Link to Macaulay Land Use Research Institute homepageStudent Seminar Day 2010

Heather Smith receiving her prize from Professor Janet SprentCongratulations to Heather Smith (Socio-Economics Research Programme) who was judged to have given the best presentation at the Student Seminar Day held at the Institute on 16 March.

Christian Birkel was awarded second place with Loic Nazaries, who was 'Highly Commended' last year, placed third.

Heather and Christian will both be going forward to represent the Institute at the Science for Life Student Festival on 19 May at the Suttie Centre, organised by the Rowett Institute for Nutrition University of Aberdeen.

Chair Professor Janet Sprent commented that the standard of presentations, and therefore the task of the judges in picking a winner, grows each year. She passed her congratulations to all the students for their work.

The students' presentations and abstracts can be downloaded here:

"The ‘agri’ in agritourism: agriculture as a driver and feature of agritourism from the perspective of providers in Scotland" - Sharon Phillip

"Searching for sustainable land management strategies aimed at decoupling greenhouse gas emissions from economic performance" - Chris Brown

"At a Watershed – Land Use Planning in Scottish River Basins" - Heather Smith

"Tracing hydrological processes at catchment scales" - Christian Birkel

"Ecological changes in soil methanotroph community structure and methane fluxes: an adaptive response to afforestation of pasture" - Loїc Nazaries

"The impact of browsing by large herbivores on carbon cycling in naturally regenerating forest" - Melanie Hartley

"Tick control strategies for the management of louping ill virus in red grouse" - Rosalyn Porter

"Natal movements of a harvested mammal: mountain hare leverets in Scotland" - Annabel Harrison

"Ecological impacts on variance in male mating success in red deer" - Katie Stopher

"Is local weather a consistent determinant in ungulate dynamics?" - Ana Bento*

* Unfortunately, Ana was unable to attend the Student Seminar Day due to unforeseen circumstances.


Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: HR