Impact of Wind Turbines
Task 1: Project Planning
Task 2: Landscape: evaluation
Task 3: visual impact methods
Task 4: Tools for visual impact assessments
Task 5: Recommendations
General context for windfarm provision
General Discussion and Conclusions
Contract Details

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


Recommendations for the most appropriate methods of assessing cumulative visual and landscape impact


  1. To recommend a standard/structured methodology (using Information Products) for the by the wind energy and conservation interests in assessing further windfarm development


  1. Suite of Information Products for specifications


  1. Suitability
  2. Availability
  3. Cost (quality of final analysis, relative to wind farm development)
  4. Reliability and error estimates


  1. Approaches
    1. Quantitative methods to supplement qualitative methods (as used in conventional VIA)
    2. Standardized approach: OS data for geographic analysis, ZVIs; photomontage linked to analysis (this also ensure standardization of error sources) (expand list to ensure all work included and is understandable)
    3. Units of reference for visibility (expand with reference to most useful as found in task 4 - eg. visibility and Tan score).
    1. Repeatability and transparency
    2. Practicality
    3. ** check for further entry**

Additional and complementary issues for assessing impacts

  1. Economic impacts (contingent valuation, etc)
  2. Social : attitudes; temporal affects; observer characteristics
  3. Landscape character (VAC)

Outputs and media

  1. Paper copy: plotters
  2. Photographic copy: dye-sub printers, laser printers
  3. Monitors for digital presentations
  4. Video monitors for pre-recorded demonstrations


  1. Requirements for specific software or types of output
  2. Network communications for links to external data and electronic publishing


  1. Visualization options
  2. Commercial packages for analytical functions
Updated: 23 January 2024