Acid Waters Monitoring Network, UK

Long term response of surface water ANC from 1850 to 2150. Forecast scenarios from 1991 to 2150 represent four alternative acid deposition scenarios.

Scenario 1: Second S Protocol (red)
Scenario 2: Second S Protocol, remove all N deposition (green)
Scenario 3: All non-marine S removed from present deposition, N held constant at current level (light blue)
Scenario 4: all non-marine S and N removed from present deposition (purple)

Loch Chon

Trossachs region of central Scotland

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Old Lodge

South-east England

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Under Scenario 1 the long-term recovery in stream water ANC does not approach simulated background levels despite reductions in non-marine S deposition of the order of c.50-60% at all sites. Predicted responses fall into two categories:

Sites showing long term deterioration under Scenario 1 and currently leaking N are predicted to recover under Scenario 2. Forecasts under Scenario 3 suggest that recovery is more pronounced , in terms of achieving background ANC, if all non-marine S is removed from deposition. Under Scenario 4, all sites recover towards background ANC but the return to background conditions is predicted to take several hundreds of years.

Project Site Descriptions