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Past Events

Big Tent Festival, Falkland Palace, 2010

The Festival of Stewardship at Falkland Palace (also known as the Big Tent Festival) is Scotland's largest eco-festival. Its range of events includes presentations on climate change, biodiversity, health and well-being, plus live music and food from Scottish suppliers.

The VLT was used to run polling exercises were undertaken on public opinions towards future agricultural landscapes in which crops for fuel and greenhouses were increasingly evident. This is part of the Scottish Government research programme on environment, land use and rural stewardship ('Programme3').

VLT in marquee at Big Tent Festival Model of landscape around Falkland village

The exhibit included posters and hand-outs from Programme 3, such as the effects of climate change on land management, and experiences people gain from different types of recreation and access.

Macaulay Institute exhibit at Big Tent Festival 2010Competition for audiences at Festival!


Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: DM