The James Hutton Institute
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Further information
Issues of preference and judgement
Expert judgement versus public preference
Likewise, a number of empirical studies have found significant perceptual
differences between experts and non-experts. Kaplan (in Nasar,
1988) noted that "although experts are invaluable when used
appropriately, they are a dubious source of 'objective' judgements about what
people care about in the landscape".
The question of whether the assessment of scenic quality should rely on
lay-public or design experts has been the subject of much debate (Robinson et al., 1976; Landscape Research Group, 1988;
Kaplan and Kaplan, 1982). According to Craik and Zube
(1976), landscape quality can be assessed by means of preferences or
judgements. Robinson et al. (1976) suggested that it
is important to recognise the difference between preference and judgement, and
to decide which type of opinion is to be used as the criterion for assessing
visual quality. Judgement is defined as a "critical opinion based on an
assessment of merit" or against a standard of comparison "whereas
preference is an opinion which specifically relates to a personal 'liking'
based on experience" (Robinson et al., 1976).
In practice, the lay-public's visual reactions are often ignored by experts
during VIA studies, and in the subsequent decision-making process. Decisions on
visual impact are made based largely on their own professional judgements (Sheppard, 1989). Some experts believe that only those trained
in design, and experienced in VIA, can express judgements of scenic quality,
and to interpret the aesthetic values of the society (Robinson
et al., 1976; Jacques, 1980); Craik and McKechnie, 1974 cited in Sanoff,
It is assumed that members of the lay-public can only express aesthetic
preferences which are deemed to be idiosyncratic, arbitrary, and not free from
emotive and associational influences (Craik, 1972; Robinson
et al., 1976). Experts, on the other hand, can achieve high levels
of consensus because they are all using essentially the same cognitive
frameworks formed during early training (Kaplan and Kaplan,
Carlson (1982) has suggested that the public "lacks
the experience and knowledge required to be fully sensitive to aesthetic
quality" - landscape quality, therefore, can only be analysed by experts
from an aesthetic viewpoint, based on normative design standard. However,
Arthur (1977) has argued that the implied relationship
between professional and public standards of scenic quality must be
demonstrated, and not assumed.
A number of authors have advised experts to treat the public as consumers
of the environment, and to carry out market research on consumers' taste and
preferences, as well as to encourage public participation in landscape
assessment as in other planning decision-making process (Land
Use Consultants, 1991; Penning-Rowsell et al., 1977; Glasson et
al., 1994; Dearden, 1981c; Ribe, 1986; Arthur, Daniel and Boster, 1977;
Shuttleworth, 1984; Fortlage, 1990). This is not unreasonable considering
that it is the public who ultimately experience the developments.
Penning-Rowsell et al. (1977) have suggested that the
use of ordinary people to evaluate landscape "would appear to be the most
valid method of obtaining socially acceptable landscape evaluations".
Glasson et al. (1994) noted that despite the
centrality of prediction in the VIA process, many assessments under-emphasise
this, at the expense of a more descriptive and qualitative approach.
Impact prediction, and the evaluation of the significance of impacts based
on the expert's intuitive judgements, constitute a "black box" in VIA
studies in that the intuitive process which leads the expert to his/her
judgement on visual impact is not only inaccessible but inexplicable.
Glasson et al. have argued that intuition, often
wrapped up as "expert opinion", cannot provide a firm and defensible
foundation to justify impact predictions.
The possible perceptual differences between experts (i.e. the
experienced) and lay-public (i.e. the naïve), and the experts'
failure to take public opinion into consideration are part of the problem in
VIA studies. Another is the definition of the word "significance",
used by experts when judging the degree of impact.
In VIA studies, a proposed development is normally assessed in terms of
whether it has "major", "some", "minor" or
"no" significant impact on existing landscape quality. The word
"significance" carries much weight in influencing final decisions
made by local authorities, on whether a proposed development should be approved
on visual grounds. In spite of its importance, it has no precise definition.
According to the Collin's dictionary, it means 'critical',
'meaningful', 'important', 'vital', 'weighty' etc.. These are highly abstract
terms, and do not help experts to be more objective in their predictions, nor
allow the local authorities to determine the extent of impact in a measurable
Recent guidelines jointly prepared by Institute of
Environmental Assessment and The Landscape Institute (1995), recommended
that, "In assessing the significance of landscape and visual impacts,
reliance should be placed upon common-sense and reasoned judgement.." The
difference between impacts which are of "major" or "some"
significance is open to subjective interpretations and argument. In the field
of science and mathematics, the term 'significant' is taken to mean 'something
outside of acceptable limits'. This limit is usually set at +5% or lower.
Section ??? describes a way in which the four levels of significance can be
used to describe the level of impact quantitatively.
The possibility of bias
The fact that impact assessments are based solely on professional judgement
can also be problematic. It raises the question of impartiality. Two factors
may influence the design consultants to be less critical, when predicting the
potential impact of proposed development. They are:-
- The fact that the consultants are employed by developers to advise, or
carry out, VIA studies may make them less inclined to jeopardise the
- As the same experts are obligated to suggest mitigative measures, one can
reasonably assume that they may regard these measures to be more effective than
in actuality - a phenomenon very much like the "cognitive dissonance"
effect. According to Festinger (1964, cited by Weichhart,
1982/83), the effect of cognitive dissonance is a post hoc justification of
choices made by enhancing the advantages and reducing the disadvantages of the
chosen object - in this case, the mitigative measures. Arguably, experts who
are involved in the design of the proposed developments, are less likely to
make critical assessment of the intrusiveness of their design on existing
landscape quality.
The differences in opinions between architects and non-architects have been
attributed to the former's professional training based on the teachings of
architectural aesthetic theories (Robinson et al., 1976;
Kaplan and Kaplan, 1982, Hershberger, 1969). Whilst landscape aesthetic
theories are primarily concerned with man's interactions with the natural
landscape, architectural aesthetics theories, on the other hand, are concerned
with built forms (particularly buildings).
Architectural aesthetics have tended to be influenced by the concepts and
theories which have been used in the analysis of art. Under the influence of
art, architectural aesthetics have tended to focus on individual buildings and
on the normative judgements of the individual designer. Andrew
(1994) noted that this has involved identifying design elements of
buildings which are thought by design experts to be "aesthetically
pleasing, in much the same way that paint built up on canvas can be viewed as
pleasing". Lang (1987) observed that architectural
theories which consist of design principles, standards, guidelines and
manifestos are based on ideological positions of "what the world, good
architecture, landscapes and urban designs should be?".
According to von Miess (1990), such ideologies on what
is good and bad; right and wrong; desirable and undesirable in architecture are
based on "subjective totality" (i.e. entirely
phenomenological) and partial selectivity from a small group of men which are
practised by the profession. Appleton (1993, p.77) pointed out that "many
of the theories of architectural aesthetics have become hallowed as if they
embodied established truth when, in fact, they are no more than speculations
fortified by tradition". Murphy (1993) highlighted that
the wide range of architectural styles which currently influenced the design of
buildings appears to the "lay-person that self-indulgent, egotistical
games are being played by so-called professionals at the expense of society at
The emphasis of architectural theories has been on buildings rather than on
buildings in new surroundings, on the subjective professional judgements of
design experts, and on their normative approach toward the assessment and
design of buildings in the environment. This emphasis has been criticised for
being too fragmented and introverted, in that, there is little or no regard, to
the social or natural context (Fladmark et al., 1991;
Zevi, 1978; Wohlwill 1980). In forwarding his ecological approach to
architectural aesthetics, Carlson (1986 - cited by Andrew,
1994) argued that buildings are intrinsically related to people and the
culture that use them, and to other buildings and their surrounding settings.
In his book "The Modern Language of Architecture", Zevi (1978) suggested that the design process must be concerned
with: ` ...an architecture that is not isolated but can communicate with its
external reality'. Zevi's view is consistent with Neutra's
(1954) who stressed that the design profession needs to be guided by
"tangible observations rather than abstract speculations".
Environmental scientists have also criticised architectural aesthetic theory
for its lack of external validity (Lang, 1987).
Under the above circumstances, expert judgements of impact can not be
completely objective. The above criticisms point to the importance of taking
into consideration lay public reactions and to the surrounding setting of the
proposed development in visual impact assessment. In other words, any
assessment made by designers should be based on ascertainable facts rather than
purely on the intuitive judgements of architects. Ascertainable facts are
obtained from "tangible observations" of the physical characteristics
of landscape and development, and public response.
Despite the limitations of conventional descriptive and analysis approach
in the VIA process, it will continue to be used, because assessments based on
the expert judgements are easy to use. It must be said that although some
experts disdain public values, there are others in the same profession who are
just as keen to produce public-sensitive designs (Nasar,
Although public participation in decision-making may, in theory, be
advantageous, it is in reality, often an "unsatisfactory experience"
for all concerned (R. Kaplan, 1985). For instance, there is
the logistics involved (such as transportation, time and money) in arranging
for members of the public to participate in the decision-making process. It
would be impossible and impractical, to survey the public's reaction to the
potential impact of each and every proposed development. In this respect, a
predictive tool is highly desirable to anticipate their reactions. A visual
impact model for predicting the potential impact of man-made structures on the
Scottish countryside using public preferences as an index of measuring changes
to the existing scenic quality has been developed by Tan
(1996). This will allow designers or VIA consultants to identify the
magnitude and dimensions of perceived change in the scenic quality of the
landscape with a development in comparison with the situation without the
development, well before any construction takes place.
VIA is, therefore, a current procedure for measuring/predicting visual
impact of some (i.e. large scale) developments on some natural
environments. It uses limited (quantitative) tools like ZVI and viewpoint
analysis. So far these tools have largely been limited to manual and automated
viewshed analysis and graphic representations of what the proposed facility
will look like from sensitive viewpoints.
It raises questions of preference vs. judgements. It raises, however two
other questions:-
- judgements by architects vs. judgements by all affected
- objects in themselves and objects in context. It also raises questions of
terminology - significance and impartiality.
The solution towards developing a predictive model lies in two sets of
tools: evaluation and simulation.
Andrew, C. (1994) An investigation into the aesthetic and psychological
effects of the soiling and cleaning of building facades.
Appleton, J. (1993) Landscape and Architecture. In: B. Farmer and H. Louw,
(ed.). Comparison ro contemporary architectural thought. London: Routledge,
Arthur, L.M. (1977) Predicting scenic beauty of forest environments: some
empirical tests. Forest Science, 23, 151-160.
Arthur, L.M., Daniel, T.C. and Boster, R.S. (1977) Scenic assessment: an
overview. Landscape Planning, 4, 109-129.
Carlson, 1982
Carlson, A. (1986) Reconstructing the aesthetics of architecture.
Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol 20, 4, 21-27.
Collin's dictionary
Craik and McKechnie, 1976. Perception of environmental quality:
preferential judgement versus comparative appraisals. Unpublished manuscript.
Uni. of California, Berkeley.
Craik and Zube, 1976
Dearden, P. (1981c) Public participation and scenic quality analysis.
Landscape Planning, 8, 3-19.
Festinger,L. (1964). Conflict, decision, and dissonance. London: Tavistock.
Fladmark, J.M., Mulvagh, G.Y. and Evans, B.M. (1991) Tomorrow's
architectural heritage - landscape and buildings in Scotland. Edinburgh:
Mainstream Publishing.
Fortlage, C.A. (1990) Environmental Assessment: a practical guide. England:
Gower Publishing Co. Ltd.
Glasson, J., Therivel, R. and Chadwick, A. (1994) Introduction to
Environmental Impact Assessment. London: UCL Press Ltd.
Hershberger, R. (1969) A study of meaning and architecture. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvannia.
IEA and the Landscape Institute (1995) Guidelines for landscape and visual
impact assessment. Londdon: E and FN Spon.
Jacques, D.L. (1980) Landscape Appraisal: The Case for a Subjective Theory.
Journal of Environmental Management, 10, 107-113.
Kaplan, S. and Kaplan, R, (1982) Cognition and environment: fuinctioning in
an uncertain world. New York: Praeger. Chapter 4.
Kaplan (in Nasar, 1988) Perception and landscape: conception and
Kaplan, R. (1985) The analysis of perception via preference: a strategy for
studying how the environment is experienced. Landscape Planning,
12, 161-176.
Land Use Consultants (1991) Landscape assessment: principles and practice.
Countryside Commission for Scotland.
Landscape Research Group, 1988
Lang, J. (1987) Creating architectural theory: the role of behavioural
sciences in environmental design. New York: van Rostrand Reinhold.
Murphy, I. (1993) The impact of the environment: the shock of the new. In:
B. Farmer and H. Louw, (ed.). Comparison ro contemporary architectural thought.
London: Routledge, 259-261.
Nasar, J.L. (1988) Environmental aesthetics: theory, research and
applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Neutra, R. (1954) Survival through design. New York: Oxford University
Penning-Rowsell et al., 1977
Ribe, R.G. (1986) A test of uniqueness and diversity visual assessment
factors using judgement-independent measures. Landscape Research,
11, 13-15.
Robinson, D.G. et al (eds) (1976) Landscape evaluation - the
landscape evaluation research project 1970-1975. University of Manchester.
Sanoff, H. (1991) Visual research methods in design. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York.
Sheppard, S.R.J. (1989) Visual simulation: a users guide for architects,
engineers and planners. New York: van Nostrand Reinhold.
Tan, 1996
von Miess, P. (1990) Elements of architecture: from form to place. New
York: van Nostrand Reinhold (International).
Weichart, P. (1982/3) Assessment of the natural environment - a determinant
of residential preferences. Urban Ecology, 7, 325-343.
Wohlwill, J. 1980
Zevi, B. (1978) Modern language of architecture. Seattle: University of
Washington Press.