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Educational Resources

Pipit Run game
Pipit Run game

The GRUB (Grazing and Upland Birds) collaboration is investigating the impacts that grazing animals have on birds. In recent decades, the population of birds in the upland areas of Britain has significantly declined. Among factors implicated in this decline are grazing animals.

Our research varies the amount of grazing that takes place on a series of managed plots. By comparing the differences in the height of vegetation, the abundance of insects, and the egg weight of the birds that feed on those insects, we can see how grazing animals can disrupt the birds.

Our exhibit. ‘Pipit Run’ demonstrates how sheep and cattle grazing affects upland wildlife. This exhibit is available on loan to organisations involved in communicating science to the public. Please e-mail us for more details.

Pipit Run game close-up
Close-up of Pipit Run


Choosing Our Tomorrows

It is the year 2050:

Climate change is the most serious environmental challenge facing our planet today. We have choices in the ways that we individually and collectively respond to this challenge and these choices will result in very different outcomes.

Our responses to climate change will have profound effects on the environment, biodiversity and society.
To illustrate this, the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute has developed a film resource which forms the key element of a science engagement programme aimed at improving public awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding future energy supplies, transport and food security.

Climate Change video posterView Choosing Our Tomorrows on our website or, for a free DVD copy of the video resources, please email us.





Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: CN