Agenda 2000 -
Setting the objectives for rural policy and CAP reform
In the years ahead, agriculture will have to adapt to further changes in
market evolution, market policy and trade rules. Local economies in rural areas
will also be affected by these changes, at a time when many such areas are
confronting acute economic development problems.Moreover, rural areas are
increasingly required to fulfil important environmental and recreational
functions. A prominent role will therefore be given to agri-environmental
instruments to support a sustainable development of rural areas and respond to
society's increasing demand for environmental services.
Targeted agri-environmental measures should be reinforced and encouraged
through increased budget funding and, where necessary, higher part-financing
rates. Most relevant are services which call for an extra effort by farmers,
such as organic farming, maintenance of semi-natural habitats, alpine cattle
keeping, etc. Another possibility which deserves further consideration is to
take into account the considerable overlap between less-favoured areas (LFAs)
and areas of high nature value, and to gradually transform the related support
scheme into a basic instrument to maintain and promote low-input farming
systems. Finally, with respect to better integrating the environment into the
market organisations, the Commission will make a proposal enabling Member
States to make direct payments conditional on compliance with environmental
As far as the other aspects of sustainable rural development are concerned,
the Commission suggests that these developments should be encouraged and
supported by a reorganisation of the existing rural policy instruments:
The existing CAP accompanying measures financed by the EAGGF, Guarantee
Section (agri-environment scheme, afforestation, early retirement) will be
supplemented by the LFAs scheme. All these measures will be applied
horizontally and implemented in a decentralised way.
The current approach of integrated development programmes will be maintained
in those rural areas, located in regions which are presently eligible under
Objective 1 of the Structural funds.
In rural areas eligible under the new Objective 2 of the Structural Funds,
rural development measures will be financed as accompanying measures by the
EAGGF Guarantee Section. These measures will be implemented together with the
Regional and the Social Fund within the same programme at the level of the
Objective 2 region.
In all rural areas outside Objective 1, rural policies designed to accompany
and complement market policies will be part-financed by the EAGGF Guarantee
Section. Rural policy, in this context, will embrace all types of measures
supporting structural adjustment and rural development, as presently
part-financed by the EAGGF Guidance Section. These will be applied horizontally
and implemented in a decentralised way, at the initiative of the Member States.
In this way it should be possible to ensure that the reform of the CAP, in
addition to continuing with market and income support, is accompanied
throughout the Union by a broad range of rural development measures without
neglecting the goal of economic and social cohesion.