Impact of Wind Turbines
Photographic Modelling: Scottish Site
Quantitative Modelling Methods for VIA
Photographic Montages
Photographic Modelling: Welsh Site
Animated Montage Views of Wind Farm - Scottish area
Example of Tan score

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


The Shafer score

The Shafer method is a landscape preference model which uses perimeter and area measurements of certain landscape features. The model predicts how people will score photographs of natural landscapes. The model's terms include those features that are important in a landscape's aesthetic appeal, and also uses the relative proportions of the landscape features and the contrast between them. The textural variation within the landscape, giving the sense of depth in a view, is also taken into consideration. One of the main advantages of this model is the use of second-order terms that describe interrelated and interlocking elements of the landscape.

Preference Y = 184.8 - aX1 - bX2 + c(X1.X2) + d(X1.X4) - e(X3.X5) + f(X2.X6) - g(X4.X6) - h(X4.X5) + j(X1.X1) + k(X5.X5)


X1 = perimeter of immediate vegetation X4 = area of intermediate vegetation
X2 = perimeter of intermediate nonvegetation X5 = area of water
X3 = perimeter of distant vegetation X6 = area of distant nonvegetation


a = 0.5436 d = 0.0005538 g = 0.0008441 j = 0.0006666
b = 0.09298 e = 0.002596 h = 0.0004131 k = 0.0001327
c = 0.002069 f = 0.001634

The Wind Turbine Score

To calcuate the effect of wind turbines on the landscape preference level, the following equation is used:

Preference Z = 170.49 - 0.63Y - 47.38(ln(T+1)) + 4.54(T)


Y = Shafer score
T = number of turbines in the view
Updated: 23 January 2024