscape assessment in a correlational
feedback loop; psychological reactions to the landscape are explained only in
terms of other psychological reactions:-
"From a practical perspective, this leaves the landscape manager with
both feet firmly planted in midair (Daniel and Vining, 1983)."
Phenomenological models
The phenomenological model places even greater emphasis on individual
subjective feelings, expectations, and interpretations. Landscape perception is
conceptualised as an intimate encounter between a person and the environment
(Daniel and Vining, 1983). The principal method of assessment is the detailed
personal interview or verbal questionnaire. Phenomenological models tend not to
be used to rank landscapes in terms of scenic beauty.
Phenomenological approaches have largely sacrificed reliability in favour of
achieving high levels of sensitivity; by emphasising very particular personal,
experiential and emotional factors, the visual properties of the landscape
become only very tenuously associated with landscape experience (Daniel and
Vining, 1983).
This model represents the extreme of subjective determination of relevant
landscape features. It fails to establish systematic relationships between
psychological responses and landscape features. However, by emphasising the
unique role of individual experiences, intentions, and expectations, the
phenomenological model serves to point out the importance of the human context
in which landscapes are encountered (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Most landscape techniques proceed on the assumption that there is a broad
consensus within our society upon what is considered to be of high landscape
value. This assumption is linked to another: that "visual quality" is
an intrinsic property of landscape and can be stated objectively (Jacques,
1980). The issue of observer consensus is a major topic in landscape perception
and preference.
Examples in brief
A series of studies by Kaplan and Kaplan illustrated the psychological model
of landscape assessment. A basic method in these studies is to identify
relevant psychological variables on photographs of landscapes. Preference
ratings and ratings on the landscape dimensions are then obtained from naive
observers (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
The essence of Fines' technique is the classification by field observers of
subjective responses to the attractiveness of views according to a single,
comprehensive and predetermined scale (Crofts and Cooke, 1974).
Most literature on phenomenological methods is devoted to studies of
developed landscapes or to perception of environmental hazards. There are only
a few specific studies seeking to assess natural landscapes (Daniel and Vining,
Quantitative holistic methodologies combine two approaches: quantitative
public preference surveys and landscape features inventories. Measures of
landscape quality should be systematically related to physical / biological and
social features of the environment so that accurate predictions of the
implications of environmental change can be made (Arthur et al, 1977).
Models, such as that of Shafer et al (1969) represent a compromise between
techniques which assess the effects of landscape elements on overall preference
by summing evaluations of individual dimensions (descriptive methods) and
techniques which emphasise the interactions of landscape elements by evaluating
the scenic quality of the entire image (preference models); this compromise
creates the quantitative holistic models such as the psychophysical and
surrogate component models (Buhyoff and Riesenman, 1979; Arthur et al, 1977).
These predictive models have tended to be more a tool for research than for
impact assessment. Their orientation is to predict scenic quality based on the
presence of quantifiable landscape attributes (Palmer, 1983). Psychophysical
modelling uses measurements of physical landscape features to predict people's
preferences for the overall visual quality of the landscapes. Classical
psychophysics sought to establish precise quantitative relationships between
physical features of environmental stimuli and human perceptual responses
(Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Traditional psychophysical models, while not "classifying"
landscapes, are developed to make predictions of scenic preference or visual
quality from variables which are often selected for their predictive, rather
than "genuine" explanatory ability (Buhyoff et al, 1994). Surrogate
component techniques are based on the identification of physical landscape
components which can be compared with preference ratings. Visual management
systems aim to be able to both predict and explain scenic preference; their
essential purpose is the prediction and assessment of impacts resulting from
potential management alternatives (Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
Psychophysical models
Psychophysical methods of landscape assessment seek to determine
mathematical relationships between the physical characteristics of the
landscape and the perceptual judgements of human observers (Daniel and Vining,
1983). The relationships of interest are those between physical features of the
environment (e.g. topography, vegetation, water etc.) and psychological
responses (typically judgements of preference, aesthetic value or scenic
beauty). Landscape features such as land cover, land use, forest stand
structure, and arrangement are measured and then statistically related to
scenic quality judgements. Models such as paired comparisons, Likert scales,
and sorting and ranking scales are a means to evaluate scenes quantitatively
(Arthur et al, 1977); multiple linear regression has recently been the most
commonly used techniques to determine these relationships (Buhyoff et al,
Of all landscape assessments, these methods have been subjected to the most
rigorous and extensive evaluation. They have been shown to be very sensitive to
subtle landscape variations and psychophysical functions have proven very
robust to changes in landscapes and in observers (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Relying on ordinal or interval scales of measurement, psychophysical methods
have consistently been able to provide different landscape-quality assessments
for landscapes that vary only subtly. However, they require the full range of
scenes to be selected to represent all of the physical characteristics used as
predictors of scenic beauty (Hull and Revell, 1989). They also provide good
assessments of public perceptions of the relative scenic quality differences
between landscapes (Buhyoff et al, 1994) based on the assumption that the
aesthetic judgements of public panels provide an appropriate measure of
landscape quality (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
However, the models can be expensive and time consuming to develop and are
restricted to a particular landscape type and to a specified viewer population
and perspective; in the short term they are not highly efficient (Daniel and
Vining, 1983). The very structure of these models is often a limiting factor in
their explanatory value and wide generalisation (Buhyoff et al, 1994).
Psychophysical assessments are useful in many management contexts - features
such as quantitative precision, objectivity, and a basis in public perception
and judgement are important. The assessments are not based on one expert's
opinion, but reflect a measured consensus among observers representative of the
public that views landscapes and is affected by management actions (Daniel and
Vining, 1983).
Surrogate component models
The basis of component techniques is the identification and measurement of
those physical components of the landscape which are regarded as surrogates of
scenic quality. The individual components are isolated, their identification
and measurement discussed and their combined utility within existing techniques
evaluated. Because component ratings are compared to overall preference ratings
in these models, the contribution of particular components to scenic beauty can
be measured in terms of explained variance (Arthur et al, 1977).
These components can be assigned to three groups in relation to their
assumed importance in determining scenic quality. The major components comprise
the landscape skeleton as expressed by macro relief (measured by terrain
types), relative relief and water presence (measured by drainage density). To
these can be added the minor but permanent components which are the variations
of the macro forms at smaller scales. They are the overall variations such as
surface texture and ruggedness, particular features such as the irregularity of
two-dimensional outlines and three-dimensional forms, and the singularities
such as isolated features. Finally, there are the transitory components with
regard to the characteristics of water bodies and surface textures (Crofts,
Visual Management Systems
Another approach to the evaluation/assessment of visual resources is the
design-based classification/assessment. Visual management systems (VMS) are
straightforward systems that use intuitive constructs and easily observable
physical landscape attributes to arrive at landscape classification decisions
(Buhyoff et al, 1994). Because expert, or knowledge-based, computer systems are
capable of carrying out reasoning and analysis functions in narrowly defined
subject areas at proficiency levels approaching that of humane experts, they
have characteristics that can be used to develop not just a method of
predicting visual landscape quality but also a system that explains why certain
levels of quality exist. In fact, the specification of knowledge may well be
the most important contribution of a scenic quality assessment or prediction
system (Buhyoff et al, 1994).
Examples in brief
The prolific work of Shafer and colleagues (Arthur et al, 1977) is an
example of quantitative holistic methodologies. They have measured areas,
perimeters, and tones of the differentiated landscape zones of photographs and
related them to preference rankings (e.g. Shafer et al, 1969; Shafer and Tooby,
1973; Brush and Shafer, 1975). Shafer's studies illustrate a sound and
systematic approach to relating components to preferences (Arthur et al, 1977).
The Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method requires that landscapes be
observed and judges by panels of persons representative of targeted
populations. To develop models using this system, a number of different
landscapes must be assessed and their physical characteristics evaluated
(Daniel and Vining, 1983). This can be done using colour photographs or slides
(Arthur, 1977) or on-site at the landscapes (Schroeder and Daniel, 1981).
Psychophysical models have been developed for landscape vistas by relating
measured characteristics of the vistas to scaled landscape preference (Daniel
and Vining, 1983). These have often used colour slides of forest or panoramic
views and gained preference ratings using paired-comparison formats (Buhyoff
and Wellman, 1980; Buhyoff and Riesenmann, 1979).
In Eleftheriadis and Tsalikidis's (1990) model coastal landscape quality was
expressed in terms of scenic beauty preferences of the resource users, and
these preferences were related to quantitative measures of land use
designations, and of forest stand and site characteristics. Carls (1974) used
the landscape zones of Shafer et al (1969) together with a people zone, and low
and high development zones to look at the effects of people and man-induced
conditions of preferences for outdoor recreation landscapes.
Component models and models which predict public preference for scenic
beauty are discussed in greater detail later in the review.
All these types of models are complicated by methodological problems that
can affect interpretation of results. One such problem is whether numerical
ratings of landscape beauty represent people's preferences for the landscapes,
their judgements of scenic beauty of the landscapes, or both. There is
considerable support for the argument that scenic beauty judgements differ from
scenic preferences (Arthur et al, 1977); according to Jacques (1980) public
preferences tend to give a measure of `value', `quality' is discerned through
judgement. When asked to indicate their preference for various landscapes,
observers tend to apply criteria for use of those areas (recreation, residence
etc) rather than for inherent beauty (Arthur et al, 1977).
There are some persistent errors in the evaluation of landscape, as
identified by Hamill (1985). Examples of the following seven types of error
have been found in the literature: incorrect use of numbers derived from place
in a classification; incorrect use of numbers to stand for words; use of
spurious numbers in simple mathematical operations; use of bad data in complex
mathematical and statistical operations; use of data that does not satisfy
requirements of the model; use of numbers to support, derive, or demonstrate
meaningless, spurious or useless concepts; and use of concepts without adequate
operational definitions.
How do preference values determined from models relate to economic values of
the same landscapes. Results of an exploratory study (Brush and Shafer, 1975)
suggest that a consumer's evaluation of real estate that overlooks a given
natural scene correlates highly with the scene's predicted preference scores.
It should be possible to develop an equation that ties scenic preference values
to economic land values. The results of such research should be useful in
benefit-cost and environmental impact analyses of the effect of proposed
man-made changes in natural environments.
Traditional economic analyses have generally failed to account for
unmarketed (nonpecuniary) resources, such as aesthetics. The effect of
excluding nonpecuniaries from trade-off (economic) decisions is that they have
entered the system as if they were free. Recognition of this problem has, in
part, motivated attempts to evaluate scenic resources. If applied to aesthetic
resources, redefinition would require putting a price on scenic beauty or
charging for its "use". However, putting a price on aesthetic
resources is probably not feasible for several reasons. First, aesthetic
experiences are difficult to define, second, there is the problem of placing
charges on aesthetic experiences (Arthur et al,1977).
Methods of scenic resource financial valuation
Several methods have been used to obtain values for scenic resources.
"Willingness-to-pay" values (how much will a commuter pay to preserve
the trees), revealed demand (does he take a different highway?) and opinion
tallies (does he complain to his MP?) are only a few of the methods used
(Arthur et al, 1977). Opinion tallies, often result in undervaluation. Revealed
demand is complicated by the necessity of identifying all of the variables
acting on the situation.
The hedonic price method (HPM) is a less subjective way of scoring landscape
components; components of landscape are valued against people's willingness to
pay to live in particular types of landscape, defined as comprising of
different bundles of components (Willis and Garod, 1993). HPM is a process of
constrained maximisation in which systems of equations involving both prices
and quantities for the composite commodity and its attributes are constructed
and then solved (Price, 1994).
The travel cost method (TCM) uses a sample of visitors to a site which
embodies desired environmental attributes and asks them factual questions about
the origin of their journey to the site, their mode of transport and perhaps
about other costs incurred and their own socio-demographic characteristics
(Bergin and Price, 1994).
Contingent Valuation Technique and Willingness-to-Pay
Contingent valuation techniques (CVT) in landscape evaluation are seen as a
natural evolution from landscape evaluation methods based on the scoring of
landscape components and other public preference techniques such as landscape
ranking. By valuing landscape as an entity, CVT avoids many of the problems,
such as those of separability and collinearity, often associated with travel
cost and hedonic price methods of landscape valuation (Willis and Garod, 1993).
Willingness-to-pay (WTP) studies can assist in valuing today's landscape,
they also attempt to value the benefits which residents and visitors might
derive from alternative landscapes which could arise at some time in the future
(Willis and Garod, 1993).
WTP's linearity means that it is a linear or other predetermined function of
the quantity of the feature in the landscape. However, evidence suggests that
the impact of a landscape feature does not increase in proportion to its size
(Willis and Garod, 1993). Unfortunately, WTP values are often too high (Arthur
et al, 1977) and WTP to gain a commodity is generally less than willingness to
accept compensation for losing it (Price, 1994).
The psychophysical and surrogate component techniques of landscape
evaluation require the landscape to be divided. This can be done in many ways,
similar to those found in the models previously discussed, from simple methods
to more abstract definitions. Examples include landform elements (Gardiner,
1974; Land Use Consultants, 1971), landscape patterns or themes (Hammitt et al,
1994; Linton, 1968), landscape character (Crofts, 1975), landscape qualities
(Palmer, 1983; Morisawa, 1971), dimensions (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980) and
landscape preference predictors (Hammitt et al, 1994; Brush and Shafer, 1975).
These examples are detailed and any important points in their respective models
There are questions regarding the selection of components, the relationships
between components, and the relationship between the components and scenic
quality as perceived by individuals and groups (Crofts, 1975). The assumption
that the visual landscape can be reduced to constituent components, that the
visual quality of each component can be measured in isolation and that, when
added together, these components represent the total landscape, is a major
weakness in component based models (Dearden, 1980).
"Without some theoretical grounds, why should we assume that beauty
resides in mountains, in woods, in streams, and not in some unexamined
relationship between them (Appleton, 1975)."
In many studies reference is made to `edge', `edge tracts' or `edge
categories' all of which terms seem to refer to boundaries or zones of contact
between contrasting landscape features. Suppose we were to discover some
theoretical grounds for believing that these phenomena of `edges' and
`skylines' are of outstanding importance in the aesthetics of landscape.
Outdoor recreationalists commonly prefer to use edge environments e.g. the lake
edge, the river edge, the cliffs edge, the edge of forests. Landscape
architects also find edge and borders a strongly preferred design feature in
visual landscapes (Hammitt et al, 1994). If edges are of more or equal
importance than the landscape elements they contain, are any of the models
discussed truly describing landscapes?
However detailed the search for relevant factors is, there will inevitably
be a proportion of the landscape that cannot be explained by the assembled
factors alone. This proportion will consist of the subtleties of landscape,
such as interaction between elements, and properties of the landscape such as
colour, form, shade and lighting (Dunn, 1976).
Methods based on intrinsic landscape factors are proclaimed objective, to
avoid public scrutiny of certain projects and achieve "democratic"
legitimacy (Tips, 1984), yet the components, regarded as surrogates of scenic
quality, are subjectively selected; this selection must be subjective, but it
must also be shown to be more than just the opinion of the professional judge
(Crofts, 1975; Dearden,1980). The techniques also fail to take account of both
the quality of the scenery at a point and the quality of a view from that point
in all directions. Lastly, some measurement methods contravene the theories of
levels of measurement by using nominal or ordinal scales of measurement and
then employing standard arithmetic procedures, such as multiplication and
addition. In these circumstances the methods become invalid (Dearden, 1980).
Crofts (1975) identified three of the most important terrain components:
macro form, relief and landform types; other important components include minor
and ephemeral components and hydrological components. The elements of macro
form include the categories of the geomorphologist, such as mountains, uplands,
valleys and coast (Linton, 1968; Land Use Consultants, 1971). Relief is used in
some classifications as a single factor alongside biological, hydrological and
human components (Crofts, 1975). Other methods use relief as an absolute
measurement, or use variants such as available relief, relative relief or
relief as a measure of grandeur (Linton, 1968; Crofts, 1975). Landform types,
classified genetically as individual or groups of landforms in geomorphological
mapping schemes, represent an amalgamation of virtually all geomorphological
components (Crofts, 1975). Landform is the most permanent of all landscape
features, as it is the most difficult to alter (Brush, 1981), with exception of
volcanoes and the chisel (Mount Rushmore can no longer be classed as natural)
and therefore should be a stable basis for landscape classification.
Minor terrain components include visually significant irregularities, such
as abruptness of accidentation (Linton, 1968) and contour distinction (e.g.
rock outcrops and isolated landforms). Micro features of the landscape, such as
surface texture are rarely included in classifications, they are more important
in smaller areas; they are perhaps best suited to site evaluations, along with
biological textural components (Crofts, 1975). Singularities in landform
include isolated hill masses, waterfalls and other unique forms, such as found
in glaciated areas (Linton, 1968); these components have an immediate visual
impact be focusing the attention of observers. Ephemeral components add detail
to the landscape, and can be measured in terms of presence/absence or in terms
of the rates of physical change (Crofts, 1975).Hydrological components refer to
either water bodies or to river valleys and basins. The primary component is
the presence/absence of water, a water body acts as a focal point and can be
regarded as a singularity (Crofts, 1975). Of visual importance is the contrast
in water surface character - such as discharge, flow variability and velocity.
The physical parameters of a linear water body - river width and depth, bed
slope, bank erosion and deposition are also important factors. Water has always
been a great geomorphological agent, which models the landscape in both
physical and economic aspects (Ramos and Aguilo, 1988).
Landform elements
Land Use Consultants (1971) developed a technique for use in evaluating
Scottish landscapes using two series of physical landscapes: relief classes
defined in terms of high, normal and low relief per unit area; and landform
types such as valley, lowland, plateau, edge and coast. These are then
amalgamated and allotted to previously defined landscape tracts. The method
omits major landforms, such as mountains and uplands but includes the negative
aspects of landform.
In the Leopold method (Crofts, 1975) components of valley and river
character are identified to obtain a comparative assessment of the scenic
quality of particular sites along certain rivers. Valley character is derived
by comparing the width of the valley floor with the height of adjacent
mountains (a measure of grandeur); river character is assessed in terms of the
width, depth, size and presence and frequency of rapids. A plus point of the
technique is the introduction of the concept of scenic uniqueness, however, the
technique lacks wide applicability.
Linton (1968) divided up the Scottish landscape into six "landform
landscapes" - lowland, hill country bold hills, mountains, plateau uplands
and low uplands. Linton never defined the components rigorously but used
personal judgement, the landscapes as defined vary greatly in scale and hence
visual impact is equally variable. Linton also used the highly subjective
assumption that attractiveness increases with an increase in steepness of
slopes and boldness of landforms (Crofts, 1975).
Kaplan et al (1989) describe a method using physical attributes which are
divided into landform and landcover. Landform elements are slope/relief (the
prominence of the landform), edge contrast (contrast between adjacent
landforms) and spatial diversity (variety of space created by landform).
Landcover elements include naturalism (absence of direct human influence),
compatibility (fit between adjacent landcover types), height contrast (height
variation among adjacent elements) and variety (diversity of landcover types or
patterns within a type).
Morisawa (1971) classified landscape based on relief and water-appearance
components, together with seven landscape qualities. Gardiner (1974) argued
that relative relief, the presence of water and slope characteristics are the
basic landform elements contributing to scenic quality; by using the drainage
basin as the fundamental unit of scenic quality, the method omits a large area
of landscape from consideration (Crofts, 1975). The approach of Warsynska
attempts to derive mathematical notations of scenic beauty in order to evaluate
the scenic attraction of areas for tourism. The method uses coefficients of
relief attractiveness, surface water attractiveness and forest cover
attractiveness. From these three coefficients an overall coefficient of
attractiveness is derived (Crofts, 1975).
The Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS, 1995) has developed a
landscape classification system based on three levels of regionalisation of the
landscape. The following landscape components are systematically described and
evaluated: terrain type; geological characteristics; vegetation; water
structure; cultivated land; and human population distribution. Maps for
evaluation of vulnerability and evaluation of perceptual value can be made from
Landscape themes
Nine forest and pastoral landscape patterns or themes were used in the model
of Hammitt et al (1994). These were: stream/river; pond/lake; several-ridged;
rolling plateau; valley development; farm valley; ridge and valley; one-ridged;
and unmaintained (Hammitt et al, 1994).
Linton (1968) divided the landscape into seven land-use landscapes:
urbanised and industrialised landscapes; continuous forest; treeless farmland;
moorland; varied forest and moorland landscapes; richly varied farmed
landscapes; and wild landscapes. Kaplan et al (1989) also described land cover
types. These were agriculture, cut grassland, weedy field, scrubland, forests
and woodlawn.
Landscape qualities
The Bureau of Land Management in the USA simplified aesthetic criteria into
a procedure for making professional appraisals of four qualities (form, line,
colour and texture) inherent to three landscape components - land/water,
vegetation and structures (Palmer, 1983). Craik (1972) emphasised components of
visual analysis, such as vertical enclosure, texture, and focal view.
Morisawa (1971) classified landscape based on relief and water-appearance
components, together with vista, colour, vegetation, serenity, naturalness,
access and pollution. The method has two major problems: the quantitative
assessments assume the components are of equal importance; and that no other
factors are relevant to the scenic assessment of the site (Crofts, 1975).
Buhyoff et al (1994) in their EVA model use a visual composition component
which assesses the effects of landscape characteristics such as complexity and
the vividness of patterns in the landscape and a spatial organisation component
which includes accessibility, mystery, enclosure, scale, image refuge, prospect
and contemplation.
The informational variables of Kaplan et al (1989) describe variables that
could be used with psychological models. Coherence is orderly, with repeated
elements and regions; complexity has richness, is intricate and has a number of
different elements; legibility is concerned with finding one's way there are
back, as well as with distinctiveness; mystery is the promise of new but
related information. The last variable is a key element in the informational
model. Mystery emphasises an inferential processes and points to the importance
of a search for information. It has turned out to be a remarkably reliable and
effective predictor, consistently outperforming complexity (Kaplan et al,
1989). Kaplan et al (1989) also describe perception based variables, which are
openness, smoothness and locomotion.
Landscape dimensions and preference predictors
Brush and Shafer (1975) describe a landscape-preference model which uses
perimeter and area measurements of certain landscape features. The landscape
zones used are the immediate, where individual leaves of trees and shrubs are
discernible, the intermediate, where only the forms of trees and shrubs are
discernible, and the distant zone, where the forms of individual trees cannot
be distinguished. The model uses measurements of the area or perimeter of major
vegetation, such as trees and shrubs, nonvegetation, such as exposed ground,
snowfields and grasses, and water, including streams, lakes and waterfalls to
relate to preference rankings (Brush and Shafer, 1975).
Propst and Buhyoff (1980) describe policy capturing, a potential methodology
for evaluating landscape preference. A multi-variate linear model simulating
each judge's decision is computed by calculating the regression of landscape
preferences on ten dimensions thought to influence such preference. This method
uses ten important dimensions: foreground vegetation; mountains; man-changes
area; visible distant landforms; green colours; blue colours; unobstructed
expanse of view; clouds; and undisturbed forest (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980).
The regression model of Hammitt et al (1994) uses visual preference
estimates for nine forest and pastoral landscape patterns or themes. Seven
variables were used to predict scenic preference. The equation used is based on
six significant predictors: area of sky; area of largest ridge (background or
very distant); linear perimeter of ridge line (background/very distant); area
of moving water (e.g. streams, rivers); obstructing vegetation squared; and
area of rolling plateau (background/very distant) (Hammitt et al, 1994).
It is recognised that there are a few permanent landscape characteristics
which are prime contributors to scenic quality - terrain, water, ground cover,
and human artefacts (Crofts, 1975). Where psychophysical models have been
derived, public judgements do seem to distinguish landscapes on the basis of
features that are intuitively appropriate. For example, rushing water, large
trees, grassy meadows and jagged mountains have all been found to be positive
aesthetic features by the criterion of public judgements. Downed wood and
slash, dense stands of small trees, and recently killed trees have been found
to be negative aesthetic features (Daniel and Vining, 1983).
Landscape measurement (component models) is the first stage of the landscape
evaluation process, after which follow landscape preference or value
measurement and the evaluation of landscape in terms of individual and societal
preferences for different landscapes as measured by components (Crofts, 1975).
Predictive modelling requires sensitive and reliable assessments of the
predictors and the response which, ideally, are measurements of interval or
better quality (Bishop and Hulse, 1994). The computational capabilities of a
geographic information system (GIS), together with prediction equations based
on assessment of video panoramas of locations affected by landscape change,
could enable a more objective and cost-effective visual assessment and
prediction procedure to be developed (Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
However complicated the technique might be, public preference for natural
environments is itself a complex phenomenon. Not to use mathematics (and
computer technology) to examine this phenomenon would be like trying to fell a
tree with a chain saw without turning on the power switch (Brush and Shafer,
1975). While linear models have performed quite well, preliminary experiments
suggest that second-degree terms (squares and products) in a polynomial
regression may somewhat improve the precision of the models. Nonlinear
transformations of the predictors may also be appropriate (Schroeder and
Daniel, 1981); however, it has been shown that more complex nonlinear models
perform only slightly better than the simple linear ones, and therefore may not
be appropriate for predicting landscape preference from field data (Schroeder
and Brown, 1983).
Some of the models used over the last thirty years to predict scenic
preference are discussed below. The models of Hammitt et al (1992) and Shafer
et al (1969) have produced results which go some way to explaining landscape
Abello, Bernaldez and Galiano's model
In this study preference ranking was compared with landscape
characteristics. Multiple linear regression between rank and landscape
characteristics identified four preference-determining characteristics:
fertility / plant vigour / healthy biomass - less plant vigour; wintery /
defoliated landscape with increased plant structure legibility - no
defoliation; barren soil - covered grassy soil; recurrent patterns / rhythm -
no recurrent pattern. These predicted average preference, absorbing 85% of the
total variance. The results from this model showed that fertility / plant
vigour was a key feature deciding the preference between two scenes. However,
this visual characteristic may be challenged by a strong expression of pattern
/ rhythm / recurrent texture of the landscape elements (Abello et al, 1986).
Calvin, Dearinger and Curtin's model
This model identified three important factors, namely natural scenic beauty,
natural force and natural starkness. The first two of these factors accounted
for 85% of the variance among preference for scenes. Natural scenic beauty
represents a variation between scenes described as colourful, beautiful,
natural and primitive to ones described as drab, ugly, artificial and
civilised. Natural force represents a distinction between turbulent, loud,
rugged and complex scenes and tranquil, hushed, delicate and simple scenes.
Natural starkness is of doubtful significance, but represents a distinction
between scenes judged as warm and fertile to those judges as cold and barren
(Calvin et al, 1972).
Patsfall, Fiemer, Buhyoff and Wellman's model
Two studies were conducted to examine distance classes of vegetation
(foreground, middleground and background) and scene composition (presence of
vegetation in left, centre or right section of the image) as predictors of
perceived scenic beauty. For each landscape image areal measures of vegetation
in each distance class and for each vertical section were taken and used as
predictors. Among the most important contributors to scenic beauty were amount
of centre middleground vegetation, and centre background vegetation. Left
foreground vegetation and right foreground vegetation were found to have
significant and opposing regression weight signs - negative for the left and
positive for the right (Patsfall et al, 1984).
Visual Resource Management System (VRMS)
Hadrian et al (1988) used a GIS to develop a partial VRMS for application to
a specific visual problem. They created a GIS containing topography, zoning,
built forms, vegetation density and road orientation as map layers. This was
used with a predictive model to map the distribution of visual impacts for any
given electricity transmission line route design. The model as developed took
account of: distance between observer and towers; complexity of vegetation
between observers and towers; attractiveness of tower environments;
attractiveness, orientation, nature of use and rate of observer environment;
and the masking effects of terrain and buildings (Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
Bishop and Hulse's model
A high level of prediction of scenic beauty values was achieved using five
variables computed using a GIS database. These were amount of foreground river,
amount of high slope in the foreground, amount of orchard land use in the
foreground, amount of forest in all distance ranges and range of relief in
visible cells without vegetative screening (Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
The coefficients for nearby rivers, high foreground slope and high relief
were positive. This result fits well with established theory of landscape
preference. The positive influence of water has been clearly shown by many
researchers. Relative relief has also been found to contribute positively to
scenic beauty estimates. Although rough ground textures have been negatively
correlated with preference, a high slope at the view position generally is
indicative of a significant vantage point offering views and a range of
positive visual characteristics such as legibility and complexity. Less clear
is the meaning of negative coefficients on nearby orchard land use and extent
of visible forest (Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
The coefficient for the proportion of all cells containing visible forest
was apparently negative because although scenes with near vegetation and quite
low visibility sometimes scored high SBEs, scenes in which there was some
higher level of visibility which was dominated by forests in the middle and
background zones were not so well liked. In other words, the presence of this
negative predictor appears to suggest that people need to see the texture of
trees to appreciate them properly; when the trees become an amorphous dark mass
the effect is contrary. It is possible that the choice of video, with its
comparatively low resolution, as the display medium influenced this result
(Bishop and Hulse, 1994).
Steinitz's model and experiment
Steinitz (1990) compared five existing alternative explanatory theories and
one new model, which was developed from the existing models. A visitor survey
looked at patterns of use and characteristics of park users as well as at user
visual preferences. The six models were tested for their ability to have
predicted the pattern of responses to the survey - results showed the existing
models, including that of Shafer et al (1969) to be far less accurate than the
new model.
The survey used diverse views of developed landscape as well as photographs
which videographically simulated the effects of landscape change. Agreement
among the survey participants showed a definite pattern, with higher
disagreement as the scores got higher and lower (Steinitz, 1990).
A model of ecological integrity was also developed as part of this study, to
identify the roles of various landscape elements in maintaining a high
diversity of wildlife habitats. Habitat diversity was defined as "the
ability of any landscape elements to be important in the potential habitat of
successively more species". The patterns of visual preference and
ecological integrity were each mapped using a GIS and then compared (Steinitz,
Explanation of Visual Assessment (EVA)
Explanation of visual assessment (EVA) consists of five separate components:
four landscape attribute domain evaluations and a final visual quality rating
component that integrates and analyses the results of the four domains
evaluations into a final, comprehensive visual quality assessment (Buhyoff et
al, 1994). The attribute domains are evaluation of the visual effects of
man-made features, evaluation of the visual effect of natural features,
evaluation of visual composition of the view and evaluation of the spatial
configuration of the landscape.
The man-made evaluation component assesses the effects, both positive and
negative, of alterations and structures on visual quality. Natural features
evaluation component assesses features such as forests, trees, mountains,
natural openings and so on. A visual composition component assesses the effects
of landscape characteristics such as complexity and the vividness of patterns
in the landscape. Spatial organisation effects such as accessibility, mystery,
enclosure, scale, image refuge, prospect and contemplation are assessed. The
final visual quality rating component analyses the output of the four
landscape/perception domain systems and derives a final, overall landscape
After the four components are executed, one of nine possible results is
assigned to each component, indicating the contribution of that component to
the overall visual quality rating. These results include six ratings -
outstanding, high, moderately high, moderate, moderately low and low - that
indicate what the visual quality of the landscape would be if there were no
other effect on visual quality by any of the other components. There are also
two results that indicate that the component did not have a significant enough
effect to determine visual quality by itself, but that it does have a modifying
effect, either a slight positive or a slight negative effect. Lastly, the
result can indicate that the component has "no effect" on visual
quality for the landscape being rated.
EVA provides detailed explanations for visual assessments which are
maintained throughout the process, whereas a traditional VMS or psychophysical
model loses information as a result of generalisation (Buhyoff et al, 1994).
Evaluations preformed by EVA are more subjective than those performed by
statistical models. EVA appears to have quite good internal validity and good
reliability when the user is familiar with the concepts utilised by the system
and is trained in the system's use (Buhyoff et al, 1995).
Policy capturing
Policy capturing, a potential methodology for evaluating landscape
preference. A mutli-variate linear model simulating each judge's decision was
computed by calculating the regression of landscape preferences on ten
dimensions thought to influence such preference. An equation which captures, or
defines, the policy of each judge was generated (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980). The
objectives of the research are to determine if Policy Capturing (PC) is a
viable procedure for modelling human judgement of scenic beauty and to identify
and determine the relative importance of those landscape features which explain
variations in judgements of scenic beauty.
This study employed ten important dimensions: foreground vegetation;
mountains; man-changed area; visible distant landforms; green colours; blue
colours; unobstructed expanse of view; clouds; and undisturbed forest.
The method identified groups of homogeneous raters. For example on group put
heavy reliance on visible distant forms and foreground vegetation, while
another attached more importance to undisturbed forest, man-changed area, and
the proportion of blue colour. Possible reasons for the failure of the model to
capture more of the predictable variance in preference can be summarised as
follows: raters were using cues in a non-linear fashion; the wrong independent
variables were used; slides are not valid representations of actual landscapes;
cue intercorrelations deflated values obtained; and simple rating scales are
subject to too many biases. Rating scales are notoriously prone to such errors
as the halo effect and errors of central tendency.
For individuals, amount of clear sky, mountains, man-changed area,
undisturbed forest and clouds were the dimensions most often given the highest
weights. However, there was no clear pattern in terms of which dimensions
accounted for most of the variance in preference (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980).
One value of PC is that it allows the inference of an individual judge's policy
by requesting an overall evaluation of a total stimulus (e.g. a landscape)
rather than requiring evaluations of the elements making up that stimulus.
Hammitt, Patterson and Noe's model
The method uses visual preference estimates for nine forest and pastoral
landscape patterns or themes. These were: stream/river; pond/lake;
several-ridged; rolling plateau; valley development; farm valley; ridge and
valley; one-ridged; and unmaintained. A seven-variable regression model was
used to predict scenic preference (Hammitt et al, 1994). The equation used is
based on six significant predictors: area of sky; area of largest ridge
(Background or very distant); linear perimeter of ridge line (background/very
distant); area of moving water (e.g. streams, rivers); obstructing vegetation
squared; and area of rolling plateau (background/very distant).
This model explains 76% of the variation in scenic preference. Sharp peaked
mountains accounted for the largest amount of variance in visual preference for
Colorado vistas. Long unobstructed scenic views of dense forests leading toward
a backdrop of sharp peaked mountains were the most preferred vistas (Hammitt et
al, 1994). Predictors with a positive influence on scenic preference
perceptions were linear length of ridge line, area of rolling plateau and area
of moving water. Features detracting from scenic preference perceptions were
area of largest ridge, area of sky, and area of obstructing vegetation. All of
these factors have the potential to impede vision of the total landscape.
However, area of sky may be a surrogate for other variables. Specifically,
the area of sky in photographs corresponds to the absence of other
aesthetically values landscape features (e.g. ridges, rolling plateau, water,
and possibly other variables not identified in the model). That is, as area of
sky increases, the area of potentially relevant landscape features decreases
(Hammitt et al, 1994). It is suggested that scenic value increases as the
number and area of ridges increase. However, a single dominating ridge lowers
rather than enhances scenic preference (Hammitt et al, 1994). A theoretical
explanation for the negative influence of one-ridges vistas is that they lack
the visual complexity and content involvement of multi-ridged scenes, plus they
lack inter-lacing ridge lines and resulting ravines that lead the viewer to
visually explore multi-ridge scenes.
Moving water is also important as a predictor, however, the factor analysis
showed that scenes with moving water were the most preferred of all vistas
(Hammitt et al, 1994). The area of obstructing vegetation squared was
important. This predictor suggests that a negative curvilinear relationship
exists between amount of obstructing vegetation and scenic preference
perceptions (Hammitt et al, 1994). The final predictor was area of rolling
plateau in the background / very distant portions of the scene. Rolling plateau
had a positive effect on scenic beauty perceptions (Hammitt et al, 1994).
An alternative model explains 71% of the variance in scenic preference. The
model contains five variables also found in the `best' model: area of moving
water, linear perimeter of ridge line, area of rolling plateau, area of
obstructing vegetation and area of obstructing vegetation squared. Considered
together the two variables associated with obstructing vegetation again suggest
that vegetation which partially obscures the view detracts from scenic
preference. The two new predictors were area of forest bordering fields and
streams in the fore/mid ground and the same landscape feature in the
background/very distant portions of the scene (Hammitt et al, 1994).
Based on variables common to both models, it is concluded that forest vistas
of highest visual preference are determined by: area of moving water,
represented by forested rivers and streams; linear perimeter of ridge line,
represented by multi-ridged mountain viewsheds; area of rolling plateau
terrain; area of obstructing vegetation. The two new predictors in equation 2
involving area of forest border along fields and streams have a positive
influence, particularly amount of forest border/edge in the fore and mid-ground
views (Hammitt et al, 1994).
Factor analysis of visual preference estimate values reduced the data set to
9 vista landscape themes. Mountain forest landscapes with water, either flowing
or stationary, ranked highest in scenic preference, followed by mountain vistas
with multi-ridges in the background. Least preferred were vista landscapes
consisting of views with only one mountain ridge present, and vistas in which
the foreground woody vegetation obscured a portion of the vista (Hammitt et al,
1994). Forest border or edge in the fore/mid ground, moving water, and amount
of ridge line (multi-ridges) were positive predictors, while obstructing
vegetation in the foreground of unmaintained vistas detracted the most from
scenic preference.
The Shafer method
The Shafer method (Shafer et al, 1969; Brush and Shafer, 1975; Shafer and
Brush, 1977) is a landscape-preference model which uses perimeter and area
measurements of certain landscape features. The landscape zones used are: the
immediate, where individual leaves of trees and shrubs, soil texture, stones
and rocks are discernible; the intermediate, where only the forms of trees and
shrubs are discernible and the outlines of rocks and prominent features of snow
covered or bare land are distinguishable; and the distant zone, where the forms
of individual trees cannot be distinguished and no details of soil, rocks,
grasses or snow can be recognised (Brush and Shafer, 1975; Shafer et al, 1969).
The model uses measurements of the area or perimeter of major vegetation, such
as trees and shrubs, nonvegetation, such as exposed ground, snowfields and
grasses, and water, including streams, lakes and waterfalls.
The details of the ten zones used in the original study by Shafer et al
(1969) are: sky zone, sky and clouds only; immediate-vegetation zone;
intermediate-vegetation zone; distant-vegetation zone; immediate non-vegetation
zone; intermediate non-vegetation zone; distant non-vegetation zone; stream
zone, including only water and rocks in a stream; waterfall zone, including
only water and rocks in a waterfall; an lake zone, including water and rocks in
a lake.
The model predicts quite accurately how people will rank (or score) natural
landscapes although it does not predict landscape appeal directly, as it
predicts the appeal of a photograph (Brush and Shafer, 1975; Shafer et al,
1969). The model's terms include those features that are important in a
landscape's aesthetic appeal. The three landscape elements measured -
vegetation, nonvegetation and water - are also the gross features in natural
landscapes that man is capable of altering to an appreciable degree. Through
area and perimeter measurements, the model also uses the relative proportions
of landscape features in the landscape. The use of three zones in the model
takes into consideration the textural variation of vegetation and
nonvegetation. The sense of depth in a view, as established by textural
gradients and overlapping land forms, is generally recognised as a major factor
in scenic preference (Shafer and Brush, 1977).
The following items had positive effects on the aesthetic appeal of
landscape: perimeter of immediate vegetation; perimeter of intermediate
non-vegetation; perimeter of distant vegetation multiplied by area of water;
area of intermediate vegetation multiplied by area of distant non-vegetation;
and area of intermediate vegetation multiplied by area of water. The negative
effects items were: perimeter of immediate vegetation squared; area of water
squared; perimeter of immediate vegetation multiplied by distant vegetation;
perimeter of immediate vegetation multiplied by area of intermediate
vegetation; and perimeter of intermediate vegetation multiplied by area of
distant non-vegetation (Shafer et al, 1969).
Perimeter measurements stress the prominent edges between the forest canopy
and open ground or water, edges that separate masses of contrasting texture and
tone. Studies have shown that viewer's attention focuses at points along such
edges (Brush and Shafer, 1975). Water, when combined in a scene with forest
cover, strongly enhances scenic quality, yet if it occupies too much of a
scene, water detracts from the scenic quality. This suggests that without the
contrast of dark vertical masses of trees in the distance, the presence of
water can diminish the scenic quality of a scene (Shafer and Brush, 1977).
Factors that may have influenced model results include weather conditions
and photographic composition. Third order terms may have explained more
variation, unfortunately the computer used did not have the storage space to
cope with these additional terms (Shafer et al, 1969). The study was repeated
in Scotland in 1972; the landscape preference equation developed from the
original study in 1969 would have predicted quite accurately the preferences of
Scottish people, although it was developed from data collected in the United
States (Shafer and Tooby, 1973).
A principal advantage of the regression model is the use of second-order
terms that describe interrelated or interlocking elements of the landscape. The
model also recognises the importance of framing and of water. Two of the
strongest criticisms of the Shafer model are the lack of any theoretical
foundation and the failure to account for individual differences (Propst and
Buhyoff, 1980).
Two distinct patterns are apparent in the predictors used for preference
models - the abstract, more subjective properties and the more objective,
measurement based properties of landscapes. The former appear to be used to
explain measured preference, and are rarely used to create a model to predict
preference for a new landscape. The latter are used to create models which can
be generically applied, such as the model of Shafer et al (1969) which was
developed in the United States and was later applied to Scotland (Shafer and
Tooby, 1973).
The model of Abello et al (1986) and Calvin et al (1972) used preference
rankings to determine relatively abstract properties of landscapes - the
studies would be difficult to apply. EVA (Buhyoff et al, 1994) is an
expert-system and is as such objective, however, it still uses semi-tangible
concepts (mystery, complexity, vividness of patterns) which have been defined
so as to be quantifiable.
Many of the other models use areas and perimeters of landscape zones, in
three distance classes: immediate, intermediate and distant (Shafer et al,
1969) or foreground, middleground and background (Patsfall et al, 1984);
although using distance classes does not always increase prediction of scenic
preference (Hammitt et al, 1994). Some use all three in a very systematic
fashion (Shafer et al, 1969; Patsfall et al, 1984) while others use only some
in conjunction with other descriptors (Bishop and Hulse, 1994; Hammitt et al,
1994; Propst and Buhyoff, 1980).
Vegetation presence within the zones is used to delineate the landscape -
Patsfall et al (1984) used presence in the left, centre and right of the
distance classes while Shafer et al (1969) used vegetation, non-vegetation and
water in the distance classes. The more complex zonations of Hammitt et al
(1994), Bishop and Hulse (1994) and Propst and Buhyoff (1980) use other
components of the landscape such as sky or cloud (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980;
Hammitt et al, 1994), ridge lines or range of relief (Bishop and Hulse, 1994;
Hammitt et al, 1994), green and blue colours (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980), area
of obstructing vegetation (Hammitt et al, 1994) and area of unobstructed view
(Propst and Buhyoff, 1980).
Vegetation is important in predicting scenic quality (Abello et al, 1986);
too much in the foreground can obstruct vision and detract from visual quality
(Hammitt et al, 1994; Shafer et al, 1969). Fore and mid-ground vegetation has
been shown to be a major predictor of visual quality (Hammitt et al, 1994). It
has also been shown to have different effects on the left and right of a scene
(Patsfall et al, 1984). Water is also very important, in the form of rivers
(Bishop and Hulse, 1994), moving water (Hammitt et al, 1994) and waterfalls
(Brush and Shafer, 1975), these are all aspects of natural force, a predictive
factor identified by Calvin et al (1972). Again, too much water can detract
from a scene (Brush and Shafer, 1975).
Similarly, a large area of sky or a large ridge is a negative predictor of
scenic quality (Hammitt et al, 1994), possibly because it impedes vision of the
landscape and decreases the area of potentially interesting or complex
landscape. This is also highlighted in the visual composition and spatial
organisation components of the EVA system (Buhyoff et al,1994). The importance
of edges of landscape components (Shafer and Brush, 1977) is due to contrast of
texture and tone, this can be looked at as the level of complexity or diversity
in the landscape.
Such landscape components as mountains, undisturbed forest in the middle and
background and length of unobstructed view are all important positive
predictors (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980; Patsfall et al, 1984; Hammitt et al,
1994) whereas human development and changes are negative predictors of scenic
preference (Propst and Buhyoff, 1980); this relates to the natural beauty
predictor in the model of Calvin et al (1972).
In many ways, it is the semi-tangible landscape properties that make sense
of the predictive power of a wide range of explicit, measurable landscape
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