Link to Macaulay Land Use Research Institute homepageVirtual Landscape Theatre
During 2009, Aberdeenshire Council have been running a series of Heritage Fairs. The aim of these Fairs is to encourage individuals to engage with, and foster a sense of pride in, the heritage of their community.

The VLT was part of the activities at the Meldrum Heritage Fair at Haddo House, Aberdeenshire, in November 2009.

A new model was launched, centred on the area of Haddo Estate and Methlick, and covering the surrounding countryside. This area has experienced some significant changes in land use to include a number of smallscale wind farms, new housing either side of the River Ythan, and restoration of woodlands around the area of Forest of Gight. The participants at the Heritage Fair were able to 'drag and drop' features such as wind turbines, woodlands, housing and other landscape features to show where they might wish to see more, or less, change.

Paula and participants discussing woodland regeneration at Gight Wood, on the River Ythan
David and local farmers discussing wind turbine developments in the Methlick area
Young visitor to the VLT movnig woodlands and wind turbines in virtual model of Methlick area View of Heritage Fair, with VLT audience viewing model of Haddo area, and dancers on the stage behind


Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: DM