Impact of Wind Turbines
Task 1: Project Planning
Task 2: Landscape: evaluation
Task 3: visual impact methods
Task 4: Tools for visual impact assessments
Task 5: Recommendations
General context for windfarm provision
General Discussion and Conclusions
Contract Details

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


Countryside Council for Wales Wind Farm Project: Project Planning Document - Pphoto_2


I. Name: Boon Hock Tan

II. Organisation: Robert Gordon University.

III. Address: Centre for Rural Studies, Faculty of Design, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen.

IV. E-mail address:


II. Model Name: Photomontage

III. Source of Model: Boon Hock Tan (1997)

IV. Computer Language that the model is developed in:- Photoshop

V. Hardware needed to run model: PC, Silicon Graphics or Macintosh

VI. Data Inputs needed by model:

A. Scanned landscape photograph

B. Simulated perspective view from a Geographic Information System (from PGIS_2)

C. Photograph of a wind turbine

VII. Model outputs

A. Tables/Statisics

1. None

B. Maps / GIS datalayers / 3D models / photographs

1. Photomontage of photographic scene

C. World Wide Web pages

1. Snapshot views of photographs before and after the turbines are in place

VIII. Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling

A. Error in the geometry of the silumation of the perspective views from PGIS_2

B. Geometric error in the location of the turbine photograph

C. Qualitative error in the location of the turbine photograph

IX. Existing linkages between data (eg in databases) and software (eg databases/GIS/Statistical packages)

A. No existing links

X. GIS Software used

A. None

XI. Modelling Software used

A. Photoshop

XII. Database Software used

A. None.

XIII. Any other comments

The photomontages provide "realistic" views of the scene from selected points, before and after wind trubines are placed in the landscape. They also provide the basis for calculating a score associated with the perception of people to the quality of the view and thus an indictaion of the impact of changes in perceived view content with increasing numbers of turbines.

Updated: 23 January 2024