AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Umeå Accommodation

Hotel Winn

The hotel is situated in the middle of the city, close to the bus terminals (approx. 50m) and (importantly!) the concert hall (approx. 50m).


     Single Room Double Room Official Price
Oct_22-24 725 SEK 800 SEK 1095/1265 SEK
Oct_25-26 400 SEK 600 SEK 450/620 SEK

The price includes breakfast, buffet and sauna. Contact Erik Valinger, who will book a room for you (although hopefully everyone will have done this by now).

The Hotel Accepts Mastercard


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Alistair Law - a.law@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Tue Aug 13 11:54:08 BST 1996

Last modified: Thu Oct 10 14:48:33 BST 1996