AAIR Project No PL 94-2392


1. Bring (mapped if possible) examples of model/method output.

2. Read the accompanying information thoroughly and have a good look at the Web Interface diagram

3. Note down any points you are unsure about, issues that are not addressed etc.

4. Consider, in detail, how your work fits into this structure and whether the proposals are feasible according to your work
- How might your model best be portrayed within this structure?
- What relevant silvicultural advice would you contribute to the advice box?
- What broad problem specification categories would you use to help select models?
Are tree species/soiltype/location appropriate?
- How would you communicate the scale and error issues associated with your model to a user?

5. Study the Damage Model diagrams (I didn't have enough information about the climate models to make up diagrams for those too) and add any missing elements to them and correct any inaccuracies. Focus particularly on any models that are your own work. These diagrams are to give an overview for the whole group of the models, and as a framework for me to start creating the web interface. They should therefore be considered an expanded version of the VULNERABILITY box on the "Web Interface Access...." diagram. In addition they show some notes about which aspects of the model output might be considered for inclusion in the demonstrator, and how the information might fit in with the silvicultural strategies at the bottom of the diagram.

6. Consider how future developments might enhance the products noted below

7. Identify what contractual links on the "interactions" matrix (interparticipant) exist and which have (and haven't) been achieved (and why).


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Alistair Law - a.law@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Mon Oct 14 16:09:24 BST 1996