Visual Impact Assessment
- Laws and politics in scenic beauty
- Need for VIA
- Roles for landscape simulation
- Combination of technologies
Types of visibility analysis
- Traditional techniques
- Local, wide area, analysis for viewpoints
- Distant, close, panoramic, corridor
- Mapping techniques
- Projective and reflective mappings
- Single and cumulative maps
- Colour coded impact maps
The application of Visual Impact
- Landscape simulation methods
- Computer-based simulation
- Hyper-linked multi-media
- Criteria for good simulations
- Changes due to the seasons
- Applications of Visual Impact Assessment
- Bernina Pass Project
- Transmission towers
- Lingara Bay VIA
- VIA in the Forest Industry
- Forestry objectives in the UK
- Forest design
- Visualisation tools
- Simulation tool
Definitions in Visual Impact Assessment
In EIA reports the visual landscape is often described, based on its
geomorphological features. Sometimes the visual impacts of the proposed
development are evaluated but rarely is there a good Visualisation of the
project (Lange, 1994). There are three major problems in visual landscape
evaluation: the technical problem of how to visualise possible changes in the
landscape; the theoretical problem of how to evaluate scenic beauty; and the
administrative problem of how to integrate visual aspects in the planning
process (Lange, 1994).
GIS has the capability to project 3D Visualisations of pre and post
development site conditions (Selman et al, 1991). It is the integrated use,
however, of several technologies, including imagery, that is best able to solve
the complex Visualisation problems (Bishop and Hull, 1991). However, while the
technical side of computer Visualisation is fairly advanced, the science of
human-visual display interfaces is woefully inadequate (Orland and Daniel,
Regional and local issues
The Visualisation models must be reliable and generalisable, and must be
able to convey their meaning to ordinary citizens. The systems should be able
to accommodate detailed, fine-grained, data representations within
coarse-grained data sets to support both regional and local aspects of
modelling (Orland, 1992b).
Spatial, quantitative and qualitative issues
The visual impact assessment of a proposed development addresses three types
of issues: spatial, quantitative and qualitative. Spatial issues include where
the development is visible from or, more specifically, what or whom it is
visible to; quantitative issues include how much of the development is visible,
how much of the surrounding area is affected, and to what degree; and
qualitative issues include the visual character of the development and its
compatibility with its surroundings (Fels, 1992).
Basic functions of a VIA
Five basic functions are important in the VIA: clear identification of the
various types of impacts; organisation of spatially and temporally dispersed
inventory data; prediction of impacts based upon potential land use decisions;
a usable interface between these functions and the planner/manager; and
effective communication of potential impacts to the public and decision-makers
(Bishop and Hull, 1991).
In Scotland, as in the rest of Britain, political and economic policies are
still the major influences on decisions about locations for new industrial
developments. Already, much of its lowland landscape has been intruded upon by
extractive industry and urbanisation, and its highland landscape by reservoirs
for both water supply and hydroelectricity (Aylward and Turnbull, 1977).
Although local government has at its disposal sophisticated planning
legislation, the community is still concerned that fundamental changes may
occur in the physical and visual quality of their environment and often
suspects that planning and consent may be given to a development without the
full disclosure of effects on the community. Thus, local government in a rural
area is often motivated by pressure groups and individuals to impose stringent
planning conditions which ensure that both the developers and the community are
aware of the effects of the development and the alternatives available. The
presentation of the evidence must be in a form that can be clearly understood
and assessed by all parties (Aylward and Turnbull, 1977).
In some countries the scenery is well protected. For example in the Swiss
constitution it is stated that the scenery has to be taken care of and in the
case of a great interest of the general public, it has to be preserved
undiminished (Lange, 1994). In the state of Wisconsin, in the USA, scenic
beauty has assumed an importance in the law that currently serves as a major
consideration in many of the state's regulatory functions. In 1952, the State
Supreme Court ruled that the "right of the citizens of the state to enjoy
our navigable streams includes the enjoyment of scenic beauty". The court
held that "the occupancy (by the public) is visual" and that indeed
the enjoyment of the beauty of the land constitutes a legitimate public use of
land whether or not the public is allowed to set foot on it (Bishop and Hull,
For natural resource managers to plan for a more healthy environment, and to
elicit public and political support for such plans, two needs have been
identified: (1) to predict the responses of public groups to changes in the
environment, for some of which the visual impact may be the dominant indicator,
and to plan to minimise any negative impacts; (2) once a proposal is developed,
to communicate the effects of proposed changes to other agencies and public
review groups to facilitate decision-making (Orland, 1994).
Two fundamentally different approaches for an evaluation can be
distinguished: one, a professionally based approach, where the evaluation is
carried out by an expert or a group of experts; the other, a publicly based
approach, where the evaluation is carried out by a number of lay people
representing the public or different social groups (Lange, 1994).
There have been few comprehensive programs to incorporate the Visualisation
tools into environmental resource modelling systems, nor to systematically
evaluate the usefulness and applicability of such systems to agency and public
decision-making settings. In some areas there are comprehensive resource
models, but lacking Visualisation capabilities in others there are
well-developed Visualisation tools but poor links to quantitative modelling
(Orland, 1992a).
There are at least four kinds of roles that landscape simulation might serve
in the context of landscape aesthetic policy development, implementation, and
evaluation: (1) to serve as a tool for enforcement of public rights to know the
aesthetic consequences of environmental modifications; (2) to create
simulations which might serve as negotiated legal documents in the context of
existing policies; (3) help to establish perceptually based performance
standards in land use regulation; (4) assist in the assessment of monetary
penalties for aesthetic damages (Bishop and Hull, 1991).
There are, of course, many methodological, substantive, and even ethical
issues that will have to be resolved before the use of simulation to reinforce
the public's right to know becomes commonplace: e.g. accuracy, vantage point,
validity, incorporation of sounds and odours, and so on (Bishop and Hull,
Several technologies are available to assist with the modelling, inventory,
interface and communication procedures to facilitate decision making about the
effects of land use design, planning and management. These technologies are
psychophysics, video-imaging, GIS and expert systems.
Psychophysics is a tool which assists in the assessment and prediction of
scenic beauty. Video-imaging is a tool which assists in presentation of visual
land use impacts to researchers, planners and the public and in the prediction
of visual impacts. Expert systems are that branch of artificial intelligence
research which can produce "a computer system that uses a representation
of human expertise in a speciality domain in order to perform functions similar
to those normally performed by a human expert in that domain" (Bishop and
Hull, 1991).
GIS provides the technology for inventory of the predictor variables and
consequently the scenic beauty impacts. They also provide the underlying
spatial and temporal data base for inventory and prediction of the visual
resource under changing land use conditions. To provide appropriate data in
terms of human response, the data base must include not only the traditional
physical variables but also mappings of anticipated activities and ephemeral
factors (Bishop and Hull, 1991).
Used together the technologies become more than the simple sum of the parts.
The use of psychophysical techniques is enhanced by the availability of
video-imagery to simulate changes in the environment under controlled
conditions. Prediction efforts are enhanced by expert systems which can improve
upon the generalizability of results by selecting appropriate models and can
make intelligent decisions regarding input data of questionable quality. The
prediction models for some outcomes may not be amenable to quantitative
techniques and could involve symbolic programming in the form of expert
systems. The predictive models are made useful by integration with GIS or GIS
and expert systems (Bishop and Hull, 1991).
The principle of intervisibility states that visibility is determined
in two ways either from the site or to the site, that is, if point A can be
seen from point B then the reverse is true. Thus although a site's visibility
is normally thought of in terms of it being viewed from outside its boundaries,
the outward view from the site to adjacent areas can be adopted to simplify
analysis (Aylward and Turnbull, 1977).
Different types of visibility analysis include intervisibility analysis to
produce levels of visual impact, dead ground analysis, identification of the
portions of the landscape forming a backcloth for the design object, situations
where the design object appears above the landscape horizon and the
identification of optimal location for vegetation screen placement (Kennie and
McLaren, 1988). The ability to map all of the viewpoints may prompt detailed
interactive investigations in portions of the landscape, and suggest which
portions of a planned development are most problematic and which portions might
be altered to reduce visual impact (Fels, 1992). Quantifying the area visible
from any location is an objective measure of the extent to which a change in
land cover will be visible to an observer (Miller, 1995). Critical portions of
the development can be identified, critical viewpoints can be located (Fels,
Traditional manual techniques of visibility analysis have emphasised the
zone of visual intrusion associated with site development. The most important
variable determining this is the terrain or landforms surrounding the site.
Frequently, it is the size of the area within which the installation can be
seen that is important, in other cases the critical consideration is site
visibility from individual locations, such as scenic drives or picnic sites
(Selman et al, 1991).
Of course determining a site's visibility does not produce the design but it
can go a long way to help the speedy evaluation of alternative ideas and
solutions, something that does not normally happen with more laborious and
graphic simulation methods (Aylward and Turnbull, 1977). GIS-Visualisation goes
beyond the simple ability to discuss single anticipated outcomes via
traditional graphic tools or simple visibility analyses. It offers the
opportunity to visualise relationships across time and space, and to explore
more comprehensive ranges of possibility (Orland, 1994).
An approach which uses GIS to assess resources from the perspective of
recreation through evaluating scenery and visual impact has been described by
Miller et al (1994). Three types of analysis are used: local analysis of
scenery; wide area analysis; and analysis for viewpoints.
Local analysis of scenery uses visual impacts at particular locations and
for particular scenes as well as three further factors: distance depth cueing
and size perspective; angle of intersection of the view with the terrain; and
land cover. The use of this method to visualise and measure the impact of
forest land use change in an example scene shows that the visual impact of
afforestation is generally low, being below the horizon and blending with the
dark texture background of the mountains (Miller et al, 1994).
Wide area analysis uses two approaches. Viewsheds for selected visitor
viewpoints are calculated to identify priority zones of visual importance to
tourists. A census of the total area visible from all locations is also
calculated. Analysis for viewpoints uses viewpoints to measure scenic potential
by determining the number of viewpoints from which any terrain location is
At present these GIS tools for the analysis of scenery are used for either
historical evaluation of land use change (Gauld et al, 1991) or prediction of
the impacts of future changes (Aspinall, 1990). The approach can also be linked
to more traditional methods of landscape analysis, such as the use of
questionnaires to assess perception of place (Miller et al, 1994).
Four types of view can be analysed using using digital data: distant, close,
panoramic and corridor (Miller, 1995).
Distant and close are terms describing a concept. They have been coined to
enable scoring of the landscape with respect to observer value judgements and
predict scenic value for units in which only the data on the landscape elements
are known. They are views characterised by the distance of the horizon and the
land immediately below the horizon, from the observer. A working definition of
close may be one in which the observer can discriminate between features of
interest; for example, distinguish between coniferous and deciduous trees or
between woodland and heather moorland. The implications of this are that a view
from the same locality, in a particular direction, may be categorised
differently if the atmospheric conditions are dramatically different, and
therefore accompanying a categorisation of view must be a statement of
prevailing modelled conditions (Miller, 1995).
Corridors are characterised by the existence of lateral terrain features
such as valley sides or woodland either side of the observer, constraining
their view in a narrow field. Photographic panoramas are usually made up of a
number of laterally overlapping photographs taken in a sequence around 360
degrees with the disjoins evident. In a digitally produced panorama the number
of views generated can be significantly larger than those taken on the ground
(Miller, 1995).
Intervisibility analysis is accomplished through many applications of
viewshed mapping procedures: projective and reflective, individual and
composite. The effects of temporary alterations to the topographic model can be
seen and evaluated (Fels, 1992).
Projective and reflective mappings
Projective mappings are initiated from viewpoints within the development
(inside looking out) while reflective mappings are initiated from viewpoints in
the surrounding landscape (outside looking in). The objective of projective
mapping is to reveal the extent of visibility of the development to its
surroundings. The objective of reflective mapping is to determine whether, and
to what extent, the development is visible from its surroundings. Reflective
mapping is more similar to conventional viewshed mapping procedures than is
projective mapping (Fels, 1992).
Single and cumulative mappings
Single viewpoints are useful in evaluating the effects of a specific
component of the development. The use of multiple viewpoints produces composite
intervisibility maps; true cumulative mapping is more useful than mapping from
a predetermined set of points (Fels, 1992).
Cumulative maps portray the visibility of every point in the development
with respect to every point in the landscape. f the object of study is a form
of development, such as a landfill or an electrical transmission line, the
study must include every model point within that landfill or along that
transmission line. If the object of study is a visual resource, such as scenic
river, the study must include every model point associated with that river.
These maps are the most effective means for producing comprehensive appraisals
of spatial and quantitative impact issues (Fels, 1992).
Colour coded impact maps
One version of such as evaluation can yield a qualitative impact, ranging,
for example, from beneficial and benign to harmful and disastrous. You can
produce an impact map using an evocative colour coding scheme, e.g. red for
bad, green for good, yellow for neutral. (This colour scheme is by no means
universal. No colour scheme is. But, as Ervin (1993) observes, within a culture
of viewers used to traffic lights, it is easily understood.)
Patterns of impacts that have an element of geographic or spatial
correlation (such as along drainage courses or ridge tops) became obvious in
this approach and seem much more immediate when seen in pseudo-3D than when
simply presented as a coloured impact map (Ervin, 1993).
The definition of simulation:
"an image of a proposed project shown in perspective view in the
context of the actual site (Lange, 1994)."
A wide range of landscape simulation methods have been developed and
implemented as tools for impact assessment. These include: plans, diagrams,
elevations, perspective sketches, renderings, modified photographs (photo
renderings and photomontages), slide projections, scale models, movies,
videotapes and computer graphics (Oh, 1994). Photomontages are often used to
get a subjective impression. However, it is a relatively expensive method and
is restricted to fixed observer locations (Zewe and Koglin, 1995).
Computer-based simulation
Computer-based simulation methods include: two-dimensional drafting and
painting; three-dimensional wire frame models; surface and solid modelling;
image processing; and animation techniques. Several reports have shown
successful applications of advanced computer technologies such as
three-dimensional solid modelling, coloured and dynamic functions (Oh, 1994).
Another possibility is the calculation of computer graphic images by
projecting aerial photographs as a texture onto landscape polygons. This method
is currently being developed in France by the EDF (Électricité de
France). It delivers very realistic images particularly for distant areas, but
not nearby the observer (Zewe and Koglin, 1995).
Hyper-linked multi-media
Systems using hyper-linked multi-media can support a variety of
investigations, proposals and evaluations that landscape planners must make,
across scales, across themes and over time. A prototype hyper-media GIS system
was developed for the Massachusetts Turnpike Study by Ervin (1992a) - the study
contained several elements that in combination are powerful tools for landscape
analysis, planning and design.
Criteria for good simulations
Lange (1994) states the following as criteria which good simulations should
1. Representativeness - a simulation should represent important and typical
views of a project.
2. Accuracy - the similarity between a simulation and the reality after the
project has been realised. Of course, judging this is a little difficult
3. Visual clarity - detail, parts and overall contents have to be clearly
4. Interest - a simulation should hold the attention of the viewer.
5. Legitimacy - a simulation is defensible if it can be shown how it was
produced and to what degree it is accurate.
Visual simulation is only descriptive; it does not release the planner from
the difficult task of evaluation nor does it provide an evaluation in itself in
a publicly based evaluation approach. However, visual simulation is, or at
least should be, the prerequisite to predict and to evaluate the visual
consequences of planned alterations (Lange, 1994).
Changes due to the seasons
There is a need to visualise change over time, using colour cues and
animation. To create different simulations for the three different seasons
symbols can be substituted where appropriate (bare branched deciduous trees in
the winter, sparsely foliated in the spring and autumn). Fields can appear tan
in the autumn and white in the winter, and bright green/yellow/blue (depending
on crop) in the spring. Other dimensions of the landscape - such as visibility
distances, sun and shade pockets, or "sense of enclosure" or
"view of water" also change with the seasons (Ervin, 1993).
Some of the cases where VIA has been used are noted below. The three
assessments discussed have very different landscape types and different
objectives for the studies. The Bernina Pass Project looked at the siting of a
dam in an area of high scenic beauty; the transmission tower project looked at
the effects of towers in several areas; and the work at Lingara Bay attempted
to prevent the building of a superquarry on the island of Harris in the Outer
Selman et al (1991) looked at four case study sites using a GIS. Their
system was found to work well for three of the four sites; Aonach Mor skiing
development, powerlines in Skye, and an afforestation scheme in the Tinto
Hills. The fourth site, an opencast mine, did not suit the technology used. The
value of the GIS and the DTM maps produced, seem to lie principally in
providing general information of alternative development layouts (Selman et al,
Bernina Pass Project
The Bernina Pass project in Switzerland looked at the location and design of
a new dam. The EIA report produced was the basis for the decision of the
relevant authorities, its objective was to find out whether the proposal met
the criteria expressed in the various laws on environmental protection (Lange,
For the landscape simulations, Lange (1994) used a computer-aided design
(CAD) software package (AUTOCAD) and an image manipulation system (PHOTOSHOP).
For a dynamic simulation a DTM was produced in ARC/INFO. The digitised contour
lines and the point elevation data are then transferred into a TIN and
subsequently a lattice raster format.
Transmission towers
Hull and Bishop (1988) looked at the effects of electricity pylons on the
landscape. The relationship between the distance from and scenic impact of
pylons was examined and its functional form established. The influence of
landscape type on the form was also examined, to look at its effect on shape,
intercept and gradient of the equation describing the relationship between
scenic impact and distance.
The study used three landscape types: rural, suburban, and flat agricultural
fields. Scenes without towers were found which were very similar to scenes with
towers and both sets photographed. These were then rated for `scenic beauty'
using a ten point scale. The scenic impact of the transmission line was
calculated by subtracting the scenic beauty estimate of the scene without the
tower from that with the tower (Hull and Bishop, 1988).
Although most of the impacts were positive, there were instances where
negative impacts occurred, implying that the tower had increased a scene's
scenic beauty. This result is spurious, however, and probably caused by
inaccurate matching of with and without tower landscape scenes. Photographic
enhancement or computer simulation would enable towers to be implanted or
removed from the landscape. This method would enable a perfect match and
therefore a more exact estimate of scenic impact (Hull and Bishop, 1988).
Distance vs. scenic impact
Ordinary least square regression was used to determine the functional form
of the relationship between distance and scenic impact. Intuition suggests that
visual impact decreases as distance increases; the results showed this to be
so, impact decreases rapidly as distance increases. Most of the impact occurs
in the 100m to 1km range. The impact at 500m is about 25% of the maximum, by
1km it is just 10% (Hull and Bishop, 1988).
The data indicated that a tower's scenic impact is influenced by the
landscape surrounding the tower. Some landscape types will contrast and make
the tower stand out while others may offer camouflage. It seems that towers
have less impact in more complex scenes, especially at larger distances. An
explanation for this is that as distance increases, the tower becomes less of a
focal point and the observer's attention is diverted by the complexity of the
scene (Hull and Bishop, 1988).
Lingara Bay VIA
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) are opposing the development of a
superquarry on the island of Harris. Their campaign has caused a majority of
two thirds of the locals in favour of the project to swing to a majority of two
thirds against the development (Hughes, pers. comm.).
Visibility analyses were done on the area, within a 40km radius of the bay,
giving a map which showed the density of sites from which the proposed quarry
was visible. A number of these sites were selected and independent visibility
analyses were done on each, showing the changes in the view of the site at
various time periods over the next 60 years. Panoramic photographs and line
drawings were used to display the scene (Hughes, pers. comm.).
The majority of the high visibility sites were to the east of the
development, on the Isle of Skye and the ferry routes between Skye and the
Outer Hebrides. Shipping forecasts were used to give a reasonably accurate
estimate of the amount of time that the site would be able to be seen and would
not be obscured by fog, rain, or other atmospheric condition. Throughout the
VIA, SNH used accurate, indisputable data, however errors still occurred due to
the tolerance of the data (for example, the pixels in the DTM may have been to
a resolution of 10m). This assessment gave the locals the chance to see what
effect the quarry would have on their landscape and to form their own opinion
based on what they had seen.
Forestry objectives in the UK
The underlying objective of commercial forestry in the UK is timber
production and economics; other objectives which influence forest design
include ecology, wildlife habitat, visual quality, fire and wind exposure as
well as amenity and recreation (Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership, 1988). It is
recognised that forests should support recreation activities and provide
facilities for them but that it should still closely resemble a natural forest
from a visual perspective; there should be a balance of species and age that
conforms with the topography, soil type and climatic characteristics of the
area (Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership, 1988).
Forest design
Visual integration of the forest with the landscape is a key element in
forest design (Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership, 1988). There are seven principles
of forest design (Price, 1994): naturalness, equilibrium/balance,
contrast/variety, pattern, integrity, pleasantness, and honesty. These mean
that there should be no straight lines or right angles. Forests should be in
equilibrium and not give the impression of sliding downhill - the illusion of
movement in a static landscape is a manifestation of visual forces (Turnbull
Jeffrey Partnership, 1988). Changes in land use should be on the break of slope
(Price, 1994) and forest-shapes superimposed on landforms should have their
boundaries rise in valleys and fall on spurs, so that they respond to the shape
of the ground in a direct and satisfying way (Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership,
Visualisation tools
In traditional Visualisation techniques it was very difficult to visualise
the impact of the design from more than one viewpoint, or explore the dynamics
of forests over time. Changes due to tree growth, harvesting and replanting
couldn't be seen. It was also time consuming to transfer the perspective view
of a site to a map for use by the foresters in implementing the design
(Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership, 1988).
VIA tools can be used effectively in several areas of the forest design
process. Decision support can be provided in the following phases of design:
identifying the potential levels of visual intrusion; enabling the designer to
identify the optimal location of the forest for screening purposes; locating an
ideal backcloth to minimise the visual impact of buildings - the tool can
locate the areas of the landscape providing this backcloth; portions of the
forest that are visually exposed to the public can be identified; visual impact
of objects in the landscape can be minimised if they are located to avoid their
protrusion above the horizon line; identifying areas of trees that will act as
screens (Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership, 1988).
Simulation tool
Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership (1988) describe CAVIA (computer-aided visual
impact assessment), a predictive analysis and simulation tool that can form an
integral component of a GIS. The forest design process is undertaken
interactively using a graphics terminal and a digitiser. The height of block
draped trees can be the thickness corresponding to tree maturity, allowing tree
growth stages to be viewed. The system also provides the designer with
modification tools to reshape, subdivide and delete tree blocks. The blocks are
displayed as wire frame models with colour differentiating species type. The
individual trees may be represented using species specific colour and
The design can be in plan or perspective and from any vantage point or
direction. The system can also be used outside forestry, for example in general
landscaping, power station location and electricity pylon routing (Turnbull
Jeffrey Partnership, 1988).
Amir, S. and Gidalizon, E. (1990) Expert based Method for the Evaluation of
Visual Absorption Capacity of the Landscape. Journal of Environmental
Management, 30, 251-163.
Aspinall, R.J. (1990) An Integrated Approach to Land Evaluation: Grampian
Region. In Evaluation of Land Resources in Scotland (eds. Bibby, J.S.
and Thomas, M.F.), p45 - 56, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute and the Royal
Scottish Geographical Society.
Aylward, G. and Turnbull, M. (1977) Visual analysis: a computer-aided
approach to determine visibility. Computer-Aided Design, 9,
Bishop, I.D. and Hull, R.B. (1991) Integrating technologies for visual
resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 32,
Ervin, S.M. (1992a) A hypermedia GIS: the Massachusetts Turnpike study.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 16, 375-383.
Ervin, S.M. (1993) Landscape Visualisation with Emaps. IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, 13, 28-33.
Fels, J.E. (1992) Viewshed simulation and analysis: an interactive approach.
GIS World, July, 54-59.
Gauld, J.H., Bell, J.S., Towers, W. and Miller, D.R. (1991) The measurement
and analysis of land cover changes in the Cairngorms. Report to the Scottish
Office Environment Department and the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries
Hughes, R. (1995) Personal communication. Landscape and Restoration Branch,
Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh.
Hull, R.B. and Bishop, I.D. (1988) Scenic Impacts of Electricity
Transmission Towers: The Influence of Landscape Type and Observer Distance.
Journal of Environmental Management, 27, 99 - 108.
Kennie, T.J.M. and McLaren, R.A. (1988) Modelling for digital terrain and
landscape Visualisation. Photogrammetric Record, 12, 711 - 745.
Lange, E. (1994) Integration of computerized visual simulation and visual
assessment in environmental planning. Landscape and Urban Planning,
30, 99-112.
Miller, D.R. (1995) Categorization of terrain view. In Innovation in
GIS2 (ed. Fisher, P.), chap 17, p215 - 221, Taylor and Francis.
Miller, D.R., Morrice, J.G., Horne, P.L. and Aspinall, R.J. (1994) The use
of geographic information systems for analysis of scenery in the Cairngorm
Mountains, Scotland. In Mountain Environments and Geographic Information
Systems (eds. Price, M.F. and Heywood, D.I.), Chap 7, p119 - 131, Taylor
and Francis.
Oh, K. (1994) A perceptual evaluation of computer-based landscape
simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 28, 201-216.
Orland, B. (1992a) Data Visualisation Techniques in Environmental
Management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 21, 237-244.
Orland, B. (1992b) Evaluating regional changes on the basis of local
expectations: a Visualisation dilemma. Landscape and Urban Planning,
21, 257-259.
Orland, B. (1994) Visualisation techniques for incorporation in forest
planning geographic information systems. Landscape and Urban Planning,
30, 83-97.
Orland, B. and Daniel, T.C. (1995) Impact of Proposed Water Withdrawls on
the Perceived Scenic Beauty of Desert Springs and Wetlands: Image
Generation. Imaging Systems Laboratory, Department of Landscape
Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Price, C. (1994) M.Sc. Rural Resource Management Lecture Course:
Landscape. University College of North Wales, Bangor.
Pukkala, T. and Kellomaki, S. (1988) Simulation as a tool in designing
forest landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 16, 253-260.
Selman, P., Davidson, D., Watson, A. and Winterbottom, S. (1991) GIS in
rural environmental planning. Town Planning Review, 62, 215-223.
Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership (1988) Visual impact assessment in the
commercial forest: design and management process.
Zewe, R. and Koglin, H.-J. (1995) A method for the visual assessment of
overhead lines. Computers and Graphics, 19, 97-108.
Definitions in Visual Impact Analysis (IEA and the Landscape
Analysis (landscape): the process of breaking the landscape into its
component parts to understand how it is made up.
Assessment: an umbrella term for description, analysis and
Landscape character: distinct pattern or combination of elements that
occur consistently in parts of the landscape.
Landform: combination of slope and evaluation producing the shape and
form of the land surface.
Landscape evaluation: the process of attaching value (non-monetary)
to a particular landscape, usually by reference to an agreed set of criteria
and in the context of the assessment.
Landscape quality: term used to indicate value based on character,
condition and aesthetic appeal.
Landscape resource: the combination of elements that contributes to
landscape context, character and value.
Sense of place: the essential character and spirit of an area.
Visual impact: change in the appearance of the landscape as a result
of development. This can be positive (improvement) or negative (detraction).
Visualisation: computer simulation, photomontage or other technique
to illustrate the appearance of a development.