This work package involves five phases. The first three phases are carried out across all case studies in Europe (Catalonia, Italy, Finland, and Romania) with a further two phases carried out in Scotland.
The first phase involves identifying the main policies of relevance to sustainability and the case study; the success and failure factors explaining the progress of policy implementation and identifying the main stakeholders involved (almost completed).
This phase draws on the analysis undertaken prior to this project (see Necessary but not sufficient: Tools for Analysing Multi-Scale Integrated Eco-Social Systems) and other research (see Participation and Governance in Spatial Planning).
The second phase involves interviewing key stakeholders for their views on the policy implementation process.
The third phase involves analysing the data and illustrating what factors are contributing to policy delivery.
The fourth phase involvses demonstrating the outputs of the toolkit to the Cairngorms National Park Authority and assessing the utility of the toolkit in terms of their needs.
The fifth phase involves making recommendations regarding how to make the toolkit responsive to end user needs and will result in a policy briefing.
All work phases are now complete.