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European Network for Livestock Systems and Integrated Rural Development

LSIRDnetwork is a Concerted Action funded by the European Commission to coordinate European research activities in the field of domestic livestock in disadvantaged regions. The EU project ran until March 1999, and no further events are planned. However, the network of contacts made during the project continues to link workers around Europe, and parts of this website, such as the conference announcements and links pages, will continue to be updated. The LSIRD can still be contacted at the address below, and any enquiries are welcome. Other networks are still active in this field, for example the European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism, and others, which may be found in the "related websites" section.

The organisation of the LSIRDnetwork
FAUNUS - LSIRDnetwork online newsletter
Nafplio conference proceedings
Dublin conference proceedings
LSIRD workshop proceedings (pdf - 600kb) (html)
LSIRD special report
Opportunities for species diversification for farm and environmental management: 
Three European feasibility studies
Register now !
Other related websites
Conference announcements

The LSIRD project has demonstrated that there is broad agreement within the European research community in the importance of maintaining the family farm as the basic unit of agricultural communities. The key to maintaining these businesses as viable units within the Less Favoured Areas lies in their ability to realise the diverse opportunities offered by quality on-farm food processing and retail, tourism-related activities, and agri-environmental measures.

Over the last 3 years the LSIRD project has collected together a wealth of experimental results, experience and observation from all the current EU member states, as well as from those that will soon be joining. European agriculture is rapidly changing as it responds to changing demands and opportunities. Structural adjustment brings with it considerable personal pain and suffering for those farmers forced into leaving the industry. However, we have tried in LSIRD, recognising this, to give a positive view of some of the opportunities offered in the future, and to demonstrate the real contribution that research, in its many different forms, is making to the shaping of new ways of life for rural communities in the European less favoured areas.

Bray conference proceedings

More details

Nafplio conference proceedings

The books are available (non-delegates - price £20.00 inc)
direct from LSIRD

More Details

All comments, suggestions and enquiries about any of the information found on this site should be directed to Jerry Laker.

To MLURI homepage

All postal correspondence for LSIRDnetwork should be sent to

Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland, UK

Tel: +(44)(0)1224 318 611
Fax: +(44)(0)1224 311 556

This page was last updated on 16 Feb 2000.

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LSIRDnetwork is supported by the Concerted Action programme of the European Commission DG VI. FAIR1 CT95-0114.