The Macaulay Institute

Land Allocation Decision Support System


CropSyst is a is a multi-year multi-crop daily time step simulation model which has been developed to study the effect of cropping systems management on productivity and the environment. The model simulates the soil water budget, soil-plant nitrogen budget, crop canopy and root growth, dry matter production, yield, residue production and decomposition, and erosion. Management options include: cultivar selection, crop rotation (including fallow years), irrigation, nitrogen fertilization, tillage operations, and residue management.

The People Involved

CropSyst has been developed by a team at the Biological Systems Engineering Department of Washington State University. Heading the team is Dr Claudio Stöckle. Software development has been carried out by Roger Nelson. For more information see the CropSyst website.

CropSyst Graph
CropSyst quick inspection output for a spring barley
crop showing: daily climate data; derived
evapotranspiration; transpiration; crop growth
response; and soil plant available water.

LADSS - CropSyst Integration

The integration of CropSyst facilitates the representation of a wide range of crop-based land-uses within LADSS. The integration has required a substantial amount of structural alterations to both LADSS and CropSyst, not least the compilation of a Unix version of CropSyst and the creation of an Oracle database with which to provide a shared data source.

The flexible, open-ended system of crop parameter creation means that a wide range of crops can be represented, covering cereals, tubers and perennials. Output can be produced on a daily basis, at harvest or at the end of a calender year.