The primary objective of the network for monitoring acidification is to detect long-term air pollution induced changes in the water quality of small lakes, throughout Finland, with low conductivity. The monitored lakes (n=171, sampled every autumn since 1990 and in 1987) have a smaller catchment area (they are usually headwater or seepage lakes), a larger lake/catchment ratio, and lower base cation concentrations, alkalinity and pH than Finnish lakes on average. The monitoring network provides background data for air pollution dose/response studies, critical load calculations and for the modelling of acidification scenarios. The location of the lakes can be seen from pages displaying results of the model application to the monitoring lakes. Development of mean sulphate concentration and alkalinity in 65 lakes in southern Finland.
Development of mean sulphate concentration and alkalinity in 65 lakes in southern Finland. In the background one of the monitoring lakes, lake Orajarvi, an acidified lake in Espoo, southernmost Finland.
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