AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Email of invitation sent to Dr Arabatzis

Dear Dr Arabatzis,

We would like to invite you to attend the next STORMS project meeting which will be held in Umea, Sweden from 23rd to 26th October. In view of the fact that your other commitments will probably make it difficult for you to attend the entire meeting, we would like to suggest that the 25th and/or the 26th October would be the most appropriate days for you to attend. Whilst we would welcome your attendance during the whole meeting, we feel that your input would be particularly valuable on these days during discussions concerning the Task 6 integration.

The timetable for the meeting is detailed below:

22nd_Oct Arrival in Umea
23rd_Oct Presentation of participants work (last 6 months)
24th_Oct Visit to experimental station and forest harvesting machinery.
25th_Oct Project Integration Discussions
26th_Oct Project Integration Discussions Inter-task discussions
27th_Oct Departure

The meeting is being organised by Erik Valinger and will take place in Umea University.

We very much hope that you will be able to come along to this meeting. We found the comments you made in Brussels extremely helpful, and it would be nice to meet the rest of the group.

Thankyou for your hospitality whilst we were in Brussels (we very much enjoyed the lunches!), and for your positive input to and support for our project.

Yours sincerely,

The STORMS Group

(please accept our apologies if this is the second time you have received this email)


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Alistair Law - a.law@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Wed Sep 11 14:48:03 BST 1996