1.Tree models Scots pine dominated stands in Northern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using
tree characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are five input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics volume over bark,
clear bole height, relative crown length, breast height taper,
and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Scots pine in north Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Volume over bark (v)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m3
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Clear bole height (cbh)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 Height to living crown, m
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Relative crown length (rcl)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Breast height taper (brt)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 Diameter at breast height/height-1.3, cm/m
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Ratio height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 m/cm
isensitiv5 Sensitive
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
csumm Volume over bark 1.2052
Clear bole height -0.3210
Relative crown length -3.2955
Breast height taper 1.0413
Ratio height to diameter at breast height 4.2336
Model ntprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-5.1597+(1.2052*v)-(0.3210*cbh)-(3.2955*rcl)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm ntall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 ntprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates 107.005 with 5 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0002
v 0.0001
cbh 0.0001
>rcl 0.0002
brt 0.0001
rthd 0.0001
mech_mth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
(1.0413*brt) +(4.2336*rhd))))
(then the result multiplied by 100 to get in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from whole Sweden (1114 sample plots).
2% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

2.Tree models Scots pine dominated stands Mid Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model description
Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using
tree characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are five input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics height, diameter,
volume over bark, crown length, and breast height taper.
Valid only for Scots pine in mid Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models.
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Height (h)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Diameter at breast height (dbh)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 cm
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Volume over bark (v)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m3
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Crown length (crl)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Breast height taper (brt)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 diameter at breast height/height-1.3, cm/m
isensitiv5 Sensitive
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
csumm Height, h -05142,
Diameter, dbh 0.4928
Volume over bark, v -6.1137
Crown length, crl 0.1390
Breast height taper, brt -3.1137
Model: mtprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-1.2942-(0.5142*h)+(0.4928*dbh)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm mtall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 mtprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a site
using tree characteristics when dominating species is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates 166.717 with 5 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.3541
h 0.0001
dbh 0.0001
v 0.0001
crl 0.0001
brt 0.0001
mech_meth n/a log_meth Logistic model
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from mid Sweden (745 sample plots).
2.2% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

3.Tree models Scots pine dominated stands Southern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are three input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics volume over bark, relative crown length, and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Scots pine in south Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Volume over bark (v)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m3
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Relative crown length (rcl)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m/cm
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
csumm Volume over bark, v -0.7269
Relative crown length, rcl -2.2153
Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd -4.5333
Model stprob=1-(1/(1+exp(0.8633-(0.7269*v)-(2.2153*rcl)-(4.5333*rhd))))
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm stall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 stprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates
176.398 with 3 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0122
v 0.0001
rcl 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model stprob=1-(1/(1+exp(0.8633-(0.7269*v)-(2.2153*rcl)-(4.5333*rhd))))
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from south Sweden (1187 sample plots). 3.0% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

4. Tree models Norway spruce dominated stands Northern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are three input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics relative crown length, upper taper, and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Norway spruce in north Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Relative crown length, rcl
ifile1 ?
idescr1 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 upper taper, ut
ifile2 ?
idescr2 upper diameter/height-height to upper diameter, cm/m
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m/cm
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
csumm Relative crown length, rcl -1.6554
Upper taper, ut 0.1827
Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd -1.2577
Model ntprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-1.4308-(1.6554*rcl)+(0.1827*ut)-(1.2577*rhd))))
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm ngran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 ntprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
68.979 with 3 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0030
rcl 0.0001
ut 0.0004
rhd 0.0003
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model ntprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-1.4308-(1.6554*rcl)+(0.1827*ut)-(1.2577*rhd))))
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from north Sweden (929 sample plots). 3.7% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

5. Tree models Norway spruce dominated stands Mid Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree
characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are six input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics height,
diameter, volume over bark, clear bole height, relative crown length,
and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Norway spruce in mid Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Height, h
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Diameter at breast height, dbh
ifile2 ?
idescr2 cm
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Volume over bark, v
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m3
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Clear bole height, cbh
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Relative crown length, rcl
ifile5 ?
idescr5 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv5 Sensitive
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
ivar6 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd
ifile6 ?
idescr6 m/cm
isensitiv6 Sensitive
isensdescr6 Logistic procedure
csumm height, h 0.1680
diameter, dbh -0.1192
volume over bark, v +1.2076
clear bole height, cbh -0.7248
relative crown length, rcl -10.2995
Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd -5.2201
Model mtprob=1-(1/(1+exp(11.2908+(0.1680*h)-(0.1192*dbh)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm mgran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 mtprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
244.483 with 6 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
h 0.0001
dbh 0.0001
v 0.0001
cbh 0.0001
rcl 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model mtprob=1-(1/(1+exp(11.2908+(0.1680*h)-(0.1192*dbh)+(1.2076*v)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from mid Sweden (579 sample plots).
6.1% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

6. Tree models Norway spruce dominated stands Southern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are three input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics low taper, breast height taper, and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Nprway spruce in south Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Low taper (t)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 Diameter at stump height/height to upper diameter, cm/m
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Breast height taper (brt)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 diameter at breast height/height-1.3, cm/m
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m/cm
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
csumm low taper, t 0.1436
breast height taper, brt 1.1971
Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd 3.0594
Model stprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-7.8283+(0.1436*t)+(1.1971*brt)+(3.0594*rhd))))
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile none
cexpspecfile none
osumm sgran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 stprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
31.534 with 3 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
t 0.0001
brt 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model stprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-7.8283+(0.1436*t)+(1.1971*brt)+(3.0594*rhd))))
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from mid Sweden (1678 sample plots). 3.3% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

7. Tree models Birch dominated stands Whole Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Tree characteristic model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree
characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
Operating system PC Windows 95
isumm There are four input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics diameter,
clear bole height, relative crown length, and ratio of height to diameter
at breast height.
Valid only for Birch in whole Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Diameter at breast height (dbh)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 cm
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Clear bole height (cbh)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 m
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Relative crown length (rcl)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m/cm
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
csumm diameter, dbh 0.0167
clear bole height, cbh -0.9561
relative crown length, rcl -9.5631
Ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd 3.8522

(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm wbirch
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 wtprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at
a site using tree characteristics when dominating species is Birch
Chi-square for covariates
181.857 with 4 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0840
dbh 0.0001
cbh 0.0001
rcl 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model wtprob=1-(1/(1+exp(1.6356+(0.1067*dbh)-(0.9561*cbh)-(9.5631*rcl)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from whole Sweden (498 sample plots).
2.0% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

8. Integrated models Scots pine dominated stands Northern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 20th May 1997
model_name Integrated model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree,
stand, and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample
plot, and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are seven input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics mean
diameter at breast height, longitude, latitude, altitude, proportion
of Norway spruce, stand age, and site index.
Valid only for Scots pine in north Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Mean diameter at breast height (mdia)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 cm
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Longitude (long)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 degrees
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Latitude (lat)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 degrees
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Altitude (alt)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Proportion of spruce (pns)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 Percentage. Maximum value is 30%
isensitiv5 Sensitive
ivar6 Stand age (age)
ifile6 n/a
idescr6 years
isensitiv6 Sensitive
ivar7 Site index (SI)
ifile7 ?
idescr7 m
isensitiv7 Sensitive
csumm mean diameter, mdia 0.0702
longitude, long 0.5557
latitude, lat -0.8426
altitude, alt 0.00417
proportion of spruce, pns 0.0337
stand age, age -0.0237
site index, SI -0.0519
Model niprob=1-(1/(1+exp(40.9407+(0.0702*mdia)+(0.0.5557*long)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm ntall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 niprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates
288.584 with 7 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
mdia 0.0001
long 0.0001
lat 0.0001
alt 0.0001
pns 0.0001
age 0.0001
SI 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model niprob=1-(1/(1+exp(40.9407+(0.0702*mdia)+(0.0.5557*long)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from north Sweden (1114 sample plots)
2.0% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

9. Integrated models Scots pine dominated stands Mid Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
Date 21th May 1997
model_name Integrated model description
Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree, stand,
and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
isumm There are five input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics clear bole height,
latitude, stems ha-1, mean height, and altitude.
Valid only for Scots pine in north Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Clear bole height (cbh)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 height to living crown, m
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Latitude (lat)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 degrees
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 stems ha-1 (sha)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 number of stems ha-1
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Mean height (mh)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Altitude (alt)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 m
isensitiv5 Sensitive
csumm clear bole height, cbh -0.2301
latitude, lat -0.4925
stems ha-1, sha -0.00023
mean height, mh 0.1447
altitude, alt 0.00253
Model miprob=1-(1/(1+exp(25.2076-(0.2301*cbh)-(0.4925*lat)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm mtall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 miprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates
146.158 with 5 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
cbh 0.0001
lat 0.0001
sha 0.0001
mh 0.0001
alt 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model miprob=1-(1/(1+exp(25.2076-(0.2301*cbh)-(0.4925*lat)-(0.00023*sha)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from mid Sweden (745 sample plots).
2.2% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

10. Integrated models Scots pine dominated stands Southern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 21th May 1997
model_name Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree, stand,
and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are seven input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics stand age,
ratio of height to diameter at breast height, altitude, latitude, longitude,
relative crown length, volume over bark.
Valid only for Scots pine in south Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models.
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Stand age (age)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 years
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 m/cm
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Altitude (alt)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Latitude (lat)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 degrees
isensitiv4 Not so sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Longitude (long)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 degrees
isensitiv5 Sensitive
ivar6 Relative crown length (rcl)
ifile6 ?
idescr6 proportion (0 to 1)
isensitiv6 Sensitive
ivar7 Volume over bark (v)
ifile7 ?
idescr7 m3
isensitiv7 Sensitive
csumm stand age, age 0.00644
ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd -3.7129
altitude, alt -0.00300
latitude, lat -0.0868
longitude, long -0.0976
relative crown length, rcl -1.7082
volume over bark, v -0.8781
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspec stall
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 siprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a site
using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species is Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates
221.091 with 7 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0023
age 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
alt 0.0001
lat 0.0212
long 0.0001
rcl 0.0001
v 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model siprob=1-(1/(1+exp(6.5405+(0.00644*age)-(3.7129*rhd)-(0.00300*alt)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from south Sweden (1187 sample plots)
3.0% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

11. Integrated models Norway spruce dominated stands Northern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 21th May 1997
model_name Integrated model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree, stand,
and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are seven input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics mean
diameter at breast height, inclination, site index, peat, longitude,
latitude, and upper taper.
Valid only for Norway spruce in north Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Mean diameter at breast height (mdia)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 cm
isensitiv1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Inclination (inc)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 slope (0-1)
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Site index (SI)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 m
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 peat (peat)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 value 1 or 0
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Longitude (long)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 degrees
isensitiv5 Sensitive
ivar6 Latitude (lat)
ifile6 ?
idescr6 degrees
isensitiv Upper taper (ut)
ifile7 ?
idescr7 diameter at 5 m/height-height to upper diameter, cm/m
isensitiv7 Sensitive
csumm mean diameter at breast height, mdia 0.0583
inclination, inc 3.2033
site index, SI -0.0236
peat, peat 0.7085
longitude, long 0.0938
latitude, lat -0.1587
upper taper, ut 0.2327
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm ngran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 niprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
235.602 with 7 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.1287
mdia 0.0001
inc 0.0001
SI 0.0001
peat 0.0002
long 0.0001
lat 0.0004
ut 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model niprob=1-(1/(1+exp(4.1096+(0.0583*mdia)+(3.2033*inc)-(0.0236*SI)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from north Sweden (925 sample plots)
3.7% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

12. Integrated models Norway spruce dominated stands Mid Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 21th May 1997
model_name Integrated model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree, stand,
and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are six input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics height,
volume ha-1, longitude, latitude, altitude, and crown length.
Valid only for Norway spruce in mid Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Height (h)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Volume ha-1 (vha)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 0.1 m3 ha-1
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Longitude (long)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 degrees
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Latitude (lat)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 degrees
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Altitude (alt)
ifile5 m
isensitiv5 sensitive>
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
ivar6 Crown length (crl)
ifile6 ?
idescr6 m
isensitiv6 Sensitive
csumm height, h -0.1693
volume ha-1, vha 0.00411
longitude, long 0.2319
latitude, lat -1.3365
altitude, alt 0.00957
crown length, crl 0.1494
Model miprob=1-(1/(1+exp(71.8221-(0.1693*h)+(0.00411*vha)
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspec mgran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 miprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1<?td> Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
869.469 with 6 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
h 0.0001
vha 0.0001
long 0.0001
lat 0.0001
alt 0.0001
crl 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model miprob=1-(1/(1+exp(71.8221-(0.1693*h)+(0.00411*vha)+(0.2319*long)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from mid Sweden (579 sample plots)
6.1% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

13. Integrated models Norway spruce dominated stands Southern Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 21th May 1997
model_name Integrated model
description Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree, stand,
and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are eight input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics mean tree height,
diameter at breast height, basal area, mean diameter at breast height,
volume ha-1, longitude, and altitude.
Valid only for Norway spruce in south Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Diameter at breast height (dbh)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 cm
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Mean height (mh)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 m
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Mean diameter at breast height (mdia)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 cm
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Basal area (ba)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 m2 ha-1
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Volume ha-1 (vha)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 0.1 m3 ha-1
isensitiv5 Sensitive
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
ivar6 Sediment (sediment)
ifile6 ?
idescr6 value 1 or 0
isensitiv6 Sensitive
isensdescr6 Logistic procedure
ivar7 Longitude (long)
ifile7 ?
idescr7 degrees
isensitiv7 Sensitive
isensdescr7 Logistic procedure
ivar8 Altitude (alt)
ifile8 ?
idescr8 m
isensitiv8 Sensitive
isensdescr8 Logistic procedure
csumm diameter at breast height, dbh -0.0265
mean height, mh 0.0564
mean diameter at breast height, mdia 0.0625
basal area, ba 0.0866
volume ha-1, vha -0.00084
sediment, sedi -0.8897
longitude, long 0.0915
altitude, alt 0.00354
siprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-7.0747-(0.0265*dbh)+(0.0564*mh)+(0.0625*mdia) +(0.0866*ba)-(0.00084*vha)-(0.8897*sedi)+(0.0915*long)+(0.00254*alt))))
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm sgran
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 siprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Norway spruce
Chi-square for covariates
316.780 with 8 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.0001
dbh 0.0001
mh 0.0001
mdia 0.0001
ba 0.0001
vha 0.0001
sedi 0.0001
long 0.0001
alt 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
Model siprob=1-(1/(1+exp(-7.0747-(0.0265*dbh)+(0.0564*mh)+(0.0625*mdia)
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from south Sweden (1708 sample plots)
3.3% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger

14. Integrated models Birch dominated stands Whole Sweden

user_name Erik Valinger
user_organisation Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date 21th May 1997
model_name Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using tree,
stand, and site characteristics from the thickest sample tree at each sample plot,
and measured stand and site data from the same plot.
software Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system PC Windows 95
isumm There are eight input variables in model.
The risk of damage is modeled using the characteristics basal area,
moisture, sediment, longitude, latitude, altitude, clear bole height,
and ratio of height to diameter at breast height.
Valid only for Birch in whole Sweden.
Ispecfile Similar to that for earlier Umea models
iexpspecfile n/a
ivar1 Basal area (ba)
ifile1 ?
idescr1 m2 ha-1
isensitiv1 Sensitive
isensdescr1 Logistic procedure
ivar2 Moisture (moist)
ifile2 ?
idescr2 value between 1 and 4 (1=dry, 4=wet)
isensitiv2 Sensitive
isensdescr2 Logistic procedure
ivar3 Sediment (sedi)
ifile3 ?
idescr3 value 1 or 0
isensitiv3 Sensitive
isensdescr3 Logistic procedure
ivar4 Longitude (long)
ifile4 ?
idescr4 degrees
isensitiv4 Sensitive
isensdescr4 Logistic procedure
ivar5 Latitude (lat)
ifile5 ?
idescr5 degrees
isensitiv5 Sensitive
isensdescr5 Logistic procedure
ivar6 Altitude (alt)
ifile6 ?
idescr6 m
isensitiv6 Sensitive
isensdescr6 Logistic procedure
ivar7 Clear bole height (cbh)
ifile7 ?
idescr7 m
isensitiv7 Sensitive
isensdescr7 Logistic procedure
ivar8 Ratio of height to diameter at breast height (rhd)
ifile8 ?
idescr8 cm/m
isensitiv8 Sensitive
isensdescr8 Logistic procedure
csumm basal area, ba 0.0682
moisture, moist 1.1653
sediment, sedi 0.6819
longitude, long 0.2438
latitude, lat -0.2566
altitude, alt 0.00685
clear bole height, cbh -0.4522
ratio of height to diameter at breast height, rhd 3.0790
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile None
cexpspecfile none
osumm wbirch
ospecfile ?
oexpspecfile See above
ovar1 wiprob
ofile1 ?
odescr1 Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind
at a site using tree, stand, and site characteristics when dominating species
is Birch
Chi-square for covariates
315.620 with 8 DF (p=0.0001)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.6938
ba 0.0001
moist 0.0001
sedi 0.0001
long 0.0001
lat 0.0001
alt 0.0001
cbh 0.0001
rhd 0.0001
mech_meth n/a
log_meth Logistic model
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope Model developed from a sample of data from whole Sweden (498 sample plots)
2.0% of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage well by cross-validation
other ?
copyright Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact Associate Professor Erik Valinger