The AGRIGRID software has been made freely available for download. See the user manual for system requirements.
The project completed on time and the project deliverables and reports have been made available on this site.
As part of the dissemination activities AGRIGRID appeared in issue 276 of the Parliament Magazine of the European Parliament.
A short fifth project meeting was held at the Department of International Agricultural Trade and Development, Humboldt University Berlin, on 18 of September 2008. The purpose of the meeting was to review the work progress and discuss any remaining key issues before the final stages of the project. The picture (right) shows the Brandenburg Gate at night.
The second workshop with government agencies was held at the Santorini Palace Hotel in Santorini, Greece, on 3 June 2008. Representatives of government agencies and ministries from 8 member states and the EC project officer attended the workshop. The main aims of the workshop were to discuss and review the developed measure-specific grids and to identify key issues for the software development from the user perspective. The close collaboration with government agencies is an important part of the AGRIGRID project to ensure that the methodological grids are tailored to the needs of the potential end-users of the payment calculation software.
The fourth project meeting was held at the Santorini Palace Hotel in Santorini, Greece, from 02 June 2008 to 05 June 2008. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare the second project workshop with a wide range of government representatives and to discuss the final steps in the grid development and case study analysis. The pictures below were taken during a visit to one of the traditional Santorini vineyards.
The third project meeting was held at the Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli in Venice from 18 February 2008 to 20 February 2008. The purpose of the meeting was to review first versions of the measure-specific methodological grids for payment calculations in rural development measures and to discuss further improvements. The picture below was taken during the visit and shows the Grand Canal.
As part of the dissemination activities of the AGRIGRID project, the first workshop was held at the State Veterinary Institute in Prague on 17 July 2007 to discuss the outcome of the review of payment calculations in a range of different rural development measures. Government representatives from the 9 project countries and the project officer from the European Commission followed the invitation and attended the workshop. The workshop included sessions on payment calculations in agri-environment measures, natural handicap payments, Natura 2000 payments, forestry measures and animal welfare and meeting standard measures. Based on the outcome of the reviews, key issues for the development of methodological grids for payment calculations have been discussed with the workshop delegates. The different review reports for each RD measure and the overall summary report (deliverable D2) will be published on the project website shortly.
The second project meeting was held at the State Veterinary Institute in Prague from 16 July 2007 to 19 July 2007. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare the first project workshop with a wide range of government representatives and to discuss the next steps in the case study analysis and grid development. The picture below shows the project team at the river Vltava in Prague.
The AGRIGRID project got underway during January 2007 with the first meeting taking place on 15th and 16th January at The Macaulay Institute. The picture below is of the visiting delegates taken at Dunnottar Castle near Aberdeen, Scotland.