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Livestock systems in rural development in disadvantaged areas

An international conference to be held at the Xenia Palace Hotel, Nafplio, Greece. 23rd-25th January 1997


Dr Walter Schneeberger Institut für Agrarökonomik Wien

Dr François de Casabianca Réseau de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Mediterranéennes, Corsica
Dr Martine François, GRET, Paris

Mrs Regine Albert EQULFA Section, Germany ,Witzenhausen
Fr Marianne Andres Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und Information , Bonn
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bauer Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen
Mr Ralf Bokermann University of Kassel, Witzenhausen
Prof Martina Gerken Institut f. Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik ,Göttingen
Ms Cornelia Halbeisen Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
Dr Rainer Luick Institut f. Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz ,Singen
Dr Mark Morgan University of Stuttgart Stuttgart
Dr Gerold Rahmann University of Kassel, Witzenhausen

Prof. Kostas Apostolopoulos Charokopion University of Athens
Dr Yiannis Hadjigeorgiou Hellenic Republic Ministry of Agriculture, Athens

Dr Alex Koutsouris Agricultural University of Athens
Dr George Mergos Agricultural University of Athens
Dr P. Panagakis Agricultural University of Athens
Mr Ricos Thanopoulos Ministry of Agriculture, Evritania

Dr François Vallerand s/c C.F.C.E Athens
Dr George Zervas Agricultural University of Athens

Dr Lars Olav Eik NLH Agricultural University of Norway ÅS-NLH

Dr Manuel Belo Moreira
Instituto Superior de Agronomía, Lisboa
Dr Inocêncio Seita Coelho, Instituto Superior de Agronomía, Lisboa
Dr Antonio Brasao Cooperative Agricola Valdosende

Dr Dea de Lima Vidal Universidad de Zaragoza
Dr Eduardo Diez-Patier Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Madrid

Dr Javier Martínez Vassallo INIA ,Madrid
Dr Koldo Osoro Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Asturias
Dr Roberto Ruiz Gobierno Vasco, Dpto. Agricultura

The Netherlands
Dr Floor Brouwer
Agricultural Economics Research Institute ,The Hague
Mrs Geesje Kuit Wageningen Agricultural University

Mr Scott Andrews Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester

Mr Jerry Laker LSIRD Aberdeen
Dr John Milne MLURI Aberdeen
Mr Alistair Rutherford Countryside Commission ,Cheltenham
Mr Julian Smith University of Edinburgh
Dr Iain Wright MLURI, Aberdeen
Dr Stuart Ashworth Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive
Mrs Kate Corcoran IERM, Edinburgh

Miss Fiona Newcombe Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive
Dr Brian Revell Scottish Agricultural College, Aberdeen
Ms Vicki Swales, RSPB, UK