Scottish Agricultural College, UK.
Brian Revell graduated in Geography at the University of Birmingham in 1969 and completed an MA Econ at the University of Manchester in Agricultural Economics in 1971. He is presently Senior Economist and Leader of the Economics and Marketing Group of the Department of Agricultural and Rural Economics at the Scottish Agricultural College, Aberdeen. His current research interests lie in the areas of agricultural policy and market analysis, the meat and livestock and aquaculture industries and the economics of the food industry. He has been involved in a number of commissioned research studies in these fields, including "The Rural Economy of the UK LFAs", for the UK Ministries of Agriculture Departments in 1988-89, "Scottish Farm Income Trends and the Natural Heritage", for Scottish Natural Heritage. He is the Scientist responsible for the UK contribution to the EU CAMAR project L'Agro-Alimentaire Paysan Européen (Farm-based food processing in Europe 882-518204-4) which specifically examined on-farm food processing activities for meat and milk. He has acted as an adviser to a wide range of international and national bodies such as the UK Meat and Livestock Commission, Parliamentary Select Committee for Scottish Affairs, Highlands and Islands Enterprise Agency, European Commission DGIV, FAO and the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Revell, B.J. (1990). Understanding Less Favoured Areas - The importance of farming in the rural economy, National Economic Development Council Report, UK.
Revell, B.J. (1990). Politiques d'aide aux zones fragiles rurales au niveau agricole en Grande Bretagne. Presented to Ecole nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forets, Paris.
Revell, B.J. & Dunn, J. (1993). Farm-based food processing in the UK. Scottish Agricultural Economics Review No 7, 73-80.
Revell, B.J. & Crabtree, J.R. (1995 in press). Policy pressures and responses in European livestock systems. Presented at 3rd International Livestock Farming Systems Symposium, MLURI, Aberdeen
Dr Brian Revell
Department of Agricultural and Rural Economics,
Scottish Agricultural College,
581, King Street, Aberdeen. AB9 1UD.
Tel: +44 (0)1224 480 480
Fax: +44 (0)1224 276012