user_name |
Erik Valinger
user_organisation |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
S-901 83 Umea
date |
5th June 1996
model_name |
Tree characteristic model
description |
Describes probability of snow and wind damage at sites using
tree characteristics
software |
Developed in SAS 6.10 but Excel 7.0 will do
operating_system |
PC Windows 95
isumm |
There are three input variables at this stage of model development.
The risk of damage is modelled using upper diameter and height/diameter
at breast height ratio.
Valid only for Scots pine.
ispecfile |
P | D | A | H | D | U | h | S | C | p | p | M | E | N | p |
l | a | g | e | i | p | d | t | l | r | r | a | a | o | r |
o | m | e | i | a | p | q | a | o | o | o | x | s | r | o |
t | a | | g | m | e | | n | s | p | p | D | t | t | b |
| g | | h | e | r | | d | u | b | d | i | c | h | |
| e | | t | t | d | | a | r | | | a | o | c | |
| | | | e | i | | g | e | | | m | o | o | |
| | | | r | a | | e | | | | | r | o | |
1 | 0 | 17 | 10.5 | 16.0 | 12 | 0.65625 | 35 | 11 | 7.2091 | 7.2091 | 16.0 | 1558900 | 7096700 | 5.612 |
iexpspecfile |
Plot number
Damaged=1, undamaged=0
Age in years
Height measures in metres
Diameter measures in centi-metres
Upper diameter in centi-metres
HDQ in m/cm
Standage, year
closure in %
Proportion of birch, as a percentage %
Proportion of deciduous trees, as a percentage %
Maxd, maximal diameter at the plot, cm
Eastern co-ordinate in Swedish grid
Northern co-ordinate in Swedish grid
Calculated probability of damage from snow and wind, %
ivar1 |
upper diameter
ifile1 |
idescr1 |
Diameter at 3 or 5 metre, cm
isensitiv1 |
isensdescr1 |
Logistic procedure
ivar2 |
ifile2 |
idescr2 |
Height to diameter at breast height ratio
isensitiv2 |
Not Very Sensitive
isensdescr2 |
Logistic procedure
csumm |
Upperdia -0.0855
HDQ -4.0454
Model acprob=1-(1/(1+exp(0.8582-(0.0855*ovdia)-(4.0454*hdq))))
(then multiply by 100 to get the result in percent)
cspecfile |
cexpspecfile |
osumm |
ospecfile |
Excel sheet air/sweden/acscotp.xls
oexpspecfile |
See above
ovar1 |
ofile1 |
odescr1 |
Site probability of snow and wind damage
stat_meth |
Logistic procedure for probability of damage from snow and wind at a
site using tree characteristics when dominating species is
Scots pine
Chi-square for covariates
6.524 with 2 DF (p=0.0383)
Pr > Chi-square
Intercept 0.6283
Upperdia 0.0304
HDQ 0.1133
mech_meth |
log_meth |
Logistic model
(then the result is multiplied by 100 to get it in percent)
scope |
Model developed from a sample of data from the county of
Vasterbotten in northern Sweden (286 sample plots). Thirteen
of the plots had one or more damaged sample trees, damage=1.
Model have been proven to predict damage in a neighbouring well, but fails to predict damage
in a county in southern Sweden, i.e. have to be further improved for other geographic areas.
other |
copyright |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Silviculture
contact |
Associate Professor Erik Valinger