Improving market integration and value-adding in domestic livestock enterprises in disadvantaged regions - implications for future research.

Second European Workshop of the LSIRD network


Concepts and Approaches to Adding Value.
Brian Revell


Synergistic approaches to the development of livestock products in the regional economy: links with agri-tourism.
Geri Rahmann

Regional images and the promotion of quality products.
Nicos Tzamarius

Adding value through marketing and distribution: artisanal and farm-processed livestock products from the less-favoured areas of France. (Presented in absentia by Brian Revell)
Louis Lagrange


Direct Marketing of Livestock Products in Germany
Berndt Wirthgen

Organic livestock products: possibilities and prospects.
Susanne Padel

The role of livestock products in the economic development of a remote island community: Shetland lamb, wool and knitware.
Andrew Harmsworth

Mediterranean livestock systems and products (French version)
Francois Vallerand

Typical livestock products and rural development. The case of fine wool in Portugal
Luis Pinto de Andrade

Integrated Rural Development in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve
Regine Albert
