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Perceptual Studies of Windfarms
Past Studies
A literature search on studies investigating the visual impact of wind farm
developments revealed that most of these studies have been carried out in
Denmark and USA. To date, no attempt has been made to develop visual impact
models for wind farms.
These studies mainly concentrated on:
- Investigating observer attitudes, symbolic or connotative meanings of wind
energy developments (Thayer and Freeman, 1987; Wolsink, 1989, 1990);
- Investigating aesthetic concepts such as scale, visibility and dominance
(Bergsjo et al. 1982); coherence and diversity (van de Wardt and Staats,
1988 cited by Wolsink and van de Wardt, 1989);
- Identifying stimulus variables such as placement patterns of turbines
(siting configurations) and the nature of individual turbines (size, type) with
respect to specific landscape types (van de Wardt and Staats, 1988 cited by
Wolsink and van de Wardt, 1989; Bergsjo et al., 1982).
Thayer and Freeman (1987) identified a study (Wagstaff Brady Associates,
1982) which investigated the potential impact of wind farm developments in San
Gorgonio Pass USA, using basic wire-frame simulations and expert judgements to
evaluate the visual absorption capacity of the landscape. The study recommended
that in order to reduce potential impact, restrictions had to be imposed on
hillside development, clustering similar wind machines; establishing 'free
zones' separating clusters, setting back turbines from highways and siting
unusually shaped machines in relation to dramatic landforms.
Wolsink and van de Wardt (1989) cited van de Wardt and Staats's (1988)
study which used semantic differentials to investigate the impact of wind
turbines on scenic quality in Holland. The latter's study concluded that the
strongest influence was caused by the number of visible wind turbines in the
landscape, i.e. the greater the number the greater the intrusion. The effect of
the size of wind turbines: 1MW (50m high and rotor diameter) and 200kW (30m
high and 24m rotor diameter) was also considered. The study found that smaller
turbines have less negative impact on the landscape than larger turbines. But
the influence of size was found to be relatively small compared with the
influence of the number of units. Using principal component analysis on the
semantic differentials, the authors found a latent dimension of perception:
landscape coherence. The negative influence of the 'introduction and the number
of turbines' was attributed to a "decrease in coherence of the
landscape" and consequently a decrease in people's scenic preference of
scenic quality. This is consistent with studies by Kaplans which have found
that coherence is directly related to preference.
Part of Thayer and Freeman's (1987) investigation into observer attitudes,
symbolic or connotative meanings of wind energy developments found that people
tend to prefer fewer larger turbines to more smaller ones. The finding supports
van de Wardt and Staats's (1988) conclusion that number of turbines have
greater effect on landscape quality than size of turbines. For similar reasons,
the Scottish Office's (1993) planning advice on wind farms also favoured the
installation of fewer larger turbines.
The number of structures in the landscape has also been found to be
important determinants in studies previously described in Chapter 5 (Hadrian
et al., 1988 - transmission pylons; Vining et al., 1984 - density
of residential houses).
van de Wardt and Staats's (1988) study also identified that the placement
pattern of wind turbines influenced preference. In their study, three placement
patterns were considered (rectangular, multiple clusters and lines). Although
the result from this study was not conclusive, placement of wind turbines in a
line were rated more favourably than clusters or rectangular placements.
Ferber's (cited in Thayer and Freeman, 1987) study of student reactions to
photographic simulations of different single windmill in same landscape
settings found that only traditional Dutch windmill attracted positive
responses. All other modern turbines were judged to have neutral or negative
impact on the landscapes.
Motion has also been indicated as powerful predictor of preference (Gipe,
1993; Thayer and Freeman, 1987). This is a unique feature of wind turbines in
comparison to other forms of static structures. People find wind farms that
appear to be working by relating this with moving rotors as more attractive
than those that do not. Motion is equated with lower perceived visual impact
(Gipe, 1993). They are likely to find wind farms visually interesting because
of their motion. In this mode, the turbines are perceived as abstract
sculptures, arousing interest with their novel, unfamiliar forms and animation
(Thayer and Hansen, 1988). Although the motion of wind turbines can be
simulated using computer-generated animation it is hardly ever used in the
investigation of visual impact. The simulation techniques are complicated and
require large amount of computer hard disc space and processing speed to
achieve realistic animation. Because of the above difficulties, static
simulations were considered to be much more pragmatic.
Thayer and Freeman's (1987) study on public's perception of wind turbines
in Altamont Pass, California found subjects who live in and around Altamont or
are familiar with the area held less positive views than those who live outside
or are not familiar the area. In addition, the study found females, older
subjects, and subjects with less education showed more positive attitude
towards wind farms. On the other hand, males, younger subjects and those with
higher education showed less positive attitude.
Collett's (1995) review of several public opinion surveys carried out in
the UK indicated that visual impact of wind turbines are perceived to be less
intrusive then generally anticipated. The author concluded that despite concern
about the visual intrusion of wind farm developments, most of the local people
surveyed held favourable views of its development.
Bergsjo, A., Nilsson, K., and Skarback, E. (1982) Wind power in the
landscape. Fourth Symposium on Wind Energy Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-24
September, Paper N2.
Collett, S. (1995). Wind farms and public opinion. NEW Review, The
Magazine of New and Renewable Energy, Issue 25, May, p. 14-15
Ferber, R. (1977). Public reactions to wind energy devices. National
Science Foundation and US Dept. of Energy, October.
Gipe, P. (1993) The wind industry's experience with aesthetic criticism.
Leonardo, 26, 243-248.
Hadrian, D.R., Bishop, I.D. and Mitcheltree, R. (1988) Automated mapping of
visual impacts in utility corridors. Landscape and Urban Planning,
16, 261-283.
Scottish Office (1993) National Planning Policy Guideline: renewable
energy. Planning Advice Note (Draft).
Thayer, R.L. and Freeman, C.M. (1987) Altamount: public perception of a
wind energy landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning, 14, 379-398.
Thayer, R.L. and Hansen, H. (1988) Wind on the land. Landscape
van de Wardt, J.W. and Staats, H. (translation) (1988) Landscapes with wind
turbines: environmental psychological research on the consequences of wind
energy on scenic beauty. Research Centre ROV Leiden University.
Vining, J., Daniel, T.C. and Schroeder, H.W. (1984) Predicting scenic
values in forested residential landscapes. Journal of Leisure Research,
Second Quarter, 124-135.
Wolsink, M. (1989) Attitudes, expectancies and values about wind turbines
and wind farms. EWEC, Glasgow.
Wolsink, M. and van de Wardt, J.W. (1989) Visual impact assessment: a
review of Dutch research. EWEC, Galsgow.
Wolsink, M. (1990) The siting problem - wind power as a social dilemma.
EWEC, Glasgow.