Kangasvaara Site, Nurmes,

East Finland

Finér, L., Ahtiainen, M., Mannerkoski, H., Möttönen, V., Piirainen, S., Seuna, P., and Starr, M., 1997. Effects of harvesting and scarification on water and nutrient fluxes: A description of catchments, methods and results from the pretreatment calibration period. The Finnish Forest Reseach Institute, Research Papers 648, Joensuu Research Station, Joensuu. 38 pp.

Kämäri, J., Rankinen, K., Finér, L., Piirainen, S., and Posch, M., 1998. Modelling the response of soil and runoff chemistry to forest harvesting in a low deposition area (Kangasvaara, Eastern Finland) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2(4), pp. 485-495.

Contact point e-mail: Juha.Kamari@vyh.fi or emir.bilaletdin@vyh.fi

Project Site Descriptions