National Scale

Allott, TE., Curtis, CJ., Hall. J., Harriman, R., Battarbee. RW. The impact of nitrogen deposition on upland surface waters in Great Britain: A regional assessment of nitrate leaching. Water Air And Soil Pollution, 1995, Vol.85, No.2, pp.297-302.

Curtis, CJ., Allott, TEH., Battarbee, RW. and Harriman. R. Validation of the UK critical loads for freshwaters: Site selection and sensitivity. Water Air And Soil Pollution, 1995, Vol.85, No.4, pp.2467-2472.

Evans, C.D., Jenkins, A., Helliwell, R.C., and Ferrier, R.C Predicting regional recovery from acidification; the MAGIC model applied to Scotland , England and Wales. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special Issue The DYNAMO Project Vol 2 (4) 543-554, 1998.

Upscaling from site to Regional/ National/ Continental scales