AAIR Project No PL 94-2392
This Project involves researchers from eight organizations in five countries.
University of Joensuu
Faculty of Forestry
Box FIN-80101
Tel: +358 13 251 3630
Fax: +358 13 251 4444
Seppo Kellomaki , kello@joyl.joensuu.fi
Tel: +358 13 251 3630
Heli Peltola, heli.peltola@forest.joensuu.fi
Tel: +358 13 251 3639 or +358 40 588 0005
Fax: +358 13 251 4444
Ari Talkkari, Ari.Talkkari@romeo.ramk.fi
Tel: +358 016 331 2686
Mobile: +358 40 527571
Rovaniemi Polytechnic
Rovaniemi Institute of Forestry
Jari Varjo, jari.varjo@metla.fi
University of Aberdeen
Department of Forestry
St Machar Drive
Old Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB9 2UD
Tel: +44 1224 272 677
Fax: +44 1224 272 685
Andrew Cameron, a.d.cameron@abdn.ac.uk
Roger Dunham - now based at MLURI
· Centro Nacional de Informação Geográfica
Tagus Park,
Núcleo Central ,
2780 - 920 Porto Salvo ,
Tel: +351 1 4219800
Fax: +351 1 4219856
Maria Vasconcelos, maria@helios.cnig.pt
Tiago Oliveira, (until January 1997)
Mario Caetano, mario@helios.cnig.pt
Jose Carlos Uva, uva@cnig.pt
Sara Silva, sara@cnig.pt
Filipe Catry, catry@cnig.pt
The Forestry Commission
Northern Research Station
Midlothian EH25 9SY
Tel: +44 131 445 2176
Fax: +44 131 445 5124
Barry Gardiner, B.A.Gardiner@forestry.gov.uk
Chris Quine, M.A.X.Gust@forestry.gov.uk
Juan Suarez, J.C.Suarez@forestry.gov.uk
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Tel: +44 1224 318 611
Fax: +44 1224 311 556
Alistair Law, a.law@macaulay.ac.uk
David Miller, d.miller@macaulay.ac.uk
Marianne Broadgate, egeo17@mail.glg.ed.ac.uk (now at Edinburgh University)
Roger Dunham, Alistair Law@macaulay.ac.uk
Direcção Geral das Florestas
Ministerio de Agricultura
Av. João Crisóstomo, 26 - 28
1000 Lisbon
Tel: +351 1356 1894
Fax: +351 1541 462
Manuela Baptista
Faculty of Forestry
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Tel: +4690 7866 284
Fax: +4690 167 669
Erik Valinger, Department of silviculture, erik.valinger@ssko.slu.se
Jonas Fridman, Department of forest resource management and geomatics, Jonas.Fridman@resgeom.slu.se
Department of Civil Engineering
University College Galway
Republic of Ireland
Tel: +353 915 24411
Fax: +353 917 50507
Michael Rodgers
James Mc Hale, michael.mcdonnel@ucg.ie
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Last update 26th februray, 1999 by Alistair Law@macaulay.ac.uk