References to publications in which the VLT is discussed
- Ball, J., Capanni, N. and Watt, S. (2008). Virtual Reality for Mutual Understanding in Landscape Planning, International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2).
- Craig, T. (2009) Does an offshore windfarm make the seascape less restorative? What can we learn about restoration from virtual environments? In Proceedings of 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, September 6‑9, 2009?" Zürich, Switzerland.
- Messager, P (2008). Should landscapes be visualised using Symbolics or Photorealism? In: Proceedings of IMAGINA 12008, Monaco, 30th Jan to 1st Feb, 2008.
- Miller, D.R., Horne, P.L., Morrice, J.G., Ball, J., Messager, P. (2008). Participatory Strategic Planning Using a Virtual Reality Environment, In: Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 16th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2008 (Ed. D. Lambrick), UNIGIS, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2nd - 4th April 2008. pp. 367 - 371.
- Miller, D. (2008). Planning for the future, Scottish Local Authority News, Fine Type Publishing, Glasgow, p.24.
- Miller, D.R., Harthill, P.L., Messager, P., Morrice, J.G. and Ode, Å. (2008). Developing A National Park Development Plan – Participation by Younger People. In: Proceedings of ECLAS 2008, SLU, Alnarp, Sweden (Session E - Communicative approaches and stakeholder participation).
- Miller, D., Morrice, J., Coleby, A. and Messager, P. (2007). Visualisation Techniques to Support Planning of Renewable Energy Developments. In: GIS for Environmental Decision-Making, A Lovett, K Appleton (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, Chapter 14. 227-238.
- Miller, D., Vogt, N., Nijnik, M., Brondizio, E. and Fiorini, S. (2009). Integrating Analytical and Participatory Techniques for Planning the Sustainable Use of Land Resources and Landscapes. In: Planning Support Systems Best Practice and New Methods, S. Geertman and J. Stillwell (Eds.), Springer, Chapter 16. 317 - 345.
- Nijnik, M., Miller, D., Nijnik, A. and Morrice, J. (2007). Multi-functional landscapes in Scotland. In: The European Cultural Landscape Functions and Values for Sustainable Development. B. Pedroli, A. Van Doorn, G. De Blust, M. Paracchini, D. Wascher and F Bunce (Eds.). KNNV Publishing Zeist, 105–121.
- Sang, N., Gold, C. and Miller, D. (2007). Shadow of the Standford Bunny: Analysing Visual Models of Landscape Data Using Delaunay TIN. 4th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, 9-11 July 2007, page(s):294 - 299. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ISVD.2007.35 .
- Sang, N. (2008). Return of the Stanford Bunny - Definition, Computation and Application of Visual Topology. In: Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 16th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2008 (Ed. D. Lambrick), UNIGIS, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2nd - 4th April 2008. pp. 50 - 55.
Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: DM