
Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit www.photogabor.com This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


Foot and Mouth Research


Decision Support Tools

Webpage Description
LADSS Farm scale land allocation optimiser - Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Hill Plan Hill farm planning tool - Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
VIRiS Economic analysis of consequences of disease - FAO

Information and support

Webpage Description
Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway Council's FMD website
Foot and Mouth Website General information on the outbreak
Farmers Weekly Interactive Farmers Weekly information and discussion website
Farming Help Help and support for farmers from various organisations
The Guardian Guardian Newspaper's FMD website
Financial Times The FT's Foot and Mouth reports and forum

Government Departments,

Agencies and Interest Groups

Webpage Description
SERAD Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department
NFUS The National Farmers Union of Scotland
MAFF MAFF foot and mouth advice and information
SEPA The Scottish Environmental Protection Agencies FMD webpage
NAW National Assembly for Wales Foot and Mouth website

Research Centres

Webpage Description
Arkleton Centre Rural Development Research