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Education and Advocacy of Science
CHABOS plays a major role in advanced education and training in agricultural and biological sciences for students from Scotland and around the world. Indeed SAC is the major provider of vocational education and training for the land-based sector in Scotland.
SAC offers vocational courses to degree level in many aspects of agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, food science and technology, as well as in resource, business and environmental management. These courses closely integrate with R&D activities and advisory services.
CHABOS contributes to undergraduate training in biological and environmental sciences by maintaining close links with Universities and HEIs in Scotland and elsewhere. Its members have formal agreements with Universities, are regarded as departments of a University, or are members of local Graduate Schools of Research Centres in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. CHABOS Directors have also served as President of the Scottish Association for Biological Education.
Contributions to post-graduate training are made through participation in the running of specialist Masters coursed, on topics ranging from Biotechnology to Plant Pathology, Marine and Fisheries Science, Animal and Human Nutrition, and Taxonomy and Biodiversity. Typically 230 MSc students are studying at CHABOS organisations every year.
CHABOS also plays a major role in research training to PhD level in a range of biological and environmental sciences. By working in multi-disciplinary teams addressing problems of national importance, graduates in primary sciences receive a breadth of training that extends beyond that on offer in many University departments and creates an awareness of the benefits of collaborative research. About 400 PhD students receive training at CHABOS establishments every year.
CHABOS members are actively involved in raising the public profile of science. Individual institutions, particularly RBGE and SAC, offer public programmes of science-related events. The RBGE, which has a statutory remit to provide the public with access to its land and knowledge and enjoyment of its collections, was responsible for the first "hands-on" science centre based entirely on the world of plants. The highlight of these programmes occurs during the annual Edinburgh International Science Festival at which lectures and exhibitions are organised by CHABOS members. During 1995/96, CHABOS mounted an innovative public exhibition "BioScience in Scotland" which provided an interactive show-case for its scientific and technological research. CHABOS also promotes science through open days, public exhibitions, tours, group visits, publications in the lay press, release of specialist video tapes, and work experience placements for school children.