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1. Scientific Articles:

2. Conferences:

  • Identification of crime scene origin through the use of soil organic evidence. - Dawson, L.A. - International Workshop on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics, 8-9th April, 2006, p27.
  • Soil as physical evidence - fingerprinting soils for forensic evidence. - Dawson, L.A. - University of Western Australia, Agricultural Lecture Theatre, Seminar Series Semester 1, Perth, Australia, 11th April 2006.
  • The EPSRC-funded SoilFit project. - Morrisson, A. and Dawson, L.A. - FORensic RESearch and Teaching (FORREST) Conference, University of Central Lancashire, 12th-14th September 2006.
  • Soil as physical evidence. - Smith, C., Dawson, L.A., Morrisson, A. and Andrew, K. - FORensic RESearch and Teaching (FORREST) Conference, University of Central Lancashire. Forensic Institute Research Network FORREST Conference 2006, University of Central Lancashire, 12th-14th September 2006.
  • Towards a soil forensic database: Integration of soil fingerprinting techniques. - Macdonald, L.M., Davy, V., Brewer, M. and Dawson, L.A. - Soil Forensics Workshop at the Californian Association of Criminalists, 108th Fall Seminar, The Climate of Crime: Hot Topics and Cold Hits. 9th - 13th October 2006.
  • Utilising stable isotope ratios in soil forensic science. - Macdonald, L.M., Midwood, A. and Dawson, L.A. - Soil Forensics Workshop at the Californian Association of Criminalists, 108th Fall Seminar, The Climate of Crime: Hot Topics and Cold Hits. 9th - 13th October 2006.
  • The GIMI Network: Geoforensics and Information Management for crime Investigation. - Macdonald, L.M., Dawson, L.A. and Miller, D. - Soil Forensics Workshop at the Californian Association of Criminalists, 108th Fall Seminar, The Climate of Crime: Hot Topics and Cold Hits. 9th - 13th October 2006

3. Popular articles:

    'Digging Deep', Police Professional, 13 July 2006.
    'The Secrets in the Soil' Geographical January 2007
    Interview with Lorna Dawson in the Sunday Post 28 January 2007