The James Hutton Institute
This page is no longer updated. The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute joined forces with SCRI joined forces on 1 April 2011 to create The James Hutton Institute.
Please visit the James Hutton Institute website.
This page has been mothballed.
It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.
Further information
Countryside Council for Wales Wind Farm Project: Project Planning Document
- Pgis_1
I. Name: David Miller
II. Organisation: Maculay Land Use Research Institute.
III. Address: Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH.
IV. E-mail address:
II. Model Name: geographic dataset compilation
III. Source of Model: Various
IV. Computer Language that the model is developed in:- Various
V. Hardware needed to run model: PC, Unix worktation
VI. Data Inputs needed by model:
A. Ordnance Survey Digital Elevation Models - 1:10 000, 1:50 000
B. Landsat Thematic Mapper
C. Wind turbine locations - Wales (from CCW)
D. Wind turbine locations - Scotland (Aberdeenshire Council and MLURI)
VII. Model outputs
A. Tables/Statisics
1. Listing of datasets used in project by area and scale
B. Maps / GIS datalayers / 3D models / photographs
1. Location maps of each area
2. Scotland:
i) DEM - 1:50 000
ii) DEM - 1:10 000
iii) wind turbine coverage (2 scenarios)
iv) road network (1:25 000)
v) land cover (1:25 000)
vi) tree canopy heights linked to land cover
3. Wales:
i) DEM - 1:50 000
ii) wind turbine coverage (2 scenarios)
iii) road network (1:50 000)
C. World Wide Web pages
1. Snapshot views of each dataset, grouped by area, scale and subject
2. Location maps of each study area
VIII. Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling
A. Error in DEMs (fromPERR_1)
B. Positional error of turbine locations
C. Positional error of road locations
D. Positional error in land cover and tree heights
IX. Existing linkages between data (eg in databases) and software (eg
databases/GIS/Statistical packages)
A. Land cover attributes linked to LCS88
X. GIS Software used
A. Arc-Info (version 7), ArcView (version 2)
B. Erdas Imagine (version 8)
C. SPANS/TYDIG (digitizing road network and land covr data)
XI. Modelling Software used
A. None
XII. Database Software used
A. Info
B. Microsoft Access
XIII. Any other comments
The geographic datasets are compiled from various sources and will b
brought together into a single format for most analysis and subsequent data
transfer: Arc/info and th associated package ArcView.