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Policy Advice and Monitoring
In addition to its R&D programmes, CHABOS makes a crucial national contribution to national S&T affairs, through involvement in policy advice, monitoring and representational work. This applies in particular to SASA and FRS.
For example, the work of SASA relates to over 70 Acts or Regulations of the UK Government and 30 items of EU legislation. Policy advice is provided to SERAD and DEFRA on plant health issues, seed potato classification, pesticide registration and usage, and vertebrate pests of agriculture. Its monitoring responsibilities in Scotland include those for a range of plant pathogens, seed stocks in certification, seed-borne diseases and aphid populations. It also represents SEERAD and the UK Government on a wide range of Panels and Working Groups, including the Scottish Seed Potato Consultative Panel, the EU Virus Experts Group, DEFRA Rabies Wildlife Control Working Group and the UK Seeds Advisory Body.
FRS makes a similar contribution to S&T matters in fisheries, aquaculture, and the protection of the aquatic environment. Its aim is to ensure that Government policy is informed by a full and up-to-date knowledge of marine and freshwater fisheries, of the natural resources on which they are based, and of the environment in which they live. FRS also undertakes statutory and regulatory activities in the fields of fish disease control, shellfish hygiene, the monitoring of toxic algal blooms, the compilation of salmon and sea trout catch statistics, and the dumping of waste materials in the sea. It maintains a response capability for dealing with major oil spills and other emergencies which may cause damage to the environment and to fish stocks. FRS represents SEERAD and the UK Government on a range of international working groups, including those established by the International Council for Exploration of the Sea, and by the European Commission. It also represents SEERAD on the Marine Pollution Monitoring and Management Group, and The Scottish Office Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology.
SAC through its Veterinary Division provides the animal disease surveillance system for Scotland. It also undertakes a number of programmes of work in support of SEERAD's national or European responsibilities, e.g. Farm Accounts monitoring and agri-environmental policy schemes.
CHABOS staff also play an active role in other Government policy matters, such as through membership of the Technology Foresight Panels and of Expert Committees and Working Groups on health issues organised by SHHD, DH, MAFF and SEERAD.