Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


Goats EFFN Logo


European Fine Fibre Network

EFFN is a Thematic Network project of the European Commission, DG VI - a network of European researchers, producer organisations and textile manufacturers engaged in research and development on the production and processing of high quality animal textile fibres of European origin (FAIR3 CT96 1597). The programme of workshops finished in December 1999, though the work in Europe on the development of systems for speciality textile fibe production continues.

This website holds many of the publications produced during the course of that project. For further information on current activities, please contact the project organiser, Jerry Laker

EU Flag


Proceedings of seminars

Round trial

European partners

Project Administrator

Jerry Laker

Project Co-ordinator

Dr John Milne

Macaulay Land Use Research Insitute

Last modified by J.Laker: 04/04/2001