Gundersen, P, Emmett, BA, Kjonaas, OJ, Koopmans, CJ, Tietema, A. Impact of nitrogen deposition on nitrogen cycling in forests: a synthesis of NITREX data. Forest Ecology And Management, 1998, Vol.101, No.1-3, pp.37-55 .

Hansen, K, Draaijers, GPJ, Ivens, WPMF, Gundersen, P. Concentration variations in rain and canopy throughfall collected sequentially during individual rain events. Vanleeuwen, NFM. Atmospheric Environment, 1994, Vol.28, No.20, pp.3195-3205.

Mol-Dijkstra, J.P., Kros, H and van der Salm, C. Comparison of simulated forest soil response to acid deposition reduction with two models of different complexity. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special Issue The DYNAMO Project 2(4), 473-483, 1998.

Reynolds, B, Wilson, EJ, Emmett, BA. Evaluating critical loads of nutrient nitrogen and acidity for terrestrial systems using ecosystem-scale experiments (NITREX) Forest Ecology And Management, 1998, Vol.101, No.1-3, pp.81-94 .

Tietema, A., Emmett, B.A and Cosby, B.J. Applying MERLIN for modelling nitrate leaching in a nitrogen saturated Douglas fir forest in the Netherlands after decreased atmospheric nitrogen input. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special Issue The DYNAMO Project Vol 2 (4) 431-438.

VanderSalm, C., Groenenberg, B-J., and Boxman, A.W. Modelling the response of soil and soil solution chemistry upon roofing a forest in an area with high nitrogen deposition. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special Issue The DYNAMO Project 2(4), 451-471, 1998.

Veltkamp, AC, Wyers, GP. The contribution of root-derived sulphur to sulphate in throughfall in a Douglas fir forest. Atmospheric Environment, 1997, Vol.31, No.10, pp.1385-1391 .

Project Site Descriptions