Aberdeen University
Department of Forestry
Research grant AAIR 94

Overview of research

Strom damaged forest crops often contain a mixture of damaged and undamaged trees. Furthermore, the damage can consist of overturning, stem breakage or stem bending. The reasons why one tree is damaged, whereas a neighbouring tree remains intact are unclear. The present work investigated at tree and wood property parameters which may be involved in damage type determination.

A total of four stands were investigated, two of which were wind damaged in the winter of 1994/5 and two of which were snow damaged the following year. The following pages show some of the results of the research to date.

Wind damaged Sitka spruce in Grizedale Forest

Wind damaged Sitka spruce in Hamsterley Forest

Snow damage of Sitka spruce in Blackhall Forest

Snow damage of Scots pine in Blackhall Forest

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This page was written by r.dunham

Last modified 06/11/96