Nurmes-Kuhmo, Finland

Bilaletdin, Ä., Lepistö, A., Finer, L., Forsius, M., Homberg, M., Kämäri, J., Mäkelä, H. & Varjo, V. 1999. Development of a regional GIS-based model to predict long-term responses of soil and water chemistry to deposition and nutrient uptake scenarios. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Manuscript.

Kamari, J., Forsius, M., Kortelainen, P., Mannio, J., and Verta, M. Finnish lake survey - present status of acidification. Ambio 20:23-27, 1991.

Kamari, J., Forsius, M., and Posch, M. Critical loads of sulfur and nitrogen for lakes .2. regional extent and variability in Finland. Water Air and Soil Pollution 66:77-96, 1993.

Tomppo, E. 1993. Multi-source national Forest Inventory of Finland. Proceedings of Ilvessalo Symposium on National Forest Inventories. Helsinki, Finland 12-21 August 1992, p. 52-60.

Kamari, J., Forsius, M., and Posch, M. Critical loads of sulfur and nitrogen for lakes .2. regional extent and variability in Finland. Water Air and Soil Pollution 66:77-96, 1993.

Kamari, J., Forsius, M., Kortelainen, P., Mannio, J., and Verta, M. Finnish lake survey - present status of acidification. Ambio 20:23-27, 1991.

Contact point e-mail: Juha.Kamari@vyh.fi or emir.bilaletdin@vyh.fi

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