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Livestock Production in the
European Less Favoured Areas: Meeting future economic, environmental and policy objectives through integrated research |
Chapter 1. Livestock systems
Socio-economic and marketing aspects of livestock regimes in less favoured areas in South-West Germany
Rainer Luick, Germany
The socio-economics of sheep and goat farming in Greece and the implications for future rural development.
Yiannis Hadjigeorgiou, François Vallerand, and George Zervas, Greece
The process of change in the livestock systems of small family farmers in response to new local development programs: The example of the mountainous region of Evritania.
Dimitris Katsaros, Greece
Husbandry systems and market segmentation of products from LFAs - the example of Luberon lamb in France.
Jacques Lasseur, Jean-Pierre Boutonnet, Danielle Ponchelet, Marie-Claude Leouffre, Christian Deverre, France
Extensive sheep farming in Central France : diversity of rearing objectives and their consequences for grazing management practices.
Benoît Dedieu & J.M. Chabosseau, France.
Future applications of web-based information and tele-cooperation in integrated research on livestock production.
Marianne Andres & Jan Mark Pohlmann ZADI, Germany
Chapter 2. Adding value
The added value of cashmere and kid meat production in the Norwegian dairy goat industry.
Lars Olav Eik & L. J. Asheim, Norway
On-farm food processing in France, the experience of the observatoire of innovation in Europe.
Martine François. France
Extensive beef cattle production in Portugal: the added value of indigenous breeds in the beef market.
Luis Pinto de Andrade, L., Rodrigues, A.M. & Várzea Rodrigues, J.P., Portugal
Fulfillment of consumer expectations and consumptive behaviour with meat produced under agri-environment schemes.
Gerold Rahmann, Germany
Chapter 3. Policy
Livestock and rural development policies in the EU: some emerging issues and developments.
Brian J Revell, Harper Adams University College, UK
The role of agricultural policy in maintaining High Nature Value (HNV) farming systems in Europe.
Petra Hellegers, Netherlands
Livestock agriculture and rural development in Ireland - challenges for policy.
Jim Phelan, Ireland
The implications of further CAP Reform on the regional impact of livestock headage payments in Scotland.(1.3Mb)
Richard Kelly & Andrew Copus, Scotland
Greening LFA payments: the environmental dimension of agricultural support in disadvantaged areas of the United Kingdom.
Peter Midmore, Anne-Marie Sherwood & Gabriella Roughley. Aberystwyth, UK
Integrating the multi-objective roles of livestock production activities in a policy for sustainable development: the case of "Carso", Trieste, Italy.
Gianluigi Gallenti, Francesco Marangon & Roberta Leonarduzzi, Italy
Chapter 4. Environmental Management
Livestock production systems and the vegetation dynamics of Less Favoured Areas (LFAs): developing viable systems to manage semi-natural vegetation in temperate LFAs in Spain. (versión en español)
Koldo Osoro & Javier Martínez Vassallo, Spain
The economics and ecology of extensively reared Highland cattle in the Scottish LFA: an example of a self sustaining livestock system.
Eric Bignal, Davy McCracken & Aeneas MacKay, UK
Biotope conservation with ruminants in Germany: the example of goats on shrub-infested slopes.
Pera Haumann, Germany
Variation in intensity of grassland farming in Austria's Alpine areas - a socio-economic study.
Christina Mayer and Hans-Karl Wytrzens, Austria.
Results of LSIRD feasibility studies
Report of LSIRD study on the feasibility of establishment of cashmere production in the EU.
Angus Russel, UK
The introduction of moose to more southerly regions of Europe for the management of wetland biotopes.
Thiérry Lecomte, France
Analysis of the viability of ostrich farming in the EU.
Brian Revell & John Adams, UK