Issue 1 - Winter 1996
Issue 2- Spring 1997
Jerry Laker | LSIRD: a network taking shape |
Déa de Lima Vidal | Livestock systems in farming households in a semiarid area of Spain |
Jerry Laker | Nafplio conference |
Maurice Hankey | Supporting the countryside - policy paper from the Scottish landowner's federation |
Geesje Kuit & Hielke van der Meulen | Marketing beef from nature reserves in Holland |
Mark Morgan | Regional targeting of EU agri-environmental schemes: an integrated methodological approach |
Brian Revell | Regional images and the promotion of quality products and services in the lagging regions of the EU (RIPPLE) |
Dieter Popp | Biosphere reserve Rhön - a model for rural regional development |
Erik Schmid | The Vorarlberg Point-Model - integrating agricultural support within "Bioland Vorarlberg", Austria |
Angeliki Riganatou | Improving wool quality and natural colours in the Sopravissana sheep |
Rainer Luick | Low intensity farming systems in Germany |
Regine Albert | The process of zoning in the Biosphere Reserve Rhön |
Issue 3- Autumn 1997
INTRODUCTION - Review of progress | |
Jerry Laker | LSIRD Granada workshop |
Jerry Laker | LSIRD Witzenhausen workshop |
ATELIER | Foundation of the European Wool Group |
Nicola Fois & Maria Sitzia | Improved pastures: the case of dairy sheep farming systems in Sardinia |
European Commission | Agenda 2000 - Setting the objectives for rural policy and CAP reform |
Alastair Rutherford | Comment - Agenda 2000 - What does it mean for the rural environment ? |
Stephan Dabbert | EU organic research project |
Tim Treacher | Estimating stocking rates in Natural Parks in Andalucía |
Peter Pierpoint | Food processing in agricultural regions: a route to prosperity ? |
A new manual for producing management plans for upland special areas of conservation |
LSIRDnetwork is supported by the Concerted Action programme of the European Commission DG VI.
FAIR1 CT95-0114.