AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Publications, Presentations and Demonstration Materials


Reviewed Papers
    Miller, D.R., Quine, C.P and Broadgate, M.L. (1996) "The role of digital photogrammetry in forest management." In: Mapping and Monitoring of Foresty by Remote Sensing, (Ed. S. Folving, and P. Kennedy), Joint Research Centre, Ispra.
    (go to FTP site to download file)
  1. Forest Inventory by Remote Sensing, Workshop, Vienna, October, 1996 (DGVI, JRC).
  2. Risk Appraisal for Environmental Management, JEC'96, Vienna, April, 1997.
  3. Scottish Planning and Environmental Law Conference, Dunblane, Scotland, February 1997
    Professional Bodies, Commercial Companies and Academic Organizations
  1. United Kingdom Forest Authority, May 1996
  2. Scotia Agricultural Club, May 1996
  3. National Trust for Scotland, August 1996
  4. Department of Agriculture, University of Aberystwyth, March 1997
  5. Scottish Agricultural College, December 1996
Power Point Demonstrations
    "The role of digital photogrammetry in forest management"
    (go to FTP site to download file)

    MLURI FTP site for data relating to Sub-Task 4.2


| Administration | Data | FTP site (MLURI) |


| Description | Objective | Participants | Photo Gallery | WWW Resources | PROJECT home page |
Marianne Broadgate - m.broadgate@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Tue Aug 13 11:54:08 BST 1996