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CHABOS organisations are recognised as centres of excellence in their respective scientific areas with impressive records for high-quality research, education, advice, consultancy and scientific services. They are highly adaptable organisations and regularly realign their programmes to meet the changing needs of society and Government policy. They excel in recognising industrial needs, in developing strategies for effective technology transfer to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food, agriculture, aquaculture and forestry industries, as well as contributing to the means whereby Government policies can be implemented, evaluated and amended to achieve desired goals.
The CHABOS approach to science and technology marries well with Government policy and with the aims of the Technology Foresight Programme (TFP) to bring together business, academe and Government and identify key priority areas for research and development. Key priority areas currently include genetic and molecular engineering, health and lifestyle, environmentally sustainable technology, biomaterials, chemical and biological synthesis, bioinformatics, risk assessment and management, and modelling and simulation. CHABOS research programmes lie firmly in these priority areas.
These priority areas reflect the increasing complexity and nature of modern science. Significant progress now often depends upon co-ordinated input from scientists with experience in a range of disciplines. CHABOS is well placed to operate in this mode. Wide-ranging strategic and applied integrated research programmes are carried out by CHABOS. These integrated programmes achieve the highest international standards and contribute to science and technology within the life sciences in the widest sense. They involve not only CHABOS organisations but also scientists from other institutes and universities in Scotland, the rest of the UK and elsewhere.