The LADSS website has been revised to reflect changes in the work of the LADSS team at The James Hutton Institute (formerly The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute) and to give a single location for our research and publications. The original LADSS website is still available but is now part of a larger collection of project-specific websites.
The focus of our research has evolved over time from land use decision support towards policy support and the concepts of resilience and adaptive capacity.
At present our core research is in the Scottish Government's Sustainable Farming Systems work package within Environment: Land Use and Rural Stewardship.
From April 2011 we will be delivering towards the new Scottish Government Research Programme where we will contribute to the Theme entitled A Rural Economy Resilient to Global and Local Change.
See the research page for more detail.
The following list contains links to project-specific websites that come under the LADSS umbrella.